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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sir Thomas Fychet & Isabella Chalons

15211164. Sir Thomas Fychet & 15211165. Isabella Chalons

~1315, Thomas born in England, s/o 30422328. Sir John Fychet & 30422329. Isabel ?.

~1325, Isabella born in Chalonsleigh, Devon, England.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

By 1337, Thomas’ father died.

1336-7, Thomas Fichet, lord of Spaxton, son and heir of John Fichet, knight to Richard Cardigan, chaplain: Grant, indented. (S) UKNA.

11/10/1340, Commission of oyer … to John Inge … on complaint of Thomas Fychet of Spaxton that Peter de Raghle, knight, … and others broke his houses at Tryl, carried away goods and assaulted his men and servants. (S) CPRs.

1342-3, Thomas Fychet, lord of Spaxton to Adam Smethe and Christina his wife. (S) UKNA.

[––Thomas & Isabella––]

By 1344, Thomas married Isabella in Devon.

4/1344, James de Audeleye, querent; and Stephen de Columbars, deforciant; … the homages and services of … Thomas Fychet an Isabella his wife, … (S) Somerset Record Society, V12, 1898, P222. [Thomas Fychet and Isabella his wife named in 3 separate deeds at this time.]

5/1/1344, Protection with clause volumus, for 1 year, for Thomas Fychet, ‘chivaler,’ going to Ireland on the king’s service with Ralph de Ufford. (S) CPRs. [Ralph the Justiciar of Ireland.]

5/14/1344, Order to cause Thomas Fichet to have respite … for £16 10s … because he was in his [the king’s] service at that time. (S) CCRs.

7/1/1344, Licence for the alienation in mortmain … convent of Niwenham, co. Devon, … by Thomas Fichet, ‘chivlaer,’ 2 messuages in Axemynstre, … (S) CPRs.

1344-5, Thomas Fychet, knight, Gilbert Dunfrevyle, and Richard de Okebeare to grant messuages and land in Axminster to the abbot and convent of Newenham, the said Thomas retaining the manor of Spaxton (Somers.), … (S) UKNA.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

2/1/1350, Commission of oyer and terminer to Hugh de Courteneye, earl of Devon, Thomas de Berkele, William de Shareshull, … and Thomas Fychet, on complaint by Ralph, bishop of Bath and Wells, … (S) CPRs.

9/10/1350, Commission to Thomas de Berkele, … to make inquisition in the county of Somerset whether Richard de Acton, ‘chivaler,’ and Thomas Fychet, ‘chivaler,’ have borne themselves ill towards the king … (S) CPRs.

2/27/1351, Order to deliver Thomas Fichet, knight, who is imprisoned in Neugate, in bail to William baron of Greystok, James de Audele, John de Chaundos and William Trussell, knight, who have mainperned. (S) CCRs.

1351, Debtor: Thomas Fychet, lord of Spaxton Tharnham, merchant, of [Cannington Hundred] Somerset. and of London. Creditor: Eborard le Fraunceys [merchant] of Bristol, now deceased. (S) UKNA.

2/30/1352 [Note the date], To … justices … process against Thomas Fichet, knight, pending, … so that he may be able to set out with the other lieges to sea to repel the malice of the king’s enemies, who propose to invade the realm. (S) CCRs.

3/15/1352, To Walter de Mauny, warden of the Marshalsea prison, … to release Thomas Fichet, knight, … he is detained for certain felonies in Somerset … and for maiming John de Forde, … mainpernors have undertaken to have him before the king … (S) CCRs.

12/4/1352, Whereas … justices of oyer … at Bristol, that Thomas Fychet, knight, and John de Knolle, coroner, by conspiracy between them, caused 12 jurors at Lottesham, to indict Thomas de Panes of some felonies, … acquitted before William de Shareshull, … he has been put in exigent to be outlawed ; the king, of special grace, has pardoned the said Thomas … (S) CPRs. [Thomas pardoned the next day for assenting to the death of William Constable.]

4/10/1353, Notification … at the request of Thomas Fychet … Robert [Guyen] to discharge Thomas’s lands in his hand by virtue of a bond … for 160 marks … (S) CCRs.

11/20/1354, Whereas James Daudeleye, knight, lord of Heleygh, indicted of some trespasses, extortions, … sumitted to the king’s grace and made fine with him by £2000 for the payment whereof Thomas Fichet, Simon Forneux, John de Acton, knights, … mainprised ; … the king … has pardoned £1000 … (S) CPRs.

1355, Thomas Fichet of Spraxton grants to Richard, son of sir Richard de Egebaston, kt., 1 messuage and carucate of
land in Horbourne. (S) CChRs.

10/1/1355, King Edward III landing in Calais, proceeds on raids into Pas de Calais, Artois and Picady.

1356, Thomas, a knight, received letters of protection as a member of the retinue of the Prince of Wales in Gascony. (S) Appendices … Thomas Rymer’s Foedera, 1837, P17.

9/19/1356, Battle of Poitiers in France. Edward, the Black Prince, defeated a larger French and allied army led by King John II of France, leading to the capture of the French king, his son, and much of the French nobility. By treaty, England was permitted to annex much of western France. In addition, France would pay a ransom of 4 million écus for the king.

7/8/1357, Alexander de Menteth, a Scottish knight, who had been taken prisoner by Thomas, received safe conduct into England with 4 knights and attendants to visit Thomas.

6/7/1359, Pardon to … as the king is informed by John Meryet, Thomas Fychet, John de Bello Campo of Lilleston, knights, … (S) CPRs.

1359, Thomas Fichet, Lord of Spaxton to Richard Percher and John and Richard his sons: Grant, indented, of a tenement and will (Somers.) (S) UKNA.

By 6/1/1367, Thomas died. [Killed.]

(S) Parochial and Family Hist. of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, V2, Maclean, P42.

Child of Thomas and Isabella:

i. Thomas Fychet (1477354), born 1346 in England.
