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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lord Robert de Holand & Elizabeth of Hainault

7605700. Lord Robert de Holand & 7605701. Elizabeth of Hainault

1311, Robert born in Northampton, England, heir & s/o 30422042. Robert de Holand & 30422043. Maud la Zouche.

~1315, Elizabeth born in Valenciennes, France, d/o 2954850. Count William of Hainaut.

11/15/1321, Licence for Robert de Holand and Matilda his wife to assign the manor of Brackele and Halse, co. Northampton, … successive remainders Robert son of the said Robert de Holand … Thomas his brother, Alan brother of Thomas, … (S) CPRs.

6/23/1322, … Robert de Holand [Robert’s father], being charged with being and adherent of Thomas, sometime earl of Lancaster, surrendered to the king’s will, … (S) CPRs.

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England.

3/20/1327, Grant to Matilda [Robert’s mother] wife of Robert de Holand, at the request of the queen, of the manor of Hals and Bracle, co. Northampton, … to hold for the support of herself and her children [Robert included] (S) CPRs.

12/23/1327, Under King Edward III, Robert’s [the father] lands restored.

1328, Robert age 16 when his father was murdered by patrons of Thomas, earl of Lancaster.

11/20/1329, … forfeiture of Robert de Holand, … Robert, now deceased, … Robert, the son and heir of the aforesaid Robert de Holand, who is still under age, … (S) CPRs.

~1332, Robert married Elizabeth.

5/1333, Robert in the army with King Edward at the siege of Berwick, Scotland.

7/19/1333, Robert with King Edward as he defeated David II and the Scots at the Battle of Hallidon Hill, a small rise of 600 ft. 2 miles to the north-west of Berwick, Northumberland.

8/10/1333, Robert received Chelveston, Northamptonshire for his services in the war with Scotland. (S) CPRs.

3/16/1338, Exemplification … of moneys due to the king in right of the county of Chester … Robert de Holand owes £333 11s 11.25d … (S) CPRs.

By 1340, Robert knighted.

1/28/1340, Pardon … and for a robbery of 7 oxen of Robert de Holand, knight, … (S) CPRs.

1340, Robert confirmed a lease of his brother Sir Thomas to Ralph Neville of Raby.

1342-72, Robert summoned to parliament.

5/25/1346, Letters of protection for Robert de Holand, son and heir of Robert de Holand, chivaler, who was with the king.

7/12/1346, Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued. Robert served in France in the retinue of Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick.

7/26/1346 at Caen, capital of Normandy, Edward’s forces captured the city; and Raoul, Count of Eu, Constable of France, and Jean de Tancarville, Grand Chamberlain of France. King Edward stopped at Crecy and took up defensive positions.

8/26/1346, Robert fought at the Battle of Crecy.

8/26/1346, The battle of Crecy, north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards. A decisive victory, a third of the French forces lost [mainly to arrows] to less than 100 Englishmen, this started the decline in importance of the mounted knight, and the rise of England as a European power.

9/4/1346, King Edward started the siege of Calais. [Robert returned to England before the siege ended.]

3/1347, Robert de Holand, knight, assisted in the abduction of Margery, widow of Nicholas de la Beche.

5/4/1347, Letters of protection for Robert de Holand, son and heir of Robert de Holand, knight.

11/8/1347, Sir Robert de Holand, who had served in the king’s retinue, to be exonerated from all demands for men-at-arms. (S) Crecy and Calais, P150.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

5/31/1349, Robert heir to his mother.

6/3/1349, IPM of Maud, late the wife of Robert de Holand. Stafford: She died on Whitsunday last. Robert de Holand, her son, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. … (S) CIsPM.

9/16/1349, Order to deliver to Robert son of Robert de Holand and of Maud his wife, a third part of the manor of Shepesheved … (S) CCRs.

2/2/1350, Commission of oyer … Robert de Holand … on complaint by Richard Knyvet, keeper of Queen Philippa’s forest … (S) CPRs.

By 1354, Elizabeth became a nun at St. Lenoards Benedictine nunnery at Stratford-atte-Bowe.

1354, Prince Lionel and the Countess of Ulster visited Elizabeth at St. Leonards. (S) The Riverside Chaucer, Chaucer, 2008, P803.

11/26/1354, Commission of the peace … Robert de Holand … co. Northampton. (S) CPRs.

9/1356, Elizabeth of Hainault, sister of Queen Philippa, at St. Leonard’s convent. (S) The General Prologue, V1, Chaucer, 1993, P137.

1359, Sir Otho Holand, querent, his brother Robert de Holand the elder, and Robert de Holand the younger, deforcients, the manor of Yoxhall, so. Staffordshire. (S) Memorials of the Order of the Garter, Beltz, 1841, P85.

9/3/1359, Otto de Holand, knight, died in Normandy. “Robert de Holand, knight, aged 40 years and more, is his heir in blood.” (S) CIsPM of Otto de Holand, knight, 11/20/1359.

12/15/1361, Commission of the peace … Robert de Holand … co. Northampton. (S) CPRs.

6/1/1363, Robert 1st summoned to parliament.

1365, Robert de Holand, knight, to grant the advowson of the church of Leigh to the prior and convent of Holland. (S) UKNA.

1366, Robert de Holand, knight, to grant the advowson of the church of Leigh to the prior and convent of Holland, retaining the manors of Holland and Haydock. Lanc. (S) UKNA.

1367-8, Robert de Holand, knight, to grant a messuage, mill, and land in Pemberton to the prior and convent of Holland, … (S) UKNA.

8/20/1367, Grant, at the instance of queen Philippa, to Elizabeth de Holand, £20 annually at the Exchequer for life. (S) CPRs.

3/16/1372, Robert, knt. of Thorpe Waterville, Northamptonshire, 2nd Lord Holand died; buried at St. James Chapel, Brackley; leaving his granddaughter Maud, d/o Robert his heir.

3/20/1774, Writ for IPM of Robert Holand, ' chivaler' ; Northampton and Rutland ; Buckingham ; Lancaster ; Warwick and Leicester ; Derby ; Stafford ; Berks and Wilts ; Lincoln. (S) CFRs.


1375, Elizabeth of Hainault wrote her will, naming her nephew, Thomas of Woodstock and Madame Argentyn, another nun. (S) Excerpta Historica, Bentley, 1833.

1375, Elizabeth died at Stratford atte Bowe, buried in the chapel of St. Mary. (S) Equally in God’s Image, Holloway, 1990, P201.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P431. (S) Crecy and Calais, 1898.

Children of Robert  and Elizabeth: [4 sons]

i. Robert de Holand (15211178), born ~1332 in England. [Heir]

ii. John Holand (3802850), born ~1348 in England.

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