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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thomas Bardfield

32818. Thomas Bardfield

~1448, Thomas Berdefeld born in Essex, s/o 65636. John Bardfield.

1464, Thomas Bardfield of Writtle, Essex was a scholar at Oxford.

1471, Thomas Berdefelde of Writtle admitted by Fellowship to New College in Oxford.

1479, Thomas graduated from New College in Law.

1482, Thomas Bardefeld admitted to Lincoln Inn.

8/22/1485, Richard III defeated by King Henry VII at the Battle of Bosworth.

1486-93, Thomas’ father died, his older brother John the heir.

1496, Thomas died.

(S) The Visitations of the County of Cornwall, 1887, Vivian, P252. (S) House of Commons 1509-1558, Bindoff, 1982, P430, P459. (S) Genealogist, V6, 1882, P10. (S) Essex Review, Vs16-17, 1907, P174.

Children of Thomas and ?:

i. Margaret Bardfield, born ~1493 in Shefield, Essex, England.

Margaret married Thomas Bendish, esq. [His 1st wife] (S) Burkes …, V1, 1847, P82.

ii. John Berdefeld, born 1495 in Shefield, Essex, England.

9/27/1497, IPM of John Berdefeld, Esquire [paternal uncle of this John]. He died on Thursday, 16 February, 12 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors. John Berdefelde, son of Thomas Berdefelde his brother, then aged 2 years and more, is his kinsman and heir. Essex: Manor of Gynge Margarete, worth £10, held of the king in chief by service of a third part of two-thirds of a knight’s fee and a half. Manor of Newlondhall, worth £6, held of the king in chief by service of 2 knights’ fees. (S) CIsPM.

2/16/1497, John Berdefeld died. (S) UKNA. … directs that the feoffees of his manors, lands, &c. in Gyng Margarett, Writtell, Badowe, Stock, Chelmesfforde, Wakeryng, Retyndon, …… ., shall stand seised thereof, the manor of Newland and other lands in the hamlet of Roxwell excepted, to the use of Margaret ‘nowe my wif’ for life, … his wife die during the said term, they shall make estate thereof to John son of Thomas Berdefelde his brother and to the heirs of the body of the said Thomas, with remainder in default to John Lightfote, son and heir of Alice Lightfote his sister … with remainder in default to … . . eldest son of Edward Clovile of Coldehall and to the heirs male of the body of the said Edward, with remainder in default to John Leventhorp, son and heir apparent of John Leventhorp of Shengill Hall and his heirs for ever; … if John Berdefelde brother of the said Thomas Berdefelde the younger live till the said estate with the said remainders be made, but if the said John die before the said estate be made, his executors shall have the said ‘halfendele’ of the issues and profits for the marriage and preferment of ‘Margett Alice and Thomasyn’ sisters of the said John … He died Thursday, 16 February last. John Berdefelde, aged 2 years, 19 January last, is his next heir, viz. son of Thomas Berdefelde, his brother. Essex: [long list of properties] … (S) CIsPM.

1502, Robert Cornwalis, … John Berdefeld, … John Lightfoot and Rober Lightfoot … Manor of Newland Hall … rent in Roxwell and Writtle, Essex. (S) Fee Tail, Biancalana, 2001, P426.

1511-14, John died leaving as his heirs his 2 sisters. [John died before reaching maturity.]

iii. Thomasin Bardfield (16409), born by 1497 in Shefield, Essex, England.
