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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lord John Lovel & Isabel ?

15211176. Lord John Lovel & 15211177. Isabel ?

6/24/1314, John’s father slain at the battle of Bannockburn.

9/1314, John born in England, heir & s/o 30422352. Lord John Lovel & 30422353. Maud Burnell. [John born after his father died.]

10/4/1314, Sale to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, on his petition, for 1,200 marks, of the wardship of 2 parts of the lands late of John Lovel of Tichemerssh, tenant in cliief, to hold until the full age of John his son and heir, with the marriage. (S) CFRs.

~1320, Isabel born in England.

3/15/1325, On the death of the earl of Pembroke, the wardship of the John Lovel of Tychemersh passed to Joan Jermy, sister of Alice Hales, countess of Norfolk. [Joan was also governess of the king’s daughters Eleanor and Joan.] (S) CPRs, CFRs.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

8/11/1330, Order to take into tbe king's hand the lands late of Thomas Lovel, deceased, tenant by knight service of the heir [John] of John Lovel, tenant in chief of Edward II, a minor in the king's ward. (S) CFRs.

1332, Northamptonshire: [Particulars of] account for the Manor of Titchmarsh, held by John son and heir of John Lovel, a minor. (S) UKNA. [This was due to a lawsuit associated with a grant of his father filed in 1331. (S) UKNA.]

1/28/1333, Manor of Tychemersh, co. Northampton, … granted to John son of John Lovel, tenant in chief, the custody of the said manor. (S) CCRs, 9/25/1333. [John the son identified as still being a minor in CFRs of same date.]

1333, John in Scotland in service to the King.

5/1333, Siege of Berwick in Scotland.

7/19/1333, Battle of Halidon Hill, a small rise of 600 ft. 2 miles to the north-west of Berwick, Northumberland. Scots under Sir Archibald Douglas defeated by forces of Edward III.

1/1334, John attended the tournament at Dunstable.

11/2/1334, Letters of general attorney for John son and heir of John Lovel of Tychemersh, knight, going to Scotland. (S) Cal. of Doc’s Relating to Scotland.

1335, John in Scotland in service to the King.

1335, King Edward going into Scotland in support of Edward Balliol. The Scots refused to meet the large force in open battle. King Edward instead ravaged towns throughout Scotland.

[––John & Isabel––]

By 1339, John married Isabel.

1341, John went overseas with Henry of Lancaster.

7/12/1346, King Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued.

8/26/1346, John fought at the battle of Crecy.

8/26/1346, The Battle of Crecy, north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards. A decisive victory, a third of the French forces lost [mainly to arrows] to less than 100 Englishmen, this started the decline in importance of the mounted knight, and the rise of England as a European power.

9/4/1346, The English began the year-long siege of the port of Calais.

9/19/1346, John de Haudlo (7604748) held no lands of the king in chief, … but held for life by the courtesy of England as of the right of Maud Burnel (30422353), sometime his wife, by reason of their offspring, the manor of Sparkeford with the advowson of the church of that town, the hamlet of Upton and 2 parts of the manor of Chiriton with the advowson of the church of that town, and that the reversion thereof belongs to John Lovel, Maud's son and heir, and that the said 2 parts and the advowson of the church … the said John Lovel is of full age,—to deliver the premises to John Lovel, the king having respited his homage and fealty until the king's return to England, he being in the king's service beyond seas in the company of Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick. (S) CFRs.

8/1347, The siege of Calais ended. Calais fell when King Philip failed to support their siege and retreated.

11/3/1347, John, 3rd Lord Lovel of Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire, died. (S) UKNA. [Son John age 6 ½.]

11/10/1347, Writ for IPM of John Lovel in Northampton, Oxford, Somerset, Worcester, Norfolk. (S) CFRs.


1/22/1348, Order to take the fealty of Isabel late the wife of John Lovel, and not to intermeddle further with the manor of Mynstre Lovel, restoring the issues thereof to her, as the king has learned by inquisition taken by the escheator that John at his death held the said manor jointly with Isabel. (S) CCRs.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

4/3/1349, To Richard Blundel, escheator in co. Northampton. Order to deliver to Isabel late the wife of John Lovel, tenant in chief, the parts of knights' fees in that bailiwick assigned to her to hold as dower. … (S) CCRs.

7/2/1349, Isabel died. (S) IPM.

[––Post Mortem––]

2/20/1351, Writ for IPM of Isabel, late the wife of John Lovel. Somerset: Sparkeford. A third part of the manor (extent given) held in dower of the inheritance of John son and heir of John Lovel her husband, a minor in the king’s wardship. Upton. A third part of the hamlet … Chyriton. A third part of 2 parts of the manor … She died on 2 July, 23 Edward III. The aforesaid John son of John is her heir, age not known. Northampton: Tichemersh. A third part of the manor … Norfolk: Suthmere. A third part of 2 parts … Heir as above, aged “ten” years and more … (S) CIsPM. [Different inquisitions give different “days” of her death, and some numerical records are unlikely, e.g. heir age “21” and more. However the age “ten” is in letters and is most likely correct. Digitization of numbers is prone to errors.]

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P524. (S) A Gen. and Heraldic Dic., Burke, P319.

Family notes:

·         Sources give 2 sons John of the same name; in most cases, the 1st died as a minor before the 2nd was born. Since John the father was born late 1314, and was only 26 when the 2nd son John was born, this is likely.

Children of John and Isabel:

i. John Lovel, born ? in England.

[Likely died as an infant.]

ii. John Lovel (7605588), born 1340 in England.

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