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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sir Thomas Wake & Alice Pateshulle

7605538. Sir Thomas Wake & 7605539. Alice Pateshulle

~1313, Thomas born in England, heir & s/o 15211076. Sir Thomas Wake & 15211077. Elizabeth Cransley.

~1325, Alice born in England, d/o 15211078. Sir John de Pateshull & 15211079. Maud de Grandison.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

1/1334, Thomas attended the tournament at Dunstable.

By 1340, Thomas knighted.

4/30/1340, Thomas Wake of Depyng', knight, and Elizabeth, his wife, querents, … in Craneslee upon themselves for their lives, with remainder to Agnes and Elizabeth, the daughters of Elizabeth by her first marriage, for their lives, with remainder to their son Hugh for life, and after the decease of Hugh to Thomas Wake, knight, brother of Hugh. (S) Feet of Fines, Northamptonshire, CP 25/1/177/76, no.202.

~1345, Thomas married Alice.

Bef. 3/15/1346, Thomas heir to his father.

7/12/1346, Thomas in the forces of King Edward III landing an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued.

7/26/1346 at Caen, capital of Normandy, Edward’s forces captured the city; and Raoul, Count of Eu, Constable of France, and Jean de Tancarville, Grand Chamberlain of France.

8/26/1346, Thomas fought with the Black Prince at the battle of Crecy, north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards. A decisive victory, a third of the French forces lost [mainly to arrows] to less than 100 Englishmen, this started the decline in importance of the mounted knight, and the rise of England as a European power.

9/4/1346, King Edward started the siege of Calais, France. [Calais would not fall until 8/4/1347.]

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

1349, Alice’s father died; her brother William the heir.

7/26/1349, Grant by Robert de Hedone, of Wilesthorp [Northampton] … Witn. Dom.Thomas Wake, Knt.; … (S) UKNA.

3/29/1350, Thomas Wake released to John Pyel, citizen and merchant of London, all his right in the manor and advowson of Cransley, with other lands in Cransley and Broughton which John had previously held of the grant of Elizabeth, the mother, and of Hugh, the brother of Thomas.

1355, John Pyel of Irtlingborough, citizen of London, made a settlement of the manor and advowson of Cransley, held under Thomas Wake of Blisworth.

1360, Alice co-heiress to her brother William. Alice received the same property of Wakes manor in Broham her paternal grandmother acquired by inheritance in 1297. (S) Hist. of Bedford, V3, 1912, Bromham.

12/15/1361,Commission of peace … Henry, duke of Lancaster, … Thomas Wak of Blysworth, … county of Northampton. (S) CPRs.

1363, Thomas Wake of Blisworth holding a fee in Cransley at the death of Margery, widow of William de Ros of Hamlak.

1366, Thomas Wake held the advowson and 4 acres of the manor of Milton.

2/10/1367, Commission of array … William la Zouche of Haryngworth, Robert de Holand, Thomas Wake of Bleseworth, … county of Northampton. (S) CPRs.

7/14/1367, Commission of oyer and terminer to … Thomas Wake of Blisworth, … co. Northampton, … (S) CPRs.

1372-3, Thomas Wake of Blisworth, knight, and Alice his wife to settle messuages, land, and rent in Cardington and Bromham (Bedford) and Linslade and Southcott (Bucks) on Thomas son of the said Thomas, Maud his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainderto the grantors and the heirs of the said Alice. Bedford. Bucks. (S) UKNA.

2/16/1376, Pursuant to an inquisition … Thomas Graunson, 'chivaler,' held … on the day of his death … rent … grant made by Edward I. to William de Grandissono (11820466) and Sibyl, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and that … (3) Alice (7605539) the wife of Thomas Wake of Bliseworth, Mabel's third daughter, … are the kinsfolk and next heirs of the said Thomas Graunson. (S) CFRs.

2/20/1376, Order to escheator in the county of Kent, … touching a rent in Dertford late of Thomas Graunson, 'chivaler,' to take the fealties of … Thomas Wak of Bliseworth, … to the said Thomas and Alice, his wife, … (S) CFRs.

7/13/1377, Richard II, age 10, crowned king of England.

1379, Thomas, knt. of Blisworth, Northamptonshire died.


9/22/1383, Grant, during the minority of the heir and successive heirs, to John Philipot, knight, of the custody of the lands late of Thomas Wake of Bliseworth, knight, tenant in chief, with the marriage of the heir. (S) CPRs.

1398, “Alice wife of Thomas Wake of Bleseworth (Blisworth), knight: Kent, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire” died, the manor of Collingtree inherited by her grandson Thomas Wake. (S) UKNA, IPM.

8/15/1398, Writ for IPM of Alice late the wife of Thomas Wake of Bleseworth, 'chivaler,' in the counties of Northampton ; Kent; Gloucester ; Lincoln. (S) CFRs.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P259. (S) DNB, V44, 1895, P30. (S) History, Topography, and Directory of Northamptonshire, Whellan, 1874. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of Northampton, V4, 1937.

Children of Thomas and Alice:

i. Thomas Wake, born ? in England.

Thomas married Maud, d/o Sir John Pigot.

1383, Thomas died.

Child: Thomas Wake, ancestor of Roger Wake, adherent of King Richard III.

ii. Anne Wake (3802769), born ~1360 in England.

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