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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sylvain Veau & Anne Gallet

3876. Sylvain Veau & 3877. Anne Gallet

1631, Sylvain born in Bourg de Valencay, Diocese de Bourges, France; s/o §Michel Veau & §Louise Le Chevalier.

1648, Anne born in Ville et Eveche de Saint Malo, France; d/o §Nicolas Gallet & §Marguerite Morel.

By 1660, Sylvain traveled to New France where Sylvain was contracted to work for Jean Gagnon.

10/3/1660 in Beaupre, Sylvain attended the marriage contract signing of Renee, d/o 3672. Jean Gagnon & 3673. Marguerite Cochon.

4/11/1662, Sylvain, a tailor, 1 of 46 confirmed by Msgr. Laval at Chateau Richer.

3/13/1664, Syvain received a deed for 3 arpents frontage in Beaupre from Charles Aubert.

6/27/1665, Sylvain bought land in Beaupre near the Ste Anne river.

1666 census of Comte de Montmorency, Sylvain, age 25, tailor, inhabitant.

2/7/1667, Sylvain godfather to Andre Berthelot dit Leloutre, s/o Andre & Marie Gagne.

1667 census of Comte de Montmorency, Sylvain, age 28, a habitant, 1 arpent of cleared land.

3/2/1668, Msgr. Laval renewed the property deeds of Sylvain; Sylvain to pay 3 livres in silver and 3 live capons annually.

6/15/1668 in Ste Anne de Beaupre, Sylvan, resident of Ste Anne, witnessed the baptism of [1827] Marguerite Caron.

1670, Julien gave the church warden, Julien Mercier, 19 livres, 16 sols. [2nd most given in the records for that year.]

9/28/1670, Julien contracted to marry Elisabeth Marchand. [Julien terminated the contract 2 days later.]

10/13/1670 in Ste Anne de Petit Cap, Sylvain, age 39, married Anne, age 22. Both origins given. All parents named. Sylivan’s father deceased. Both of Anne’s parents deceased. Attending: Julien Mercier, Jean Picard, and Etienne Lessart, all of Ste Anne de Beaupre. Anne, a fille de roi, had a dowery of 350 livres.

10/20/1670, Anne godmother to Anne Baret, d/o Jean Baret & Jeanne Bitouset.

10/16/1674, Anne godmother to Anne Magneron, d/o Laurent.

3/24/1675, Anne godmother to Brigitte Lavoie.

Anne returned to France.

1678, Sylvain gave 9 pounds of butter to the fabrique of the church.

1678, Sylvain elected a church warden.

1680, Sylvain named in the census of the Seminary of Quebec.

1681, Sylvain listed as being employed by the Hospitalieres of Quebec.

10/9/1681, Notary Becquet called to Sylvain’s side at Hotel Dieu because he “could not write, because of weakness and the debility of his right arm.” Sylvain desired to be buried in the cemetery of the poor of Hotel Dieu without any pomp or funeral services. He gave to the poor 10 minots of wheat and the 100 sols owed to him by Georges Pelletier. Sylvain requested that Pierre Gagnon [II] take care of his son Etienne, “as his mother is in France and he has no relative in this country.”

1681, Sylvain died in Quebec, New France.

Bef. 11/23/1693, Anne died. (S) Wedding of son Etienne.

(S) Our French-Canadian Ancestors, T.J. Laforest, V-XII.

Child of Sylvain and Anne:

i. Etienne Veau (1938), born 8/23/1671 in Beaupre, Canada.

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