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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lord Maurice Fitz Gerald & Juliana de Cogan

19989656. Lord Maurice Fitz Gerald & 19989656. Juliana de Cogan

1194, Maurice born in Ireland, s/o 39979312. Gerald Fitz Maurice & 39979313. Eva de Birmingham.

~1195, Juliana born in Ireland, d/o §§John de Cogan.

5/27/1199, John crowned king of England.

Bef. 1/15/1204, Maurice, age 9, succeeded his father. On that date the custody of the castles of Lea and Geashill, and Maurice’s wardship were assigned to Earl William Marshall as lord of Leinster.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.

Bef. 7/5/1215, Maurice obtained seisin of the lands of his father, paying 60 marks to have the lands of in Ireland, with the castles of Crumeth (Croom), and of Dungarvan, in Oglassin (in Imokilly).

1215, Maurice introduced the Franciscans to Ireland.

1216, Maurice introduced the Dominicans to Ireland.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

11/26/1216, William Marhall, acting for the king, order Geoffrey de Marisco, the justiciar, to cause Maurice FitzGerald to have seisin of the land of Maynooth, and of the lands whereof Gerald, his father, died seised in Ireland.

1217, Maurice knighted.

12/10/1226, the King issued a mandate before the court of William Earl Marshal between Maurice FitzGerald, plaintiff, and Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciar of Ireland, defendant; giving Geoffrey de Marisco right to his wife’s lands for his life.

1229, Maurice appointed Lord Justice of Ireland.

1232, Maurice built the Franciscan abbey of Youghal.

1232, Maurice going beyond the seas in service to the king.

9/2/1232, Maurice reappointed Lord Justice of Ireland [which he held until 1245.] Maurice was allocated 500 marks a year for maintenance. [And ordered to clear a blockage in the Avenliff river.] (S) Cal. of Document Relating to Ireland. [Maurice was appointed with Catherine, daughter of King John’s Viceroy, Hamon de Valognes. (S) History of the Viceroys of Ireland, Gilbert, 1865, P93.]

1/13/1233, Mandate for the third time to Richard de Burgo to deliver to Maurice son of Gerold, justicary of Ireland, the king’s castles in Ireland which he still holds … (S) CPRs.

7/16/1233, Appointment of Maurice son of Gerold, justicary of Ireland, to the land of Gren, which Maud del Puntdelarche held. (S) CPRs.

1234, Maurice took part in the conquest of Connacht.

3/7/1234, Mandate to … the chamberlains of Dublin to deliver money out of the king's treasure in their custody to Maurice son of Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. (S) CPRs.

4/1/1234, Having received orders for the arrest of Richard, the Earl Marshall, for conspiracy, Maurice and other barons met at Curragh of Kildare to persuade Richard to surrender. Richard arrived, charged into the group, was unhorsed, and stabbed in the back, dying soon afterwards.

9/1234, Geoffrey de Marisco imprisoned for crimes against the crown and his lands forfeited. Maurice FitzGerald rewarded by the King; obtaining some lands of his which Geoffrey had held [likely Lea and Geashill.]

1234, Maurice received a writ from the king to proclaim free trade between England and Ireland.

4/28/1235, Order to M. fitz Gerald, justiciar of Ireland, to cause the rolls of the king’s Exchequer to be diligently scrutinized … (S) FRsHIII.

8/3/1235, The king restored the lands of Geoffrey de Marisco, with exception of lands given to Maurice. (S) FRsHIII.

1235, Maurice attacked Connaught, taking Cormac M’Art o’Melaghlin prisoner at Athlone; and defeating O’Brien of Thomond and Felim O’Connor.

1236, Maurice founded the Dominican abbey of Sligo, and built the castle of Armagh.

8/24/1236, To the king’s beloved and faithful Maurice fitz Gerald, justiciar of Ireland, and Geoffrey de Tourville, archdeacon of Dublin, treasurer. (S) FRsHIII.

1236, After Richard de Burgh had gone to England, Maurice banished King Feidlim [who had been put into power by Richard and King Henry III.]

1240, Maurice in England ordered by the king to stop the invasion of Connaught by Hubert de Burgh.

8/19/1240, Maurice FitzGerald, the justiciar of Ireland, was granted provisionally “the custody of the land in Kerry which belonged to Robert de Mariscis who was the justiciar’s brother,and the custody of Robert's heir.”

10/28/1241, To M. fitz Gerald, justiciar of Ireland. The king informs him that he certainly wishes that he hands over his manor of Louth at farm to Rose de Verdun. (S) FRsHIII.

1242, Maurice and his son Gerald joined the King’s expedition to Poitou.

5/20/1242, King Henry III with his brother Richard arrived at Royen, France with a small contingent; but with 30 tons of gold. They were soon joined by French nobles with Hugh as their leader against the forces of the Count of Poitou and King Louis IX.

7/21/1242, They met the Count of Poitou and King Louis IX at Taillebourg, but King Henry retreated.

7/22/1242 at Saintes, the 2 armies met with the superior sized French force winning.

1242-43, Maurice built the castle of Sligo.

1/2/1243 To M. son of Gerold, jusiticary of Ireland,  and G. de Turvill, treasurer of Ireland, to let Gerald son of Maurice have £100 of the king’s treasure by gift of the king. (S) CPRs.

3/7/1343, Return of Maurice son of Gerald, Justiciary of Ireland, to writ of extent, and of assignment of dower to Egidia, late the wife of the said Richard de Burgo. (S) CIsPM.

7/17/1243 Mandate to M. son of Gerold, jusiticary of Ireland,  and G. de Turvill, treasurer of Ireland, to cause Gerald son of Maurice £200 for the acquittance of his wages … (S) CPRs.

9/6/1243, Mandate to M. son of Gerold, jusiticary of Ireland,  and G. de Turvill, archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland, to let Gerold son of Maurice have £50 of the gift of the king. (S) CPRs.

1245, Maurice volunteered to joined King Henry III in an expedition into Gannoe, North Wales. [Irish barons were not obligated to serve outside of Ireland.]

11/1245, King Henry III dismissed Maurice from the office of Justiciar of Ireland. John de Cogan [likely brother of Juliana], succeeded.

1246, Maurice attacked Tyrconnell.

1246, Maurice attacked Tyrone, took hostages, and returned with a large quantity of goods.             

1248, Maurice granted the church of Tachtodh for the good of his soul and the souls of his wife Juliana and of his predecessors and successors.

8/8/1248, Remission to Maurice son of Gerald of the king's anger and indignation against him, and quitclaim to him of all receipts, expenses, reckonings, accounts, plaints and demands of the whole time that he was justiciary of Ireland. (S) CPRs.

4/29/1250, The king has given respite to Maurice fitz Gerald from the 500 m. which he owes him for as long as it pleases the king. (S) FRsHIII.

4/10/1251, The king has granted to Maurice fitz Gerald that he may render 100 m. per annum at the Dublin Exchequer of the 500 m. which he owes. (S) FRsHIII.

9/24/1252, The king has pardoned to Maurice fitz Gerald the £100 which are exacted from him by summons of the Exchequer for pledging Geoffrey Marsh. (S) FRsHIII.

7/14/1253, Commission to John son of Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, Maurice son of Gerald, and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland, and the master of the Knights Templars there, to audit the account of Hugh, bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Ireland. (S) CPRs.

1256-57, John de Muscegros (60848492) gave lands in Thomond to Maurice fitz Gerald. [John was active in the south west of Ireland.] (S) Ireland and Britain, Frame, 1998, P53.

1257, Maurice fought in single combat against Godfrey O’Donnel, chief of Tyrconnel, in which both were wounded.

1257, Maurice took the habit of a Franciscan monk.

1257, Maurice died in the monastery which he had founded at Youghal.

(S) Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society, 1905, P329. (S) DNB, Stephen, 1908, P136. (S) The Earls of Kildare, Marquis of Kildare, 1858.

Child of Maurice and Juliana:

i. Gerald Fitz Maurice (9994828), born ~1217 in Ireland.
