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Friday, April 23, 2010

Sheriff James Wilsford & Elizabeth Bettenham

39044. Sheriff James Wilsford & 39045. Elizabeth Bettenham     

~1465, James born in England.

~1470, Elizabeth born in England, d/o §§John Bettenham.

8/22/1485, Henry VII succeeded Richard III as King of England.

1499, James, Alderman and Sheriff of London. (S) Hist. and Topo. of Kent, V7, 1798.

1526, James died.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P249. (S) The Virginia Magazine Of History And Biography, Volume 29, P232.

Family notes:

·         James the gs/o William Wilsford of Devonshire, living 1403.

Children of James and Elizabeth:

i. Sir James Wilsford, born ? in England.

1547, Sir James Wilsford of Cranbrook, co. Kent, Provost Marshall of the English Army.

ii. Thomas Wilsforde (19522), born ~1490 in England.
