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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sir Robert Banyard

5908658. Sir Robert Banyard

1265, Robert Baignard born in Norfolk, England, s/o 11817316. Fulk Banyard & 11817317. Johanna ?.

3/6/1288, Commission to John Bygot of Stocton and Robert Baynard to enquire touching the persons who by night killed William le Rede in his own house at Ocle, and a boy unknown in the house of Geoffrey del Ewe at Dichingham, and robbed Roisia daughter of James son of Gilbert at Hedenham, and Robert Wafre at Raveningham, of their goods, all in the county of Norfolk. (S) CPRs.

4/20/1300, Writ of Privy Seal to John de Langeton, Chancellor, transmitting an inquisition taken at Lynn as to lands in Magna Hautboys belonging to Robert Baynard. (S) UKNA.

1302, Robert Banyard held 1 fee in Chategrave of Robert son of Walter and third of a fee in Hauboys and Totington of Earl Warenne. He also held jointly with his mother, Johanna, 2 fees in Quetakir.

6/13/1303, Justices appointed to take assizes in co. Norfolk, against Robert Baynard … co. Norfolk … (S) CCRs.

[––Robert & Maud––]

By 1304, Robert married Maud. [Likely not be the mother of his daughter.]

1304, A fine levied between Joan, widow of Robert Baynard, and Robert Baynard and Maud his wife. (S) Ess. Tow’s Topo. Hist. of Norfolk, V10, 1809, Chatgrave. [Joan’s husband Robert s/o Robert Baynard and his wife Felicia.]

3/14/1305, Walter de Berningham and Alan Houel acknowledge that they owe to Robert Baignard 60s. (S) CCRs.

6/1305, Robert, aged 40 and more, heir to his father.

7/7/1307, Edward II became king on the death of his father.

2/1310, Robert Baignard was appointed keeper of the void bishopric of Ely.

12/16/1310, Robert appointed to a commission of oyer and terminer touching on the assault and imprisonment of Alice, late the wife of William de Hertford, and the carrying away of her goods. (S) CPRs.

3/1311, Robert Baignard was appointed keeper of the void bishopric of Durham.

11/1311, Robert Baignard was appointed sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, and keeper of Norwich Castle.

12/13/1312, Robert appointed to a commission of oyer and terminer touching on diverse trespasses committed by Adam Durant. (S) CPRs.

1312-3, Robert Baynard to grant a messuage and land in Wheatacre to Thomas Baynard, parson of the church there, retaining the manor of Wheatacre. Norfolk. (S) UKNA.

1312-13, Robert Banyard and Matilda his wife v. John de Lodne of the manor of Tadlowe. (S) Pedes Finium, Co. of Cambridge.

5/9/1315, The petitions of Sir John of Britanny and of the people of Great Yarmouth were read at Westminster before the whole council … Robert Baignard knight, Henry Rose, and certain others of Great Yarmouth granted insofar as was in their power that on the matter of giving judgment … (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005, January 1315.

2/5/1316, The manor of Riston, Norfolk, is held of Robert Baignard. (S) CCRs.

3/21/1316, Robert Baignard, knight, witnessed a grant of King Edward II to the bishop of Bath and Wells. (S) Cal. of Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells, V1, 1907.

11/4/1316, Riston manor held of Robert Banyard by service of 40d. at the end of 24 weeks for the guard of the castle of Banyard. (S) CIsPM of Edward Burnel.

8/9/1318, Grant to Robert Banyard and his heirs of 2 weekly markets, … Whetacre, co. Norfolk. (S) CChRs.

4/1319, Robert amerced by the barons of the Exchequer for various omissions, delays etc. £182, 11s 5¾d. to be paid by him and his heirs at £20 a year.

1322-3, Robert Banyard to grant land and rent in Chedgrave and Wheatacre to the abbot and convent of Langley in exchange for land in the same places. Norfolk. (S) UKNA.

1323-4, “Witnesses:- Sir Robert Baynard, Sir Edward Charles, Sir Thomas Bavent, Sir William de Calthorp, Sir Robert de Ingelose, knights …” (S) UKNA.

3/31/1324, Robert on a commission of oyer and terminer, “the jury to be of Norfolk.” (S) CPRs.

1/20/1326, To Robert Baynard and Simon de Hedersete (2954326), appointed to survey and examine measures in co. Norfolk. (S) CCRs.

1/20/1327, King Edward II abdicated in favor of his son. Robert Banyard of Norfolk was a member of the parliament. (S) Sheriffs, Lawyers, and Belted Knights in the Parliaments of Edward III, 1931.

1327, Sir Robert Banyard, Knt., presented Will. Banyard as Rector of Bunwell.

1327-8, Robert Banyard was 5 times in court.

1328, Simon de Hedersete and Robert Baynard issued an assize commission. (S) Public Order and Law Enforcement, Musson, 2001, P108.

Bef. 2/1330, Robert died; buried in White Fryars church, Norwich. (S) UKNA, IPM. (S) Antient Funeral Monuments, Weever, 1767, P531.


7/10/1330, Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Whatacre, Chattegrave, and Hautboys, and to restore the issues thereof to Matilda, late the wife of Robert Baynard, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert and Matilda held jointly on the day of Robert's death the manors of Whatacre and Chattegrave by fine (of Edward II’s court). (S) CCRs.

2/21/1334, Matilda, the widow of Robert Banyard, had a letter nominating an attorney in her absence going on pilgrimage to Santiago. (S) Women Pilgrims in the Late Medieval England, Morrison, P46.

4/3/1346, Enrolment of deed testifying that whereas Maud late the wife of Robert Baynard, knight, holds for life of the inheritance of … Thomas de Camoys, knight, and Margaret his wife, sisters and heirs of Thomas Rocelyn, knight, the manors of Whetacre and Great Hauboys, the advowsons of the churches of Whetacre and other lands, rents and services in the towns of Whetacre, Great Hauboys, Olton, Carleton Colvile and Barneby, cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, … Margery late the wife of John de Chaumpayn has granted that a sixth part of the premises which ought to revert to her after the death of Maud late the wife of Robert Baynard, as sister and heir of Thomas, shall remain to John de Wylughby, knight, lord of Eresby. (S) CCRs. [See 9/10/1349.]

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

5/8/1349, Maud, the late wife of Robert Baynard, knight: Norfolk died. (S) UKNA, IPM.

9/10/1349, To the escheator in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, touching the lands which Maud late the wife of Robert Baynard held at her death for life of the heir of John de Wylughby, a minor in the king's ward. (S) CFRs.

10/8/1349, IPM of Maud, late the wife of Robert Baynard, knight. Norfolk: Wethacre and Great Hoboys. A moiety of the manors held for life of John de Wilughby, deceased, and Joan his wife, who survives, and the heirs of the said John; and the other moiety of the said manors held for life of the same Joan, as of her inheritance. (S) CIsPM.

(S) Norfolk Archaeology, V4, 1855, P16.

Family notes:

·         2/13/1301, There is an ongoing suit of Robert son and heir of Robert Banyard against the Queen over 15 villeins, 8 messuages, and 7 cottages in the town of Hautboys, Norfolk. (S) CCRs. [This Robert s/o Robert appears to be a cousin of Robert s/o Fulk. (S) Ess. Tow’s Topo. Hist. of Norfolk, V5, 1806, Thorp.]

Child of Robert and ?:

i. Bretta Banyard (2954329), born ~1295 in England.

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