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Monday, November 30, 2009

Bond 52 Dickey

52. George Dickey & 53. Nancy L ? [SC, MS]

~1779 George born in SC, s/o 104. William Dickey.
1790 Nancy born in SC. [She may not be his 1st wife].
No.62:(S) 1790 Census. George m<16.
1798, George moved to MS from SC. (S) Family notes – land claim.
1799, George received land in Washington Co., MS from James Denley.
5/1800, George transferred 1799 land to Richard Brashear.
Bef. 3/3/1803, George married Nancy.
1809, George petitioned for land. (S) Washington Dist. Land office.
1811, George paid taxes in Wayne Co., MS. (S) MS Terr. tax list.
1812, George paid taxes in GreeCo., MS. (S) MS Terr. tax list.
(S) 1820 Census, MS, PerrCo. It appears the mother of either George or Nancy is living with them.
(S) 1825 MS Census, JaxCo. George.
(S) 1830 Census, MS, JaxCo Living next to James O’Neal and son Steward. The listing is not clear which children belong to who.
Bef. 1840, George died. Not in 1840 Census.
(S) 1840 Census, MS, Pike Co. Nancy living with son George W.
11/22/1850, (S) 1850 Census, MS, Pike Co., Bt5. Nancy living with son George W.
7/26/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, Pike Co., Holmesville. Nancy living with son George W.
Aft. 1860 Nancy died in MS.

Family notes:
• (S) Land Claims in Mississippi Territory, 1789-1834. – Please to take notice, that the following tract of land is claimed by Richard Brashear, of Washington Co. Mississippi Terr., under and in virtue of a settlement made by Patrick Brewer, in June, 1797, transferred by said Brewer to Sampson Mounger, 1798, and by said Mounger to James Denley in the same year, and by said Denley to George Dickey, in 1799, and by said Dickey to this claimant in May, 1800 , bounded as follows, to wit: beginning on a white oak, and running north, thirty degrees west, eighty chains, to a tupelo gum; thence, south, sixty degrees west, eighty chains to a pine; thence, south, thirty degrees east, eighty chains, to a pine; thence, north, sixty degrees east, eighty chains, to the beginning; including in said lines six hundred and forty acres, now delivered to the register of the land office to be established east of Pearl river, to be recorded as directed by said act. … John Denley was presented as a witness, … that the claimant had not resided upon it; that George Dickey, the claimant, was the head of a family on the 3rd of March, 1803. … George Dickey , John … , and William … , were presented as witnesses, and being duly sworn and interrogated by the Board, they deposed, that they had no interest in this case. And the said Dickey testified, that he came to this country from SC in the year 1799 , and one of the first houses which he went to was Jordan Morgan ‘s on the land in question; …
• (S) Land Claims in Mississippi Territory, 1789-1834. George Dickey ‘s case: commenced in page 693. – On due consideration, the Board is of opinion that this claimant is entitled to a right of pre-emption to one hundred and sixty acres of land, to be located as follows: Beginning on the margin of the Tombigbee river, on the west side thereof, at the upper corner of Ephraim Barker ‘s donation; thence, with said Barker ‘s line, due north, to his corner; and continuing the same course so far that a line there from, due east, thirteen chains and twenty-five links, and thence, due south, to the margin of said river, and thence down the same to the place of beginning, shall include one hundred and sixty acres. And the Board doth order that a certificate be granted to him accordingly.
• Ann Elizabeth Dickey, married to James ( 12), is sometimes identified as a sister to Susanna and Thana. This is not likely since Ann was born ~1834, about 30 years after Susanna and Thana. The only Dickey’s in southern MS in 1820 are George and Stuart in PerrCo., and a Jeptha Dicke in Marion Co. Only George and his son Steward, born ~1801, are in the 1830 Census in southern MS. (except possibly Pike Co. – records do not exist).

Children of George and Nancy:

i. Steward Dickey (26), born ~1801.

ii. Thana Dickey ( 31), born 9/1804.
(S) Cochran Family, Biloxi Public Lib., G&H Dept.

iii. Susanna Dickey, born 9/1804-5 in GA.
~1819 Susanna married William O’Neal ( 60iii), brother of James ( 30), married to her sister Thana ( 31).
No.60:(S) 1820 Census. f:16-26, she is living with her husband with his father’s family.
(S) 1830–50 Census. See William.
1852, William died.
9/5/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, HarrCo, PD5, Flint Creek. Widow. Living next to her father-in-law and two of her nephews. b:1795. She has a personal estate of $2000. Son “E” has a personal estate of $3000.
7/25/1865, Susanna died in JaxCo. She is buried in the Hickman-Bond Cemetery, StnCo., MS.
Elizabeth Jane O’Neal, born 10/16/1820 in MS. (S) 1830 Census.
10/1/1846 she married John Bond16ii.
9/2/1856 she died, buried in Hickman-Bond Cem., StnCo., MS.
George O’Neal, born 1822 in MS. (S) 1830,1850 Census. See No.30.
William O’Neal Jr, born 1827 in MS. (S) 1830, 1840, 1850 Census.
CSA: he served in the same unit as his brothers Lemuel, Jackson, and Eli.
He married Josephine Graham.
He married Elizabeth Forehand.
1885 William died; buried in Hickman-Bond Cem., StnCo., MS. (S) Gravestone.
Col. Lemuel Benton O’Neal, born 1830 in MS. (S) 1840,1850 Census.
He died in the Civil War. “Colonel” was his name, not his rank.
Nancy O’Neal, born 11/26/1829 in MS. (S) 1840,1850 Census.
~1855 she married Nathaniel Bond ( 16v). (S) Who Married Whom in PerrCo., 1985.
12/25/1874 she died; buried in Hickman-Bond Cem., StnCo., MS. (S) Gravestone.
Pres. Andrew Jackson O’Neal, born 1835 in MS. (S) 1830,1840,1850 Census.
He died in the Civil War as a prisoner in Chicago, IL.
Susanna Aletha O’Neal, born 1839 in MS. (S) 1840,1850 Census.
8/28/1867 she married Wesley Spikes. (S) HarrCo., MB5, P20.
E O’Neal, m, born 1841 in MS. (S) 1860 Census.
Elisha Washington O’Neal, born 11/27/1842 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
CSA: he served in the same unit as his brothers Lemuel, Jackson, and William.
11/3/1867 he married Mary Ann Rouse, born 5/12/1845, d/o Wm H Rouse. (S) HarrCo., MB5, P32.
8/31/1912 Elisha died.

iv. George Washington Dickey, born 3/10/1811 in MS.
No.52:(S) 1820 Census. as m:<10.
George married Emily L Gibson, born 2/13/1813 in MS.
No.52:(S)1830, Married and living with his father.
(S) 1840 Census, MS, Pike Co. His mother is living with him.
(S) 1841 MS Census, Pike Co.
(S) 1843 Tax List, Pike Co., MS. 1 white, 6 slaves.
(S) 1845 MS Census, Pike Co.
No.53:(S) 1850 Census.
(S) 1850 Slave Schedule, MS, Pike Co. 21 slaves: 9 b-m ages 26, 25, 24, 14, 14, 10, 10, 5, 1; 11 b-f ages 58, 41, 28, 20, 19, 16, 12, 4, 4, 4, 2; 1 m-m age 7.
No.53:(S) 1860 Census. George is a farmer. He has land valued at $8,100, and a personal estate of $34,000.
7/21/1870, (S) 1870 Census, MS, Pike Co. Chatawa. George is a Butcher. His land is valued at $5,000, and his personal estate at $500.
6/3/1880, (S) 1880 Census, MS, Pike Co., D1, Bt1. Because of “old age” George can no longer tend to his farm. 2 of their daughters live with them.
6/17/1881, George died; buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
6/3/1885, Emily died; buried with George.
John C Dickey, born 1833 in MS. (S) 1850 Census.
He married Lamenda C Powell, born 1838 in MS.
1894, he died; buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
Robert H Dickey, born 8/13/1835 in MS. (S) 1850 Census.
He married widow Sarah Ann Prewitt, born in MS; 1/5/1839–8/3/1914; buried with Robert.
3/19/1904 he died; buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
William L Dickey, born 3/29/1840 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
1864, William married Caroline A Coney, born 5/26/1845 in MS, d/o Jeremiah & Emily.
8/15/1907, William died; buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
3/6/1919, Caroline died; buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
Seaborn H Dickey, born 4/22/1843 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
He married Sarah Simmons, d/o Geo. Wash. & Mary Magee; 11/19/1846–3/21/1909; buried with Seaborn.
9/27/1915 he died; buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
Sarah C Dickey, born 1845 in MS. (S) 1850,1860,1880 Census.
Zebulon H Dickey, born 6/15/1847 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
He married Mary Alice Johnson, d/o William & Martha, 4/19/1853–11/11/1930; buried with Zeb.
6/1/1926 he died, buried in George Washington Dickey Cem., Pike Co.
Rosalind Dickey, born 1849 in MS. (S) 1860 Census.
Frances Viana Dickey, born 1851 in MS. (S) 1860,1870,1880 Census.
8/3/1892, she married Dr. S C Webb in Pike Co.
C Elizabeth Dickey, born 1853 in MS. (S) 1860,1870 Census.
