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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blaise Julliett Dit Avignon & Marie Anne Antoinette De Liercourt

1402. Blaise Julliett Dit Avignon & 1403. Marie Anne Antoinette De Liercourt [Fra, Can]

2/26/1609 Blaise born in St. Agricol, Avignon, France; s/o 2804. Jean Juliet and 2805. Gabrielle Barbarini.
2/26/1611, Blaise christened at St-Agricol, Avignon, Comtat-Venaissin, France.
1634, Antoinette born in Ste. Marguerite, Beauvais, Picardy, France; d/o 2806. Phillip De Liercourt and 2807. Jeanne Patin.
4/31/1644, Blaise left France from La Rochelle for Montréal, Canada.
2/10/1651 in Troi Rivieres, St-Maurice, Quebec, Blaise married Antoinette. Names of both sets of parents are named in the marriage record.
12/31/1651 in Montreal, daughter Mathurine baptized; godmother Mathurine Gode.
11/25/1653, daughter Marie baptized; Dechomeday, the governor of Montreal was present.
8/2/1655 in Montreal, Antoinette godmother to Agethe Barbier.
5/18/1656, son Charles baptized; godfather Charles Lemoine – interpreter; godmother Anne Archambault5918ii.
10/11/1658 in Montreal, son Louis baptized ; godparents Louis Daillebout & Jeanne Lemoyne.
12/9/1658 in Montreal, Blaise, resident of Montreal, attended the wedding of Etienne Lert.
6/22/1659 in Montreal, Blaise godfather to Barbe Richomme.
1660, Blaise killed in battle with Iroquois Indians.
4/20/1660, Blaise buried in Montréal, Canada. (S) Death record - Notre Dame, Montréal – « Noye En Voulant Se Sauver Des Iroquois »
6/11/1660 in Quebec, Antoinette contracted marriage 2nd with Hughes Picard Lafortune. Marie had 4 small children that needed a father.
6/30/1660 in Montreal, Antoinette & Hughes married. Jean Gervais, h/o Anne Archambault was present.
7/6/1661 in Montreal, son Michelle baptized; godfather Gilbert Barbier, master capenter.
8/31/1661 in Montreal, Antoinette godmother to Jean Baptiste Dumets.
5/1/1663 in Montreal, Antoinette godmother to Marie Barbier.
11/3/1663, daughter Marie Anne baptized; godparents Jean Denaiu & Jeanne Lemoyne.
10/20/1664, Marie and Hughes attended the wedding of Mathurine.
(S) 1666 Montreal Census; listed in family of Hughes Picard : Marie de Liercour, 32, « Espouse veuve de Blaise Juillet ». Marie, 13; Charles, 9; Louis, 7; Michelle, 4; Anne, 2.
7/26/1666, Hughes is named the godfather of Mathurine’s 1st son Gabriel.
(S) 1667 Montreal Census; listed in family of Hughes 40; Anne 35; Marie 14; Charles 11; Louis 8; Michelle 5; Anne 3, Marguerite 15 months; Jean – domestic, 25.
2/16/1667, daughter Marguerite baptized ; godmother Marguerite Preudhomme.
6/17/1669 in Montreal, son Jean Gabriel baptized; godfather Jean Fournier.
7/23/1670 in Montreal, Antoinette celebrated the wedding of her daughter Marie.
2/27/1672 in Montreal, son Jacques baptized; godfather Jacques Lemoyne.
8/31/1676, Antoinette a resident of Montreal in wedding document of daughter Michelle.
1681 Census of Montreal, Hughes 50, Antoinette 48, Marguerite 15, Jean 12, Jacques 10, Louis Juilett 22 – domestic.
10/13/1698 in Lachine, Antoinette attended the wedding of her grandson Paul L’Escuyer.
11/13/1703 in Montreal, Antoinette attended the wedding of her granddaughter Marie Catherine, d/o son Charles.
8/16/1704 in Montreal, Antoinette godmother to her great-granddaughter Marie Blos, d/o Marie Catherine.
9/30/1707 Anne, 77, died in Québec, Canada, buried in Montreal, Ile De Montreal by priest Francois Remy. Hughes is indicated as still living.
(S) Lussiter, P1671-2. (S) Bouzage Bosarge, P86. (S) PRDH. (S) L’Abbe C Tanguay, V1.

Family notes:
• Occupation: Becheur (digger).
• Blaise was killed in encounter with Iroquois while defending Montréal. Some sources indicate he was a member of Dollard expedition, but a list of those killed does not include Julliet. He is identified as member of the expedition on later records: Notre Dame Montréal and by L’Abbe C Tanguay. According to Lussiter, he and two companions Duval and Soulard were killed early into the expedition near the Ile St. Paul on the 19th of April, while the rest of the company continued on and were killed on the 21st of May. There is a monument on the banks of the Outaouais River where the expedition died.

Children of Blaise and Antoinette:

i. Mathurine Marguerite Julliett Dit Avignon ( 701), born 12/31/1651.

ii. Marie Julliett Dit Avignon, born and baptized 11/25/1653 in Montréal, PQ.
(S) 1666 Montreal Census, listed with her mother: Marie, 13.
12/8/1668, Marie, 15 years old, is named the godmother of her neice, Mathurine’s daughter Marie Elizabeth. (S) No. 700 Family Notes.
7/23/1670, Marie married Pierre L’Escuyer, born ~1631 in France.
9/29/1736 Marie died in Montreal, PQ.
Marie L’Escuyer I, baptized 8/20/1671 in Montreal.
10/17/1689 in Montreal she married Rene Mallet.
2/17/1721 in Montreal she married Jean Baptiste Renaud.
8/19/1755 she died in Montreal.
Paul L’Escuyer, born 2/15/1676.
10/13/1698 in Lachine, PQ he married Marie Françoise Lecompte.
They settled in Detroit.
Agathe L’Escuyer, baptized 7/6/1679 in Montreal.
Her godmother was her aunt Mathurine Juillet701.
10/25/1693 in Montreal she married Henri Jarry Dit Henrichon.
Jean L’Escuyer, born 6/16/1681.
2/5/1714 in Montreal he married Marie Millet.
They settled in Detroit.
Joseph Marie L’Escuyer, born ?.
4/3/1720 in Montreal he married Catherine Hurtubise.
11/20/1730 in Montreal he married Marguerite Blondeau.
Marie Catherine L’Escuyer, born ~1681.
2/20/1706 in Montreal she married Jacques Milville.
4/5/1717 in Montreal she married Michel Germanau.
8/9/1757 she died in Montreal.
Rene L’Escuyer, born ?.
11/4/1705 in Lachine, PQ he married Suzanne Blaine dit Habelin.
Marie L’Escuyer II, born ~1696 in Montreal.
1/17/1725 in Montreal she married Etienne Roy.
2/25/1734 she died in Montreal.

iii. Charles Julliett Dit Avignon, baptized 5/18/1656 in Montréal, PQ.
(S) 1666 Montreal Census, listed with his mother: Charles, 9.
5/18/1671, Charles, on his 15th birthday, is named the godfather of his nephew, Mathurine’s son Jean350. (S) No. 700 Family Notes.
12/4/1679, Charles married Catherine Sainctar, baptized 12/21/1653 in Vernon, France. His sister Marie attended the wedding, as did widow Francoise Fleury of Paris, France..
1/25/1683 in Montreal, Charles attended the wedding of his brother Louis.
Blaise Julliett Dit Avignon II, born 1680.
His godfather was his 1st cousin Gabriel Baudreau700i.
7/18/1701 in Montreal he married Marie Madeleine Forestier dit Lafortune.
Marie Catherine Julliett dit Avignon, born 1681.
8/15/1701 in Montreal she married Antoine Forestier Dit Lafortune.
11/13/1703 in Montreal she married Francois Bleau.
3/22/1755 she died in Montreal.
Charles Juillet, born 2/19/1682 in Montreal.
His godfather was Urbain Baudreau dit Graveline700.
Marie Isabel Julliett dit Avignon, born 2/2/1689.

iv. Louis Julliett Dit Avignon, baptized 10/11/1658 in Montréal, PQ.
(S) 1666 Montreal Census, listed with his mother: Louis, 7.
1/25/1683 Louis married Catherine Celles-Duclos.
1/9/1696 in Lachine, Louis attended his brother Jean Gabriel Picard’s wedding.
9/3/1696 in Montreal, Louis attended the wedding of his niece Elisabeth Baudreau700iv.
2/20/1708 in Montréal he attended the wedding of his nephew Paul, s/o Mathurine. (S) Rene Jette.
Catherine Julliett, baptized 7/30/1686 in Montreal.
6/19/1702 in Montreal she married Jacques Hussey.
12/1/1711 in Montreal she married Joseph Poupart Dit Lafleur.
12/21/1764 she died in Montreal.
Louis Julliett, born ? in Montreal.
4/24/1713 in L’Ancienne-Lorette, he married Marie Madeleine Dit Godon.
Marie Louise Julliett, born ~1698 in Montreal.
11/25/1715 in Montreal she married Nicolas Sarrazin.
11/25/1789 she died in Montreal.
Marie Angelique Julliett, born ~1708 in Montreal.
9/9/1737 in Montreal she married Louis Joseph Hubert Dit Lacroix.
10/30/1788 she died in Montreal.

Children of Antoinette and Hugh:

v. Michelle Julliett Picard, baptized 7/6/1661 in Montréal, PQ.
(S) 1666 Montreal Census, listed with her mother: Michel, 4.
8/31/1676 in Montreal, Michelle married Mathieu Gervais, s/o Pierre.

vi. Marie Anne Picard, baptized 11/3/1663 in Montréal, PQ.
(S) 1666 Montreal Census, listed with her mother: Anne, 2.
8/31/1676 in Montreal, Marie married Charles Diel. Her half-sister Marie Juillet also attended.
8/25/1679, Anne attended the baptism of her half-neice, Marie Anne Baudreau.

vii. Marguerite Picard, born 1666 in Montréal, PQ.
10/20/1681 in Montreal, Marguerite married Jean Pare, Sergeant of the garrison of Leriol.

viii. Jean Gabriel Picard, baptized 6/17/1669 in Montréal, PQ.
1/9/1696 in Lachine, Jean married Marie Madeleine Rapein. A large wedding, several family members were present.

ix. Jacques Picard, baptized 2/27/1672 in Montréal, PQ.
10/28/1698 in Montreal, Jacques married Marie Anne Lefevbre, d/o Cunegonde Gervais, d/o Anne Archambault5918ii.

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