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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lord William de Champernowne & Eva de Whitchurch

19962466. Lord William de Champernowne & 19962467. Eva de Whitchurch

By 1198, William de Campo Arnulphi born in England, s/o 39924932. Jordan de Chambernun & 39924933. Mabel Fitz Robert.

~1200, Eva born in Berkshire, England, d/o §§Rainald de Whitchurch of Shrivenham, Berkshire.

Bef. 1214, William’s older brother Jordan Champernoun died.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

~1218, William married Eva.

1224, William, of age, disputed the gift of his grandmother, Hawise de Redvers (79849867), of the manor of Fleet, claiming the manor had earlier been given to his father.

1226-27, At Dorcester, on the morrow of the Anunciation of the Blessed Mary, between William de Chambernun, plaintiff, and Roger, the Prior of Christchurch, tenent, by John de Auna, canon, in the Prior's place, of the 4th part of one knight's fee in Flete. … William acknowledged the same to be the right of the Prior and his church of Christchurch, … For this the Prior gave to William 50 marcs of silver. (S) Feet of Fines.

6/10/1226, The king has committed to Thomas of Cirencester the manor of Broomford with appurtenances that W. Longespée, once earl of Salisbury, held by bail of the king, and the manors of Kingkerswell and Diptford with appurtenances that William Brewer, William Chambernun and Elias Coffin held, to keep for as long as etc. (S) FRsHIII.

4/1229, William involved in a dispute with the Abbot of Tewkesbury. (S) CPRs.

10/5/1229, Order to the sheriff of Devon to place in respite, … the demand he makes … from the abbot of Tewkesbury by summons for falling into the [king’s] mercy … to take the assize of darrein presentment between William de Campo Aernulfo, claimant, and the abbot of Forde , defendant, concerning the churches of Bickington and Umberleigh. (S) FRsHIII.

1235, William de Champernowne the mesne lord of Hampton Gay in Heyford. (S) Lower Heyford, A Hist. of the Co. of Oxford, V6, 1959.

~1240, William de Campo Arnulphi, of Umberleigh, Devon, died. (S) The Archaeological Journal, V157, 2000, P449.


8/21/1249, Eva living; her dower is addressed in a grant of Geoffrey de Grandi  Monte.

Eva married 2nd Giles de Clifford. (S) Hist. of Berkshire, V4, 1924, Shrivenham.

1259, Eva died.

10/31/1259, De terris que fuerunt Eve de Chabernun.—Quia Eva de Chabernun, uxor Egidii de Clyfford, viam universe carnis ingressa est, et terre quas tenuit in dotem de terris que fuerunt Henrici filio regis, quondam viri sui, sunt escaeta regis sicut rex accepit, mandatum est Willelmo de Wendling', escaetori regis citra Trentam, quod per sacramentum etc. diligenter inquirat etc. et inquisitionem etc. regi mittat. (S) CCRs.

(S) A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain, Burke, 1838, P526.

Family notes:

·         Lady Joan Champernoun [as she styled herself] founded a chantry at Umberleigh in the reign of Henry III to pray for the soul of her father William de Campo Arnulphi, with the souls of her mother Eva, and Ralph de Willington (9981232), her husband, which Risdon says “lay long neglected until the Lady Joan Champernoun allowed lands for the maintenance of a chaplain.” (S) Monasticon, P481.

Child of William and Eva:

i. Joan Champernowne (9981233), born ~1220 in England.
