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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baron Roger de Tony & Alice de Bohun

4997468. Baron Roger de Tony & 4997469. Alice de Bohun

~1230, Alice born in England, d/o 47279584. Humphrey de Bohun & 47279585. Maud de Eu.

9/29/1235, Roger de Toeni born in England, heir & 2nd s/o 9994936. Baron Ralph de Tosny & 9994937. Pernel de Lacy.

1239, Roger’s father died at sea. Roger became a ward to Humphrey de Bohun.

6/30/1239, Agreement for Alice to marry Roger de Tony, Baron of Flamstead, Hertfordshire.

4/26/1242, Grant to Queen Eleanor of the custody, during the minority of the heir, of the lands of Ralph de Tony, to receive in her wardrobe all the issues thereof, with the wards and escheats belonging thereto. (S) Epistolae: Women’s Biography, Eleanor of Provence.

10/15/1242, The earl of Hereford & Wessex was ordered to deliver Paincastle to Roger,who held it by knight’s service.

6/20/1251, Memorandum … the earl [H. de Boun, earl of Essex and Hereford] … keep during the minority of Roger son and heir of Ralph de Thoeny, when he comes of age the earl will restore it [Painscastle] to the king to surrender to the heir. (S) CPRs.

1254, Roger married Alice.

1255, Alice living.

10/21/1255, Grant … the king’s gift by reason of his wardship of the lands of Roger de Thoney. (S) CPRs.

12/8/1256, Roger had license to hunt in multiple counties with his own dogs, the hare, the fox, the cat and the badger. (S) CPRs.

10/15/1256, Mandate to William de Sancto Omero and Pernell de Thoeny his wife to restore to Roger de Thony, son and heir of Ralph de Thony, who is of full age and has done homage … his lands, charters, … in the keeping of the said Pernell. (S) CPRs.

10/1257, Roger went to Wales with Edward the king’s son and was among those asked to meet the king in London with all the service they owed.

6/28/1258, Commission of oyer … touching trespasses and excesses committed against Roger de Mortuo Mari … in the parts of Wales by Roger de Thony, … (S) CPRs.

~1259, Grant of Roger, son of Ralph of Tony to William of Mohun, son of the Lord of Mohun. Marriage of William and Juliana, Roger's relation Premises: £10.13s. annual rent in the manor of South Tawton. (S) UKNA.

10/28/1259, Of those who are crossing with the king to France and have protection … Roger de Thony, the elder … (S) CPRs. [French King Louis and Queen Margaret hosted a family Christmas gathering in Paris that included King Henry III and Queen Eleanor. Margaret and Eleanor were sisters.]

1260, Roger patron of Brinkley church. (S) Brinkley, A Hist. of the Co. of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely, V6, 1978.


Roger married 2nd Isabel ?. [1 son, Geoffrey.]

1260-61, Robert Stocumbe and Joan his wife sued Roger de Toeni and others for 2/3rds of the manor of Elmley, of which they claimed part as Joan's dower … which had been settled on Joan at her marriage. Roger de Toeni, however, pleaded that Joan merely held the manor as custodian of Henry son of Henry Lovett. (S) Hist. of Worcester, V3, 1913, Elmley Lovett.

1261, Roger, son of Ralph de Tony, grants the manor of Itton, alias South Tawton, to Moyhon in marriage. (S) Devon Notes and Queries, Amery, 1905, P123.

1262, Roger accompanying the Queen beyond the seas.

2/1263, Roger summoned to Hereford for action against Llywelyn.

4/12/1263, Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, lead a rebellion of young barons.

1/27/1264, “Receipt of homage, and remission of rent. Roger de Tony, lord of Karneton = (1). Sir Ralph de Arundel = (2). Receipt by (1) of the homage of (2) for 1/2 acre of land in Retthelec.” (S) UKNA.

1264, Roger died.            

[––Post Mortem––]

6/18/1264, Wales: Painscastle (Castrum Matildis), with the honour …  52 knights' fees in England and Wales are held of the honour of Colwent pertaining to the said castle … many fees were held of the said Roger, but who held them they know not … Devon: Sutauton manor and advowson … Norfolk: Neketon manor … Neketon, Little Franesham and Little Kersingham, the patronage of the churches. Westacre, the patronage of the priory. … [38 villeins listed] … Essex: Wolcomestowe manor … Hertford: Flemstede manor with the patronage of the church and of the priory of St. Giles … (S) CIsPM.

5/12/1264, Grant to Edmund the king’s son of the wardship of the castles and lands of Roger de Tony, tenant in chief, … dowers when they fall in … Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, the marriage of the heirs … to Isabel, late the wife of the said Roger her dower, … (S) CPRs.

2/1265, Isabel living.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P824.

Children of Roger and Alice:

i. Ralph de Tony (2498734), born 1255 in England.

ii. Alice de Tony (15212121), born ~1260 in England.

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