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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lord Henry Fitz Hugh & Joan le Scrope

7605712. Lord Henry Fitz Hugh & 7605713. Joan le Scrope

1338, Henry born in England, heir & s/o 15211424. Sir Henry Fitz Henry & 15211425. Joan de Fourneux.

~1343, Joan born in England, d/o 624684. Henry le Scrope.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

9/1349, Henry heir to his mother, who was coheir to her brother William the month before.

[––Henry & Joan––]

9/1350, Henry, “Henricus Fitz-Hugh” married to Joan, “Jana fil. Dom. Scrope de Masham”.

9/24/1352, Henry’s father died.                            

5/26/1353, Henry, age 15, heir to his grandfather, Sir Henry Fitz Hugh.

10/1359, Henry in the retinue of the Earl of Richmond in the invasion of France.

10/1359, King Edward, sailing from Sandwich to Calais with 1,100 ships, invaded France, eventually taking Saint-Florentin and Tonnerre. Edward reached Paris, setting the suburbs on fire, before turning back to Brittany [Edward decided a siege of Paris was not feasible.]

4/12/1362, Pardon, for good service doe in the king’s last voyage in France, in the company of Henry Fitz Hugh, to William de Brympston … (S) CPRs.

10/26/1366, Commission of array … Henry Fitz Hugh, … West Riding, co. York. (S) CPRs.

8/1369, Henry with the Duke of Lancaster on his raid into Picardy and Caux. John, duke of Lancaster, landed at Calais; the 1st time he was given independent command of an English army.

8/1369, Henry with the Duke at the victory of the Battle of Balingham Hill, but met with little other success due to the weather, dwindling supplies, and the plague.

10/1369, Henry and the expedition returned to England.

6/21/1377, Richard II, age 10, son of the Black Prince, succeeded Edward III as King of England.

8/4/1377, Henry summoned to parliament by writ.

10/4/1378 at York, Creditor: Henry Fitz-Hugh, knight [family held lands in Brandesburton and elsewhere in Holderness Wapentake, E.R. Yorks] Amount: £300. (S) UKNA.

3/20/1380, Commission … to array and equip all the men … between the ages of 16 and 60, … to resist foreign invastion … Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, Richard Lescrope, Henry Fitz Hugh, … North Riding. (S) CPRs.

8/8/1385, Henry summoned to parliament by writ.

8/29/1386, Henry, 2nd Lord Fitz Hugh of Ravensworth, Yorkshire died; buried at Jervaulx Abbey, Yorkshire.

9/22/1386, Writ for IPM of Henry Fitz Hugh, knight. Northumberland: [various properties] He died on 29 August last. Henry Fitz Hugh, his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. Cambridge: £20 rent issuing from the manor called ‘Uphalle’, … York: Ravenswath. The castle, with appurtenances … Rychemond. … Clesby and Cloubek. The manors, held of Sir Henry Lescrop, knight, by knight’s service. Dent and Sedbergh. The manors, … Ayrton in Craven. The manor, with the advowson … Nottingham: Carleton in Lyndryk. A manor called ‘Kynggeston’, … (S) CIsPM.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P339. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of York North Riding, V1, 1914. (S) Thoroton’s History of Nottinghamshire, V3, Republished by John Throsby, 1796. (S) The Historic Peerage of England, Nicolas, P194. (S) IPM of Henry fitz Hugh (3802856), 1/13/1425.

Children of Henry and Joan: [2 sons, 1 daughter]

i. John Fitz Hugh, born ? in England.

8/5/1388, John died at the battle of Otterburn. [No children.]

ii. Henry Fitz Hugh (3802856), born 1363 in England.

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