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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sir John Mautravers & Eleanor de Gorges

11821016. Sir John Mautravers & 11821017. Eleanor de Gorges

2/2/1267, John born in England, s/o 23642032. John Mautravers & 23642033. Joan ?.

By 1271, Eleanor born in England, d/o 33556036. Sir Ralph de Gorges [II] & 33556037. Elena ?.

4-8/1272, Eleanor’s father died. (S) CCRs, V16.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England. [While on crusade.]

4/27/1286, Simple protection, for 3 years, for John son of John Mautravers, staying in England. (S) CPRs.

[––John & Eleanor––]

5/18/1289, John Mautravers and Eleanor, his wife, staying in England, have letters nominating … in Ireland … (S) CPRs.

3/10/1290, John son of John Mautravers and Eleanor his wife, staying in England, nominating … (S) CPRs.

11/1291-11/1292, Eleanor’s mother died.

3/28/1292, Protection with clause volumus for … John son of John Mautravers and Eleanor his wife, staying in England, … (S) CPRs.

1297, John’s father died, holding the honor of Wycht.

2/28/1297, Writ for IPM of John Mautravers. Berks:  Chelreye. A court, garden &c., 160a. arable … John his son, aged 30 at the Purification, 25 Edw. I, is his next heir. Somerser: Hyneford. The manor … Gloucester: Wodechestre. The manor … Dorset: Langetone. A hide of land, … Lichet. The manor with the advowson … Wychampton. The manor … (S) CIsPM.

6/20/1297, Letters for Eleanor wife of John Mautravers, staying in England, nominating … attorneys in Ireland … (S) CPRs.

7/7/1297, John summoned to be at London with horse and arms for service in parts beyond seas.

8/23/1297, King Edward left England with 500 ships to attack France and assert his rights. Because of the refusal of many barons, Edward only had a small contingent of knights. The army sailed for Flanders to seek additional support.

10/9/1297 in Ghent, King Edward and King Philip agreed to make a truce..

3/29/1298, King Edward arrived back in England.

5/25/1299, Protection with clause volumus, for 2 years, for John Mautravers, going to Ireland. By K. … [going with John are Thomas de Novo Burgo, Thomas de Dumore, Melior le Brun, and Roger Mautravers.]

6/24/1300, John summoned to be at Carlisle to perform service against the Scots.

7/9/1300, Siege of Caerlaverock castle in Scotland began.

6/24/1301, John summoned to be at Berwick-upon-Tweed to perform service against the Scots.

6/1301, Edward attacked Scotland and removed the Scot’s ancient coronation stone from Scone, installing it at Westminster.

1302, John identified by the king as one of the magnates of Ireland on termination of the Scotch war.

6/3/1305, Letters for John Mautravers and Eleanor his wife, staying in England, nominating … in Ireland … (S) CPRs.

1306, “To Melioro, the harper of Sir John Mautravers, for playing the harp while the king was bled, 20s.” (S) Lives of the Queens of England, Strickland, 1864, P319.

5/22/1306, John, 1 of 267 knighted by King Edward I in London at Westminster abbey. [A call had been sent out to “all who are not knights but wish to be”. The King and Queen had hosted a grand tournament at Westminster palace.]

3/5/1306, Robert the Bruce had himself crowned king of Scotland. Although 67 and in bad health, King Edward marched north with his army.

5/23/1306, John accompanied the Prince of Wales into Scotland in the retinue of Maurice de Berkeley.

1306, Grant to John Mautravers … free warren in all their demesne lands in Lychet Mautravers, co. Dorset. (S) CChRs, V3.

10/29/1307, John Mautravers and Eleanor his wife, staying in England, have letters nominating … in Ireland … (S) CPRs.

12/24/1307, Commission … to be keepers of peace … Nicolas Pointz, John Maltravers } co. Dorset. (S) CPRs.

2/25/1308, Edward II crowned king of England.

4/28/1308, John Mautravers and Eleanor, his wife, staying in England, have letters nominating William Denebaud their attorney in Ireland for 2 years. (S) CPRs.

9/28/1310, John Mautravers the elder and Eleanor, his wife, going to Ireland, have letters nominating … attorneys for 2 years. (S) CPRs.

1312-13, John Mautravers, junior, querent, and John Mautravers, senior, deforiciant, of the manors of Wickhampton, Langeton and Wolecumbe in co. Dorset and manors in co. Wilts and co. Gloucester. (S) Full Abstracts of the Feet of Fines Relating to the Co. of Dorset, 1896, P321.

5/3/1313, Ralph de Monte Hermerii going beyond seas, with a retinue that included John, in support of Isabella, queen of England, also going beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

5/23/1313, King Edward and Queen Isabella left from Dover for a trip to France.

5/1/1314, Grant to John Mautravers of a weekly market … manor of Redgel, co. Limerick. (S) CChRs.

5/27/1314, John summoned to attend the king in Scotland.

6/24/1314, Battle of Bannockburn, Scotland, a victory for the Scots, unusual in that it lasted for 2 days. The Scots, commanded by Robert Bruce, were laying siege to Stirling castle, held by the English. As the English attacked across the brook, Robert counter-attacked along a 2000-yard front. King Edward attempted to flank the Scot’s left with archers, but they were driven back the Scot cavalry. The English front broke against the Scottish spearmen. It was the largest loss of English knights in a single day. This was the battle in which organized foot-soldiers [primarily pike men] defeated heavily armored mounted knights.

5/16/1313 at London, Debtor: John Maltravers the elder, and John Maltravers the younger. Amount: 25m. (S) UKNA.

5/31/1313, Licence, … John de Lenham the elder to grant … in Farndon, co. Berks, … to John de Lenham the younger and Matilda, daughter of John Mautravers, … (S) CPRs.

5/26/1314, Appointment … to be conservators of the peace … John Mautravers the elder, co. Dorset. (S) CPRs.

6/5/1315, Conservator of the peace … John Mautravers, co. Dorset.

6/30/1316, John summoned to be at Newcastle-upon-Trent to restrain the incursion of the Scots.

1/4/1317, John to go to his demesnes lands in Ireland for the defence thereof; and to send a force to oppose the Scots.

12/10/1317, Protection with clause volumus until Easter for John Mautravers, staying by the king’s command and on his service in Ireland. (S) CPRs.

9/28/1318, Grant to John Mautravers … free warren in all their demesne lands …. (S) CChRs, V3.

3/20/1319, John summoned against the Scots.

9/7/1319, King Edward besieged Berwick-upon-Tweed. He had not brought siege engines and had to have them brought by ship. Learning of the invasion of York and the defeat at Myton of the Archbishop, Edward abandoned the siege and returned to England.

2/3/1320, Commission of oyer … on complaint by Roger Dammory that Edward son of John Mautravers, the elder, … with others, broke his park … (S) CPRs.

1320, Inquisition at Jeuele … by oath of Ralph de Gorges, John Mautravers, the elder, … (S) Somerset Record Society, V8, 1894, P223.

10/1321, King Edward II took to the field with a large army to oppose the lords in revolt in the Despenser War. [King Edward II was seizing lands and giving them to his favorites, particularly the Despencers. Leading to the eventual downfall of King Edward II.] (S) UKNA.

12/7/1321, Order to the sheriff of Devon to take …, John Mautravers [10 persons] and to keep them safely in the prisons of the said county until further orders. (S) CFRs.

7/6/1322, Order to restore to John Mautravers, the elder, his lands and goods … but that he should take into the king's hands the lands of John Mautravers, the younger, who adhered to the king's enemies, the said John Mautravers, the elder, having remained faithful to the king. (S) CCRs.

1322-23, Special oyer and terminer roll, Hampshire, Hugh Despenser, earl of Winchester v John Maltravers and others. (S) UKNA.

5/9/1323, John summoned to attend the Great Council at Westminster.

11/8/1324, John Mautravers, the elder, staying in England, … (S) CPRs.

10/15/1325, Commission to John de Bello Campo of Somersete, … that John Mantravers, the elder, [and his men] attacked a fair being held in Bere, co. Dorset. (S) CPRs.

2/20/1326, John summoned to Portsmouth to go to Guienne with the earl of Warrene. [Queen Isabella was in rebellion in France building an army for an invasion.]

1/20/1327, Edward II abdicated in favor of his son.

By 1326, Eleanor died.

[––John & Joan––]

1326, John married 2nd Joan Foliot [born 1305], heiress & d/o Lawrence de Saundford, Kt. [her grandfather.] (S) 36th Ann. Rpt. Dep. Keeper, 1875, P62. [And widow of Nicholas de Percy.]

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

5/8/1330, … Alda de Saunford held in her demesne as of fee a 6th part of the town of Nantwich, Neuehalle, Aston by Neuehalle, and Couhull, and a 12th part of … and that Joan wife of John Mautravers is her next heir and of full age, to deliver to the said John and Joan the said lands, the king having respited John's homage and fealty at will. (S) CFRs.

1330, John summoned to Great Councils at Osney abbey and Nottingham.

10/18/1330 at Nottingham castle, King Edward III captured his mother Queen Isabella and Roger Mortimer [who was soon executed.]

1331, Alda de Saunforde [sister and heir of Thomas de Saundford] died … Joan the wife of John Mautravers, aged 26 years, is her next heir. (S) CIsPM.

8/22/1331, Commission to John Mautravers the elder … to arrest wherever found … (S) CPRs.

1331, Extent of lands and goods of Roger Mortimer, earl of March, John Maltravers, … (S) UKNA.

1335, John’s son, the king’s enemy, having been attained and banished for several years, returned to England. [But still banished.]

3/16/1337, John de Warren, earl of Surrey, appointed to arrest and imprison William, son of William de Percy, parson of the church of Folke, who with others abducted Joan the wife of John Mautravers, the elder, and goods of the said John. (S) CPRs.

11/20/1338, Master John de Greydon enfeoffed by John Mautravers, senior, and Joan his wife, … a sixth part of the baron of Wich-Malbank. (S) Ann. Rpt. Dep. Keeper, 1867, P35.

3/14/1339, Licence for John Mautravers the elder to enfeoff … with remainder to John Mautravers, his nephew, in fee.

1/26/1341, John Mautravers, the elder, knight, staying in England, … (S) CPRs.

Bef. 9/6/1342, John died.


Joan married 2nd Alexander de Venables.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

1348, Joan died. (S) IPM. [… And Joan is 26 years. … Joan, who was the wife of Alexander de Venables knight … next heirs of said Joan are Joan, a daughter of Nicholas de Percy and wife of Peter de Brewes, and Alice (age 21) a daughter of John de Maultravers, sister of the aforesaid Joan wife of Peter de Brewes.]

(S) Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, 1840, P339.

Children of John and Eleanor:

i. John Mautravers (5910508), born 1291 in England.

ii. Roger Mautravers, born ? in England.

12/14/1348, Roger died.

9/1/1351, IPM of Roger Mautravers. Gloucester: Luttle Shurdinton within the manor of Beggeworth. A messuage, a carucate of land, 4a. meadow, 3a. pasture and 13s. 4d. … He died on 14 December, 22 Edward III. John Mautravers, son of John Mautravers brother of the deceased, aged 60 years, is his heir. (S) CIsPM.

Child of John and Joan:

ii. Alice Mautravers, born 1327 in England.
