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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baron John de Montagu & Margaret de Monthermer

15211448. Baron John de Montagu & 15211449. Margaret de Monthermer

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

~1329, John de Monte Acuto born in England, s/o 30422278. Earl William de Montague & 30422279. Katherine de Grandison.

10/14/1329, Margaret born at Stokenham, Devon, England, heir & d/o 30422898. Lord Thomas de Monthermer & 30422899. Margaret de Brewes.

6/24/1340, Margaret’s father died at the battle of Sluys.

7/2/1340, Marriage of Margaret de Monthermer granted to William de Montagu, earl of Salisbury.

2/1/1341 Indemnity to John, bishop of Exeter, with respect to his taking of Margaret daughter and heir of Thomas de Monte Hermerii, tenant in chief, detaining her for some time and then delivering her to William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, with the king’s will and the assent of Robert de Ferrariis, to whom her marriage had been granted by the king. (S) CPRs.

3/15/1341, To Margaret, late the wife of Thomas de Monte Hermerii. Order to pay to William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury and marshal of England, 100 marks yearly for the maintenance of Margaret daughter and heir of Thomas de Monte Hermerii, deceased, tenant in chief, a minor in the king’s wardship, … allowance … of the manors of Eorlestok, co. Wilts, and Stokenham, co. Devon, which belonged to Thomas, … (S) CCRs.

[––John & Margaret––]

By 1343, John married to Margaret, acquiring the barony of Monthermer in her right.

12/1343, Margaret, daughter and heir of Thomas de Monte Hermerii, proof of age. Devon: [Thom]as de Oulecombe, aged 60 years, says that the said Margaret was 14 years of age and more on the feast of St. Luke last, for she was born at Stoke in Hamme on Wednesday next before St. Luke, 3 Edward III, and was baptized in the church of St. Humbert the Confessor … this he knows because the said Thomas de Monte Hermerii, father of the said Margaret, took, on the day she was born, two does in his park of Stoke in Hamme, whereof the said Thomas de Oulecombe had one skin. … (S) CIsPM.

12/20/1343, To Margaret, late the wife of Thomas de Monte Hermerii. Order not to intermeddle further with 2 parts of all the lands which belonged to Thomas at his death, … the king has rendered the said lands to John de Monte Acuto and Margaret his wife. (S) CCRs.

1/30/1344, John’s father died; his brother William the heir to the earldom.

2/3/1344, Order to discharge Margaret late the wife of Thomas de Monte Hermerii … custody of the manor of Erlestok, co. Wilts, … Stokenham, co. Devon, … the king took the fealty of John de Monte Acuto, who married Margaret, daughter and heir of Thomas, … (S) CCRs.

12/20/1344, Order to cause John de Monte Acuto, and Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas de Monte Hermerii … to have seisin of all the lands … as Margaret has proved her age … and the king has taken John’s fealty for all the lands … (S) CCRs.

5/24/1346, John de Somerton guardian of William, son and heir of William de Monte Acuto late earl of Salisbury, a minor in the king’s ward, about to proceed with the king to foreign parts … Peter de Grandison, chivaler, guardian of John de Monte Acuto, a minor, about to proceed with the above-named William in the king’s service into foreign parts.

7/12/1346, King Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued.

8/26/1346, John fought at the Battle of Crecy.

8/26/1346, The Battle of Crecy, north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards. A decisive victory, a third of the French forces lost [mainly to arrows] to less than 100 Englishmen, this started the decline in importance of the mounted knight, and the rise of England as a European power.

9/4/1346, The English began the year-long siege of the port of Calais.

1347, John at the siege of Calais.

8/1347, Calais fell when King Philip failed to support their siege and retreated.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

5/1349, Margaret’s mother died.

1349, IPM of Margaret de Monte Hermerii, widow of Thomas de Monte Hermerii, deceased, … Margaret, the wife of John de Monte Acuto, daughter and next heir of Thomas de Monte Hermerii and Margaret aforesaid, was 21 years old.

9/29/1351, Roger de Bello Campo … querents ; … the homage and all services of William de Monte Acuto, earl of Sarum, … John de Monte Acuto, … (S) Feet of Fines, Somerset.

5/18/1352, Grant by John de Grandissono, Bishop of Exeter, … manor of Peynton. Witnesses : — Sir John de Monte Acuto and Sir Henry de la Pomeray the younger, knights, … (S) The Manuscripts of the Duke of Somerset, 1898.

3/10/1354, Commission of oyer … on complaint by John de Monte Acuto … at Dertemuth, co. Devon, broke his houses … (S) CPRs.

9/9/1355, King Edward and Henry, duke of Lancaster, sail for Normandy from Plymouth, with the Black Prince who had been appointed lieutenant in Gascony; to oppose raids by the count of Armagnac.

9/19/1356, John fought at Poitiers, France, with his brother William, earl of Salisbury.

9/19/1356, Battle of Poitiers in France. Edward, the Black Prince, defeated a larger French and allied army led by King John II of France, leading to the capture of the French king, his son, and much of the French nobility. By treaty, England was permitted to annex much of western France. In addition, France would pay a ransom of 4 million écus for the king.

12/15/1357, Johanni de Monte Acuto 1st summoned to parliament by writ.

2/9/1361, Robert de Fienles, staying beyond the seas on the king’s service, has letters nominating John de Monte Acuto, … (S) CPRs.

6/22/1361, William de Brauntone, clerk, was inst. at Clyst. Patron, Sir John de Monte Acuto, Knt. in right of his wife Margarete, … heredis Domini Thome de Montehermeri, Militis, defuncti, … (S) The Register of John de Grandisson, Bishop of Exeter, 1899, P1361.

2/20/1363, John de Monte Acuto, justice of the peace in the county of Southampton. (S) CPRs.

12/24/1363, … ward of the Tower of London, between the tenements of Sir John de Monte Acuto, knight, on the north side, … (S) CPRs.

1364, Edward, the Black Prince, indebted to John for wages and horses.

1365, John leased the castle and barony of Wark to Joan, widow of John Coupland, for 7 years.

10/12/1366, Licence, for £40 … by John de Monte Acuto, for John de Grauntson to enfeoff him of 8/5 knights’ fees in … co. Wilts, 2 knights’ fees … co. Somerset, and 2 knights’ fees in … co. Hereford. (S) CPRs.

5/16/1367, John de Monte Acuto, knight, querent, and John Graunson', bishop of Exeter, deforciant. The manor of Eton’ Tregoz. John de Monte Acuto has given him 200 marks of silver. (S) Feet of Fines, Herefordshire.

3/1369, Due to an outbreak of the plague in London, the royal court was moved to Windsor.

11/2/1375, Commission to John de Monte Acuto [touching the rape of Joan late the wife of Peter Brugge at Romeseye, co. Southampton.] (S) CPRs.

7/13/1377, Richard II, age 10, crowned king of England.

3/2/1380, Commission to A. archbishop of York, … Richard, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Hugh, earl of Stafford, William de Latymer, Guy de Briene and John de Monte Acuto, banerets, … that the commons of the realm have fallen into utter destitution … to enquire … (S) CPRs.

10/18/1381, Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Monte Acuto, steward of the king’s household, … (S) CPRs.

11/18/1381, Thomas Gouys, querent, and John de Monte Acuto, knight, and Simon Kyng', the parson of the church of Okforde, deforciants. (S) Feet of Fines, Devon.

12/9/1382, Licence for William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, to enfeoff … manor of Mertok, co. Somerset, …  remainder to John de Monte Acuto, knight, in fee simple. (S) CPRs.

1383, John’s nephew William, s/o his brother William, earl of Salisbury, died leaving John as heir apparent. [John’s son John would be heir.]

11/29/1384, Commission to Robert, earl of Oxford, Hugh, earl of Stafford, Henry, earl of Northumberland, John de Nevill of Raby, … to examine Guy Briene the elder, … as witnesses necessary to William, earl of Salisbury, in his appeal in the cause before the constable and marshal of England between him and John de Monte Acuto, knight, they being old men, … (S) CPRs. [This suit continued for several years.]

6/20/1385, Protection … Sir John de Monte Acuto, steward of the household, and William Cotyngham, parson of Lokyngton, diocese of York, subclerk of the kitchen, with him. (S) Cal. of Doc’s Relating to Scotland.

2/18/1386, Commitment to John Mountagu, 'chivaler,' of the keeping of two-thirds of the manor of Fowyton with its members in the county of Cornwall. (S) CFRs.

3/20/1388, John de Grandissono, Bishop of Exeter, brother and heir of Peter de Gradissono to John de Monte Acuto his nephew: Grant of land in Ewyas Harold, Monnington, Stradel, Folesyate, Upton Skydemor, Norton, Fyfield, Teffont, Rockley, Poyntington, and Eschelleworth: Heref.

2/25/1389, John, Lord Montagu, died; buried at Salisbury Cathedral.


3/10/1390, IPM of John de Monte Acuto, knight, the elder. Essex: He held Hermere manor. The manor of the right of Margaret his wife, who is 60 years of age and more and still living. He died on 25 February last. John de Monte Acuto, knight, his son, aged 39 years and more, is his heir. Northumberland: Manor of Werk upon Twede together with the knight’s fees, advowsons, reversions, fairs, markets, tolls, liberties, forests, woods, parks, warrens, chases, stanks, stews, marshes, pastures, services of free tenants and villeins … It is worth nothing by the year because of the destruction of war. London: Parish of St. Dunstan Est in Tower Ward. A tenement, … Southampton: [2 manors] … Wilts: Erlestoke. The manor, … A tenement in the high street, … Devon and Cornwall: He held [3 fees]. The remainder of the under-mentioned manors, fees and advowsons he held in right of the inheritance of Margaret his wife … [many properties, 17+ fees.] … co. Hereford [& Wilts & Somerset] … [7 manors, 13 fees], … Somerset: [7 fees] … (S) CIsPM.

4/3/1390 at Warblington, Grant by Margaret Mountagu, lady of Stokeynhame, widow.

6/16/1390, Margaret holding their tenement in St. Dunstan’s parish in the city of London in her right.

9/14/1390, Order to Richard Horn, escheator in the county of Southampton, to take the fealty of John de Monte Acuto, ' chivaler,' son and heir of John de Monte Acuto, 'chivaler,' the elder and cause him to have full seisin of all the lands which his father held … saving to Margaret late the wife of his said father her reasonable dower. (S) CFRs.

10/6/1390, Plea of covenant, moiety of the manor of Hurberton. John Wadham, John Hille and William Hanckeford, querents, and Cecily Turbervyle, deforciant. … their successors, Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon, Margaret Courtenay, countess of Devon, John Daumarle, John de Montague [son of Margaret], Margaret de Montague, Thomas Peverell, Margaret Peverell, … (S) Feet of Fines, Devon.

1393, Margaret sued by William Lokhull.

3/24/1395, Margaret died; buried at Warblington [later moved to Selwood priory.] (S) Monthermer Peerage, Parliament Lords, 1860, P90.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P576. (S) Monthermer Peerage, Parliament Lords … Case on Behalf of William Lowndes, 1860.

Children of John and Margaret: [3 sons, 4 daughters]

i. John Montagu (7605724), born 1351 in England.

ii. Richard de Monte Acuto, born ? in England.

5/5/1396, Pardon … Richard de Monte Acuto, son of John de Monte Acuto, knight, deceased, to him for acquiring in fee tail from William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, brother of the said John, … (S) CPRs.
