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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Louis Vinçonnau & Catherine Douçin

358. Louis Vinçonnau & 359. Catherine Douçin [Fra, AL] 

By 1681, Louis born in Peringy en Aunix, France, s/o 716. Guillame Vinconnau & 717. Mathurin Pajeau. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, 10/1987, P78.
By 1685, Catherine born in Anais en Poitou, France, d/o 718. Pierre Doussin & 719. Marie Minet. (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, 10/1987, P78.
8/1/1712, in LaRochelle, Parish of Notre Dame, France; Louis married Catherine. (S) Family notes.
Bef. 1719 Louis, a master tailor, arrived in LA from France.
3/17/1719, Catherine arranged for transportation with her daughter to LA. (S) Family notes.
3/21/1719, they set sail on the Dauphine, and in company with the ship St Louis, both of which carried colonists, prisoners [to become colonists], and soldiers.
6/26/1719 the ship arrived at Pensacola. The ship off loaded supplies and then sailed to New Orleans. The colonists were sent to Dauphin Island where they remained until July.
7/1/1720, Louis married Catherine after she arrived from France with daughter Marie.
Before 1723 Louis died.
6/13/1723 Catherine married 2nd widowed Joseph Simon de la Pointe, born 1632, a native of Quebec, who arrived with Bienville, as well as his good friend Jean Baptise Baudreau Dit Graveline350. He eventually owned most of what is now North Pascagoula, MS. The small building known as “The Old Fort” on the lake front was his carpenter shop. The family cemetery is next to it. He was believed to be an Admiral in the French Navy, and in 1717 was sent to build a fort on “Lake Catahoua”. Marie Vinconnau grew up as his step daughter and married Graveline’s son. (S) Love’s Legacy, P29. (S) SLC, M1, P65.
3/1/1734, Catherine and Joseph hosted the wedding of her daughter Marie in their home in Pascagoula. (S) No. 178 Family notes.
11/3/1736, Catherine was named the godmother for the baptism of her granddaughter Mary178i and present for the baptism of grandson Jean178ii. (S) Love’s Legacy, P123. (S) MAA, MB1, P16a.
12/4/1736, Catherine was the godmother in the baptism of Simon Pierre Millon in Pascagoula. “The godmother declared she did not know how to sign”. (S) MAA, MB–1, P17. [The godfather was her husband Joseph Simon de la Pointe.]
2/21/1747, Catherine “Doussaint” was present at the marriage of Francois Barbet & Jeanne Simon. (S) MAA, MB–1, P34.
2/7/1750, Catherine gifted 21 cows to her grandchildren by her daughter Marie. (S) No. 178 Family notes – separation agreement.
3/30/1752 Catherine died in Mobile, AL. (S) Mobile Funerals, 1726-1764, P30.
4/22/1752 in Mobile, Catherine’s property is divided amongst her children. (S) No. 178 Family notes – separation agreement.
(S) The New Orleans French 1720-1733, P94. (S) St. Louis Basilica, N.O., LA, Bureau of Archives., P28. (S) 2/1968 New Orleans Genesis, Vol.5, No. 19. (S) Creole Mobile, P43.

Family notes:
• “Doucin” also spelled “Doussin” (because the “c” is soft). The same is true for Vinconnau.
• “On August 1, 1712, after the bethrothal and the publication of the three banns made according to the laws of the Church and this diocese, and without there being found any impediment, to our knowledge, I, a priest, Vicar, the undersigned, have recived the mutual consent to the marriage of Louis Vinconneau, tailor, native of Perigny en Aunix, living in this town, parish of Notre Dame, son of Guillame Vinconneau, gardener, and Mathuring Pajeau, his father and mother on the one part, and Catherine Doussin, native of the parish of Anais en Poitou, also living in this town, and parish of Notre Dame, daughter of the deceased Pierre Doussin, master carpenter of big jobs, and Marie Minet, her father and mother, on the other part; following which I have joined them in marriage and given them the nuptial blessing according to the method of our holy mother the Church, in presence of Guillaume Vinconneau, father of the groom, Abel Vinconneau, uncle of the groom, Pierre Vinconneau, cousin of the groom, and John Cabot, friend of the groom, Pierre Maudet, friend of the bride, Anne Goeffre, friend of the bride, Jeanne Maudet, friend of the bride, Mr. Gerard Pineau, Procurator at the presidial seat of this town. The parties have signed and the others stated they could not.” /s/ Granier, Priest of Notre Dame; /s/ P Vinconneau, … (S) MCH&GS, V23, #3, P78.
• “On September 13, 1715, I, the undersigned, have baptized Marie Catherine, born on September 11 of the present month, the legitimate d/o Louis Vinconneau, master tailor, and Catherine Doucin, his wife. Godparents are Francois Delame and Marie Chaillou. The father stated he could not write.” /s/ J Grambly, Priest of the Oratory. /s/ Suzanne Duchene. /s/ Francois Delame.
• 3/17/1719, “List of workers for the Company, private passengers, officers, soldiers, and prisoners sent from Lyon embarked on the ship Dauphine, commanded by M Briand de la Feuillee, and bound for Louisiana from La Rochelle: Private Passengers - The Toussaint Party: Catherine Toussaint, wife of Louis Vinsonneau who is already in Louisiana; Marie Vinsonneau, their child...”. (S) 1st Families of LA, V1, P38.
• “On March 30, 1752, I, a Capuchin Curate at Mobile, have buried in the parish cemetery the body of Catherine Doussin, wife of the deceased Joseph Simon Dit La Pointe, who died the same day as above after having received the sacraments of the church. In faith I have signed.” /s/ Father Pierre.

Child of Louis and Catherine:

i. Louis Claude Vinconnau, born ~1713 in La Rochelle, France.
Died as an infant.

ii. Marie Catherine Vinconnau ( 179), born 9/11/1715.
(S) Family notes.
