Lord Robert Peverel & 5910255. Alice ?
~1270, Richard born in Northamptonshire, England, younger
s/o §§Simon Peverel. (S)
Walter’s grant of land and the advowson of the Adlington, Yorkshire, to Selby
~1285, Alice born in Engand.
6/1/1291 at Ashridge, Commission to master Ralph of Ivingho,
Henry Huse, Roger Burd and brothers John of Warwick, Robert Peverel, John de
Clare and John de Montacute to act as auditors for complaints against the
officials of the late queen Eleanor. (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005.
1297, Robert summoned for military service.
By 1300, Robert knighted.
8/1/1300, Debtor: Ellis de Tingewick, of Northants.
Creditor: Robert Peverel, knight. Amount: £10. (S) UKNA, writ to sheriff of
12/26/1300, John de Pateshull acknowledges that he owes to
Robert Peverel £100. (S) CCRs.
1301, Robert summoned for military service.
Scots using Comyn of Badenoch’s estate as a base, attacked Lochmaben, and then
menaced the main English force at Bothwell [commanded by Lord Edward]. The
Scots had 240 men-at-arms and 7000 foot soldiers. (S) A History of Dumfries and
Galloway, Maxwell, 2009, P82.
By 1305, Robert married Alice.
6/5/1307, Grant to Robert Peverel of 69.5 acres 1.5 roods in
the forest of Wicchewode, co. Oxford at a rent of 17s 5.75d. (S) CPRs.
7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.
1307, Robert arrested for murder; but protected by Bishop Walter,
his brother.
5/3/1309, Presentation … church of Brampton, in the diocese
of Lincoln, … by reason of the lands of Robert Peverel being in the king’s
hands. (S) CPRs.
1310, Bishop Walter, having fled the country; Robert was put
in Northampton castle gaol.
1311, Chancery writ: “to view the enclosed petition of
Alice, the wife of Robert Peverel, and to do right and reason according to the
law and usage of the realm.”
By 1312, Robert pardoned and acting as attorney for Bishop
5/1/1312, Protection, for 1 year, for Walter bishop of
Coventry and Lichfield, going on the king’s business to the court of Rome. He
has letters nominating Robert Peverel and John de Langeton his attorneys. (S)
Aft. 1311, Walter de Langton settled Ashby manor and
Brington upon Robert Peverel and his wife Alice with remainder to their son
7/22/1315, Commission of oyer … complaint … a ship … driven
ashore near Bromholm, co. Norfolk, … Robert Peverel … carried away a great part
of the said goods. (S) CPRs.
1316, Robert Lord of Ashby, Northampton.
1317, Robert murdered at Castle Ashby by multiple persons
who were later arrested and delivered to the gaol of the castle of Northampton.
(S) CPRs, 4/3/1318.
11/9/1321, Walter de Langton died; Edmund Peverel, son of
Robert his heir. [Note that Alice would have been his heir if she were his
sister as given in some genealogies.]
7/9/13222, Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of
Robert Peverel, mother of Ed[mund], son and heir of Robert, as nearest [friend]
of the heir, a moiety of the manor of Neuboltegrave, with certain lands in
Olthorp, co. Northampton, which Walter de Langeton, late bishop of Coventry and
Lichfield, held … (S) CCRs.
1325, 2 fees in Ashby were held by Robert's widow Alice.
Alice married 2nd Thomas de Verdun.
1329, Alice claimed to have view of frankpledge and free
warren in Ashby manor.
1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England
[likely entering through Bristol].
5/4/1349, Alice de Verdon died.
5/5/1349, IPM of Alice, late the wife of Robert Peverel.
Northampton: Assheby David. The manor … including 120a. arable worth 40s. and
no more for want of servants because of the common pestilence and whereas there
used to be 24 bondmen now only 6 survive … She died on Wednesday after the
Close of Easter last. John Peverel, aged 19 years at Whitsuntide last, is her
heir. (S) CIsPM.
Family notes:
Robert, brother of Walter de Langton, Bishop of
Coventry, treasurer and chief minister of Edward I. (S) “Langton's register
clarifies the bishop's connection with the Peverel families of Leicestershire
and Northamptonshire and shows that he was a Peverel by birth”. (S) J. B.
Hughes, 2001 & 2007.
(S) Castle Ashby, A Hist. of the Co. of Northampton, V4,
1937. (S) Transactions, American Philosophical Society, V54, Part 7, 1964, P38.
Children of Robert and Alice:
i. Edmund Peverel,
born 9/29/1306 in England. [Heir]
12/2/1317, IPM of Walter de Langeton, late Bishop of
Coventry and Lychefeld. Huntingdon: Everton. The manor … Edmund, son of Robert
Peverel, aged 14, is his next heir. Daneys. The manor … Stafford: Stretton. 2
parts of the manor … Alice late the wife of Richard de Stretton holds a third
part in dower. Heir … aged 15 at the feast of St. Michael last. Buckingham: La
Grove. The manor … Bedford: Eddeworth. The manor … Potton. An homage …
Northampton: Neubotlegrave. A moiety of the manor … Asshele. A manor … Bernwell.
A manor called Spenser … Cambridge: Elm. A manor called Coldham … Norfolk: Drayton.
The manor … Salop: Picheford. The manor … Lincoln: Carleby. A garden, … York: Knapton.
The manor … (S) CIsPM. [Edmund nephew of Walter. (S) Hist. of Bedford, V2,
1908, Everton.]
2/12/1323, Grant to Robert de Insula of the custody of the
lands late of Robert Peverel and Walter, late bishop of Coventry and Lichfield,
deceased … minority of Edmund son and heir of the said Roberts and nephew and
heir of the said Walter. (S) CPRs.
Edmund married Elizabeth de Lisle.
1331, Edmund died. Heir: son John (b.1329), his sister
Margaret (b.1331.)
11/15/1349, John died.
11/24/1349, IPM of John, son of Edmund Peverel.
Northampton: Assheby Davyd. … He died on 15 November last. Heir not know
because no one of the said John’s blood was born in the county, so far as the
jurors can enquire. … Assheby Davy for the life of the said Alice, of the
inheritance of the said John son of Edmund; Alice died, … John when of full age
… demised the said manor and all his other lands &c. in the county to John
de Insula of Rougemont … Margaret his sister, the wife of William de la Pole,
knight, is his heir. Lincoln: Southhall. A messuage and 3 carucates … Margaret
his sister, aged 18 years, is his heir, and was married in his lifetime to
William de la Pole the younger … (S) CIsPM.
ii. Elizabeth
Peverel, born ? in England.
6/3/1338, Robert son of Giles de Wachesham, knight,
acknowledges that he owes to Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Peverel, knight, £133
6s. 8d.. (S) CCRs.
11/1/1339, Elizabeth daughter of Robert Peverel, knight, has
appointed … as her guardians to prosecute the execution of a recognisance for £133
6s. 8d. made to her in chancery by Robert son of Giles de Wachesham, knight..
iii. Joan Peverel (2955127),
born ~1313 in England.