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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lord Roger de Morteyn & Isabella Touchet

15208646. Lord Roger de Morteyn & 15208647. Isabella Touchet

9/29/1262, Roger de Mortain born in Stafford, England, s/o 30417292. Sir Roger de Morteyne.

1266, Isabella born in England, d/o 30417294. William Tuchet.

8/19/1274 at Westminster abbey, Edward I crowned king of England.

Bef. 1282, Roger’s father died.

10/6/1282, Roger’s uncle Sir William de Morteyne died.

11/15/1282, IPM of William de Morteyn. Leciester: Brantestun. The manor with the advowson … Mistirtun. The service of 1 knight's fee with the advowson of a moiety of the church … Roger son of Roger de Mortein, of full age before All Saints last, is his next heir. Lincoln: Dounesby. The manor … Stafford: Walesale. A moiety of the manor … Derby: Eyum. The manor with the advowson … Rysley. The manor … Nottingham: Wollaton and Cossale. The manors … (S) CIsPM.

1/14/1283, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to deliver to Roger de Mortein, nephew and heir of William de Mortein, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said uncle, he having done homage. (S) CFRs.

1/14/1284, Roger took possession of his uncle’s lands north and south of the river Trent. (S) CFRs.

2/12/1284, Roger granted free warren  in his demesne at Walsall. (S) CChRs, (S) Hist. of Staffordshire, V17, 1976, Walsall: Economic Hist.

[––Roger & Isabella––]

~1285, Roger married Isabella.

8/25/1286, Enrolment of grant by Laurence de Sancto Michaele … Witnesses: … knights; Roger de Morteyn … (S) CCRs.

1288, Roger de Morteyn sued Robert Sautcheverel for 40 acres of wood in Ryseley of which Eustace de Morteyn his grandfather had been seised, … (S) Staffordshire Hist. Coll’s, V6, Pt1, 1885, Banco Roll, Hillary, 16 E. I.

2/6/1292, Commission of oyer … touching person who broke the park of Roger de Morteyn at Walshale, co. Stafford. (S) CPRs.

1293, Roger de Mortayn, John Paynel, and Margaret his wife hold the manor of Waleshale, which is of ancient demesne, and is worth £10 annually … they held the said manor (of Walshall) of the King in capite at fee farm for £4 annually by the grant of King Henry … (S) Staffordshire Hist. Coll’s, V6, Pt1, 1885, Gaol Delivery.

By 1296, Roger knighted.

3/4/1296 at Nottingham, Debtor: Roger de Morteyn, lord of Wollaton {Wolaton'} [Notts.] [and 2 others]. Amount: 26m. 6s. 8d. (S) UKNA.

3/22/1296, Walter de Beauchamp asks protections for Sir Roger de Morteyn, … of the household in the K.’s service in Scotland. (S) Cal. of Doc’s Relating to Scotland, 1884, P169.

3/30/1296, King Edward invading Scotland with a force of 25,000, captured Berwick-upon-Tweed, an important Scottish port of northeast England, sacked the town and massacred thousands of its inhabitants.

1/27/1298, Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledged he owed William de Bernewell, tailor, of London, £19 13s 4d. (S) CCRs.

6/7/1298, IPM of William, Bishop of Ely. Buckingham: Luttegareshale. The manor … William Touchet and Isabel [the wife] of Roger de Morteyn, are next heirs of the said bishop, and of full age. (S) CIsPM.

6/17/1298, Petitioners Roger de Morteyn (Mortain); Isabel de Morteyn, wife of Roger, one of the heirs of William, bishop of Ely. Request to the treasurer … William Tuchet parcener of Isabel de Morteyn, the heirs and of full age. (S) UKNA.

1299, Roger and Isabel granted Oxenton and other lands including the manor of Louth, Lincolnshire, to William Tuchet. (S) Hist. of Gloucester, V8, 1968, Oxenton.

2/2/1300 at Eyam, co. Derby, Roger granted property to Roger le Rus and Agnes his wife.

3/10/1300, Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledged he owed £40 to Gilbert Pecche. (S) CCRs.

6/25/1300, King Edward led his forces north from Carlisle.

7/9/1300, Siege of Caerlaverock castle in Scotland began.

7/1300, Roger de Mortaigne, bearing “yellow with 6 blue lions, the of which we call double”, at the siege of Caerlaverock castle.

10/13/1300, Roger Morteyn and Isabella his wife pardoned for entering … in Appelby [co. Lincoln], formerly the property of William de Luda (Louth), late bishop of Ely, whose nephew and heir William Tuchet, after the bishop’s death, granted them in fee simple. (S) CPRs.

2/2/1302, Thomas de Stamford {Staumford}, of Lincs., the tailor of Sir Roger de Morteyn, knight. (S) UKNA.

1302, To Louis, late King of the French, for the 20,000 livres tournois … £532 5s. 8d., which Roger de Morteyn, Knt., received in parts of Flanders of the goods and chattels of the aforesaid citizens seized in Flanders, by reason of the disturbance then existing in England … (S) Cal. of Letter-Books of London: C, 1901, Folio cxlv b.

1302-03, Rogerus de Morteyn held Wollaton and Cossall of the honor of Peverel for 1 knight’s fee.

1303, Sir Roger endowed Thornholm priory with lands in co. Lincoln.

6/10/1304, Roger de Morteyn and Thomas le Rus acquitted of assessed tallage of the manor of Waleshale by prior king’s charter. (S) CCRs.

12/1/1304 at Nottingham, Debtor: Roger de Morteyn, knight [held fee in Wollaton and Cossall, Broxtow Hundred, Notts]. Amount: £130. (S) UKNA.

1305, Sir Roger de Morteyn granted Sir Thomas le Rous his share of a fishpond called the Ladypool.

1305, Petition of Roger de Morteyn and his wife Isabel for a fairer apportionment of responsibility for the debts of William of Louth, late bishop of Ely, between Isabel and Roger and Isabel's coheir, William Tuchet. (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005, Vetus Codex – 1305.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

5/3/1308 at London, Debtor: Roger de Morteyn, lord of Dunsby {Dounesby}, knight, of Lincs.[held fees in Dunsby (Aveland Wapentake) Willoughby, Stixwold, and Appleby (Manley Wapentake), Lincs]. Amount: £200. (S) UKNA.

1308-09, Roger de Mortayn to grant land in Appleby in Lindsey to John le Forester of Appleby in Lindsey, retaining the fourth part of the manor of Appleby. Lincoln. (S) UKNA.

2/2/1309, Grant by Roger de Morteyn and Thomas le Rous, Knts., lords of Walsall, to the burgesses … (S) Borough of Walsall, Sims, 1882, P6.

2/3/1309, Grant, by Roger de Morteyn and Thomas Ruffus, knight, lords of Wallsall [Staffordshire], to the Burgesses of tallage and pannage, and from breach of assize of beer made between Christmas and the Purification and at all times of fairs in Waleshal', and other liberties. (S) UKNA.

6/24/1309 at Lincoln, Debtor: Roger de Morteyn, knight, and lord of Dunsby {Donesby} of Lincs. Amount: £100. (S) UKNA.

1310 at Great Barr, A grant and confirmation by Sir Roger de Morteyn Knt and Isabel his wife to Thomas Egede and Agnes his wife of one plot of waste land in Barr. (S) UKNA.

2/3/1311, Licence for Roger de Mortayn to grant, in fee, to John le Forester of Appelby in Lundeseye a bovate of land. (S) CPRs.

1311, Roger de Morteyn (Mortain); Isabel de Morteyn (Mortain), wife of Roger de Mortain. The petitioners request remedy as they were not named in an assize by which lands that they had let for a term of years in Appleby were taken into the king's hand. (S) UKNA.

3/12/1312, Roger de Morteyn, knight, demised, for the term of his life, to Richard de Wylughby (7604322), the younger, his manor of Cossale … excepting his coal mine, wood, … annual rent of £4. (S) Stevenson, 1911.

6/1313, Roger acknowledged owing the society of Bardi of Florence £10, and Stephen de Stanham, citizen of London, £120. (S) CCRs.

12/25/1312, Commission on complaint of Roger de Mortein that Ranulph Prat and others forcibly entered his close at Dunsby, co. Lincoln, broke the dykes, … (S) CPRs.

1312-1314, Sire Roger de Morteyn named in the Bannerets’ Roll.

6/8/1313, Roger de Mortein acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Stanham, citizen of London, £120; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. (S) CCRs.

6/24/1314, Battle of Bannockburn, Scotland, a victory for the Scots, unusual in that it lasted for 2 days. The Scots, commanded by Robert Bruce, were laying siege to Stirling castle, held by the English. As the English attacked across the brook, Robert counter-attacked along a 2000-yard front. King Edward attempted to flank the Scot’s left with archers, but they were driven back the Scot cavalry. The English front broke against the Scottish spearmen. It was the largest loss of English knights in a single day. This was the battle in which organized foot-soldiers [primarily pike men] defeated heavily armored mounted knights.

11/4/1314, Roger de Morteyn licenced to grant in fee 80 acres of wood in Wolaton with the advowsons of the churches of Wolaton and Cosshale, held in chief, to Richard de Wylgheby (15208644) the elder. (S) CPRs.

3/4/1315, Order to the keeper of the castle and honour of Tykehill … Cecily late the wife of Richard de la Rokele on account of her trespass in acquiring in fee of Roger de Mortein certain lands in Tyreswell. (S) CFRs.

7/24/1317, Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledged owing John de Ousthorpe, clerk, £60. (S) CCRs.

1/25/1318, Roger de Mortayn, knight, … acknowledged owing John de Assheby, £600. (S) CCRs.

1318, Richard Willoughby, of Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, purchased a portion of the Wollaton estate from Roger de Mortein along with the advowsons of Wollaton and Cossall.

10/8/1319, Roger de Morteyn granted licence to enfeoff Richard de Wylughby, the younger, 6 messuages … in Cossale, and for William de Morteyn to enfeoff the said Richard … by a fine of 1 mark. (S) CPRs.

3/1320, Roger de Morteyn acknowledged owing … £100 … £80 … (S) CCRs.

1322, Roger de Mortayn (Mortain); Isabel de Mortayn (Mortain), wife of Roger de Mortain. The petitioners request that right be done to them. Louth (William de Louth, late Bishop of Ely), whose heir Isabel is, purchased for him and William Tochet the manors of Thorpe Waterville and Burreth. (S) UKNA.

1/15/1323, Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 100s. (S) CCRs.

5/7/1324, Roger and Isabella in a dispute with the prior of Thornholm.

1/16/1325, Enrolment of release by the said Roger de Morteyn, lord of Dunnesby, to Sir Ralph de Crophull, knight … (S) CCRs.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

1329, William de Ayreminne purchased the manors of Silkeby, Northwillughby and Lasford from Roger de Morteyn and Isabel his wife. (S) Topo. Hist. of the Co. of Norfolk, 1806, P503.

1331, Inquisition ad quod damnum [about property damages], Roger de Mortayne holds Dunnesby of Thomas Wake, lord of Lyddel, … Appleby … of Richard Tuchet … manor of Barre, co. Stafford in chief.

1332, Isabel died.

Roger died.

(S) Sir Roger de Morteyne, Knight Banneret, A Biography, John M Ellis, 2004. (S) Hist. of Nottingham, V2, 1790, Wollaton, Olaveston.

Family notes:

·         Seal of Roger de Mortain, alias Mortein, lord of Walsall, co. Stafford, knight, temp. Edw. II: “3 lions rampant queues fourchees”.

Children of Roger and Isabel:

i. Isabel Morteyn (7604323), born ~1286 in England.

ii. William de Morteyn, born ~1290 in England.

7/1/1323, William son of Roger de Morteyn licence to grant to Richard de Wylughby, the elder, the reversion of 14 messuages … in Wolaton, … (S) CPRs.

iii. Robert de Morteyn, born ? in England.

7/30/1322, Robert de Morteyn as mainpernor for Henry de Burreth in the county of Lincoln. (S) CFRs.

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