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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Roger Royall of Essex & Nancy ?

8304. Roger Royall of Essex & 8305. Nancy ?  

1493, Roger born in Fairstead Parish, Essex, England; s/o 16608. John Royall & 16609. Lucitte ?.

[Roger born during the reign of Henry VII.]

1495, Nancy born in England.

1513–1538, Roger a “brevart” in the service of Henry VIII. (S) Fairstead Parish Register No. 27649. [Roger is shown as being a member of the Palace Guard outside of London.]

Roger a landholder in Essexshire.

1562, Roger died in Essex, England. His will mentions his wife Nancy and sons Roger and John.

Children of Roger and Nancy:

i. Roger Royall, born 1519 in Essex, England.

1576, Roger died in Essex, England.

ii. John Royall (4152), born 1521 in Essex, England.

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