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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lord William Gascoigne & Maud de Gawthorp

5908512. Lord William Gascoigne & 5908513. Maud de Gawthorp

~1265, William Gascoygne born in Harwood, England, s/o §§William Gascoigne & Elizabeth Bolton. [Harwood, between Leeds and Knaresborough.]

1270, William heir to his father.

~1285, Maud born in Gawthorp, England, heiress & d/o §§John de Gawthorp.

~1305, William married Maud and moved the family seat to Gawthorp.

1331, William died.

(S) The Baronetage of England, V5, Betham, 1906, P9. (S) Publications of the Thoresby Society, V17, 1908, P113. (S) Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal, V6, P371.

Family notes:

·         This William was the 6th William in succession in the family.

·         Elizabeth d/o heiress & §§William de Bolton of Aldwark.

·         John de Gawthorp s/o §§Henry de Gawthorpe & Margaret de Hillum.

Child of William and Maud:

i. William Gascoigne (2954256), born ~1310 in Yorkshire, England.

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