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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lord John Denys & Eleanor Gifford

77968. Lord John Denys & 77969. Eleanor Gifford    

~1440, John Dennys born in Devon, England, s/o 155936. John Dennys & 155937. Joan Thorne.

~1440, Eleanor born in Devon, England, coheir & d/o 155938. Stephen Gifford & 155939. Agnes Churchill.

Bef. 1457, John’s father died. [Based on record break.]

10/26/1457, Letter of Attorney: Sir John Fortescu, … To deliver Seizin to Nicholas Assheton, … Thomas Dowryssh junr., John Denys of Orlee and John More of Columpton (the last 3 all of co. Devon); … (S) UKNA, 157 DD/P/121/1.

10/12/1458, “Letter of attorney. … To deliver to Wm. Paulet, Kt. Robt. Burton, Esq. Jn. Denys of Orlegh, …, seisin of all 1's manors in Rame, Langonet (Devon) Manelegh and Rastradock (St. Cleer) with advowson of ch. of Rame.” (S) UKNA.

11/6/1458, “John Bonevyle squier on that oon partie, John Paulet squier on the seconde partie, and Thomas Kyngeston squier on the thirde partie, cosyns and heires aswell unto Thomas Ponynges knyght lord Seynt John …  These witnessyng: Richard Chok sergeant atte lawe, Thomas Yong, Thomas Uvedale squier, John Orchard, John Sydenham, Thomas Dowrissh, John Denys.” (S) CCRs.

3/1/1460, John Denys involved in a bond on behalf of Margaret of la Pomeray of lands in Devon and Cornwall. (S) UKNA, 3799M-0/ET/17/2.

3/6/1461, Michael Colay, Clerk, was instituted to the Parish Church of Lisnewith ... upon the presentation of John Denys of Orley. (S) Parochial and Family Hist. of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, V2, Mclean, 1876, P408.

6/28/1461, Edward IV crowned at Westminster, beginning the House of York.

1462-63, A fine levied to split properties of Eleanor and her sister Alice; the manor of Thuburgh and a third part of the manors of Esseraffe and Curreworthy (and the advowsons).

1463, “Debtor: Henry Bodrugan, esquire [of Bodrugan in Gorran, Powder Hundred, Cornwall] Creditor: William Beoff, John Copleston, John Denis, and John Reyny [of Cornwall] Amount: £40 Before whom: John Cutler, Mayor of the Staple of Exeter; William Bishop.” (S) UKNA.

12/22/1464, John Wynard esquire, to John Penfoun. Recognisance for 500 marks … in Devon. Condition, that he shall abide and perform the award of John Denys the arbitrator chosen on behalf of John Penfoun and John Orchard … (S) CCRs.

7/24/1466, Bond to abide by decision of John Denys and John Stofford, arbitrators concerning the title to an annual rent of 4s in Puslinch, in dispute between William Prior, Prior of Modbury, and William Mowne and John Uppeton. (S) UKNA, 107/639.

4/8/1469, John Bigwell, Chaplain, was instituted to the Parish Church of Lisnewith ... upon the presentation of John Denys of Orley. (S) Parochial and Family Hist. of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, V2, Mclean, 1876, P408.

4/13/1470, Charter of feofment. (1) Philip Beaumont, esq. (2) John Denys, John Reigny, and John Incledene. [Many manors in many counties named] … Recites that (2) are enfeoffed with the premises, in trust to perform the last will of (1). (S) UKNA, 48/25/9/3.

10/10/1471, John sent servants John and Robert Tothecote to get the rector of the parish church and the godparents for the baptism of his son William. (S) Proof of age of William.

11/3/1472, Richard West, lord la Warre, knight, … Demise and quit claim … manor of Northperet co. Somerset with the advowson … Witnesses: John Dyneham esquire, John Denys of Orlegh, … (S) CCRs.

11/1/1473, “Deed of gift. … dean of the Cathedral church of St Peter, Exeter … tenement and garden in the city of Exeter lying in the parishes of St Martin and St Stephen, … Robert Gyffard, William Martyn clerk, John Oryng, and … Witnesses: John Denys of Orlegh, John Orchard, …” (S) UKNA.

1475, “Thomas Beamont esquire, John Denys, John Reigny and John Incledene with John Beamont esquire For termination of lawsuits between Thomas Beamont and John Beamont including that whereby John Beamont "was Founde Bastard" Conveyance to be made to Philip Courtenay.” (S) UKNA.

10/10/1475, Agnes Giffard, widow [mother of Eleanor], gave the under-mentioned moiety of lands in Plymptre, &c. [Devon], to John Denys of Orleygh and Eleanor his wife, for the term of their lives, with remainder to William, Roger, Robert and Thomas their sons in tail. (S) IPM of John Denys.

5/5/1476, John Gyfford, esq. enfeoffed John Denys of Orleigh, John Orchard, …, and Richard Denys, now deceased [in Devon] … (S) IPM of John Gyfford, Esq., 3/18/1492.

7/25/1476, “Bond to abide by decision of John Denys, John More, John Reyne and Richard Clerke, arbitrators concerning the title to certain messuages and land in Uton.” (S) UKNA.

4/23/1481, John Denys, of Orlegh, John Orchard, …, seised of land in Hamme St. George, Westdowne, Kyntesbery, Cholecomb, Merwode and Braunton, in fee, demised them to Thomas Seyntleger, knight, … (S) IPM of John Fortescu, esquire, 6/7/1502.

1480-1483, “John Halewell, esquire, and Isabel, his wife, previously the wife of Sir Thomas Beaumont, knight. v. John Denys and William Ingledon, feoffees to uses.: Annuity out of the manors of Highanton and Beauford, granted to Isabel by Philip, son of the said late Sir Thomas, in lieu of dower.: Devon.” (S) UKNA.

6/26/1483, Richard III succeeded Edward V as King of England.

5/19/1484, “Thomas Beaumont enfeoffed John Dennys of Orleigh, etc., as in No. 31, Manor fo Lune, Coffyns Heanton, etc.” (S) Report and Transactions – The Devon Assoc., 1906, P254.

7/23/1484, … [Nicholas Stucle] enfeoffed one John Denys of Orlegh and Richard Pree … John Denys and Richard Pree gave the manors of Affeton and Mewshaue, whereof they were seised in fee, to the said Nicholas Stucle, and Anne his wife, who survives, … (S) CIsPM, Nicholas Stucle, esq.

8/22/1485, Henry VII succeeded Richard III as King of England.

1485-86, “John Halewell, knight, and Isabel, his wife, previously the wife of Thomas Bewaumont, knight. v. John Denys: The manors of Heaunton Poncherdon, Umberlegh, Uploman, Sherwell, Youlst[on], Belton, Goseknoll, Bewford, Ayschford, Lancras and Hele.: Devon.” (S) UKNA.

2/10/1487, John Denys [of Orlegh] and Richard Pree gave land and rent in Queyntys and Hakyngton, to the said Nicholas Stucle, and Anne his wife, … (S) CIsPM, Nicholas Stucle, esq.

1/20/1489, Eleanor died. (S) 2/12/1499, Writ of Mandamus.


5/5/1489, William Bylke, Chaplain, was instituted to the Parish Church of Lisnewith ... upon the presentation of John Denys of Orley, alias Orleigh, gent., the true patron. (S) Parochial and Family Hist. of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, V2, Mclean, 1876, P407.

2/12/1499, Writ of Mandamus for Eleanor Denys. One Agnes Gyffard, widow, lately was seised of a moiety of 32 messuages, … by her writing indented, 10 October, 15 Edward IV, gave the said moiety to one John Denys, and the said Eleanor, named in the writ, his wife, for the term of their lives, with remainder to William, Roger, Robert and Thomas, their sons, successively in tail, … She died 20 January, 4 Henry VII. William Denys, aged 27 and more, is her son and heir. (S) CIsPM.

12/5/1490, John gave lands in Beare, Devon, to John Seller, for his good service, to hold for the term of his life. (S) IPM of John. [Also gave lands to  William Whytheman for life.]

12/13/1490, IPM of Mathia, late the wife of John Carewe. Devon: Thomas Wode, serjeant at law, Thomas Greynevyle, …, John Denys of Orlegh, …, esqs., …, being seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee … (S) CIsPM.

5/7/1491, John died. (S) Inquisition, UKNA, C 142/7/6.

5/11/1491, Writ for IPM of John Denys of Orleygh. [See 10/10/1475, 12/5/1490] … Devon: Manor of Orlegh, worth 100s. … Manor of Farlegh, worth £10, … Manor of Playstow, worth £8 4s., … [many other small properties] … He died 7 May last, seised of all the other under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. William Denys, aged 20 and more, is his son and heir. (S) CIsPM.

(S) 1564 Visitation of Devon. (S) Coll’s for a Hist. of Staffordshire, V5, 1902, P39.

Family notes:

·         This “John Denys of Orlegh” appears in many other IPMs of his time. Hence, he was very involved as a feoffee of multiple persons.

·         The Visitation of Devon gives Nicholas as son and heir of William. Working all of the dates that are fixed by family members births and deaths – this is highly unlikely. It requires both William and Nicholas to marry women much older than them and to have their heirs in their teens. It is much more likely that Nicholas is a younger brother of William, who died without heirs.

Children of John and Eleanor:

i. William Dennys, born 10/10/1471 in Bokelond Bruer, Devon, England. (S) IPM of his father.

1491, William’s wardship and marriage given to Roger Holond of Exeter.

William married Anne, d/o Hugh Stucley & Katherine Affeton.

11/10/1498, Proof of age of William Denys, son and heir of John Denys, of Orlegh, esquire, deceased. He was born at Bokelond Bruer and baptized in the parish church there, and was aged 21, 10 October, 9 Henry VII. (S) CIsPM.

2/12/1499, To the escheator in Devon. Order to … meddle no more with the undermentioned lands … it is learnt by inquisition …, that John Denys of Orlegh was seised the day he died of the manors of Orlegh, Farlegh and Plaistowe… William Denys is son and heir of John Denys, and he has proved his age. (S) CCRs.

1509-47, “Plaintiff: Nicholas Denys Defendant: William Denys, John Denys, John Moke, and John Clyff Place or Subject: Forcible ouster at Buckland Brewer County: Devon.” (S) UKNA. [Note Nicholas defending against William.]

12/4/1516, “Indenture of demise by John Speke and Thomas Denys, knights, William Fulford, George Speke and William Denys of Orlegh, esquires, …” (S) A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, V6, 1915. [Last record of William.]

By 1526, William died.

Child: Elizabeth, married Thomas Gifford (d.3/17/1533).

ii. Nicholas Dennys (19492), born ~1476 in Devon, England.

Note: There are 3 brothers between William and Nicholas, which according to the 1475 grant had to be born in consecutive years.

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