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Friday, November 20, 2009

Bond - Battle of New Orleans

The battle took place on 1/8/1814 near what is now Chalmet, LA. Hardened British veterans of the Peninsular Campaign in Spain fell by the score, including nearly 80 percent of a splendid Scottish Highlander unit that tried to march obliquely across the American front. Both of Pakenham’s senior generals were shot early in the battle, and the commander himself suffered two wounds before a shell severed an artery in his leg, killing him in minutes. His successor wisely disobeyed instructions to continue the attack and pulled the British survivors off the field. More than 2,000 British had been killed or wounded. The American loss was eight killed and 13 wounded. The Americans took 500 prisoners, but it was the sight of those on the field that made the deepest impression. William Lawrence, an American militiaman, later claimed, “I could have walked on the dead bodies of the British for one quarter of a mile without stepping on the ground.”

Multiple associated family members served in this battle including Captain John L Bond, and Lt. William Bond. They recruited several members of the clan and then reported to Fort Stoddard on October 26th.

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