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Monday, July 7, 2014

Lord Humphrey de Beauchamp & Sybil Oliver & Alice Novant

16778024. Lord Humphrey de Beauchamp & 16778025. Sybil Oliver & 60841813. Alice Novant

~1255, Humphrey born in England, s/o 243367952. Robert de Beauchamp & 243367953. Alice de Mohun. (S) Notes & Queries, 1907, P471.

1263, Humphrey’s father died; his mother surviving; his brother John the heir.

~1266, Sybil born in Wambrook, Somerset, England, d/o §§Walter Oliver.

3/27/1274,  Protection with clause [volumus], until 1 August, for Humphrey de Bello Campo, going with John fitz John on an embassage of the king beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

8/19/1274, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England.

3/27/1274, Humphrey de Bello Campo given protection to join the retinue of John son of John on an embassage of the king beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

~1275, Alice born in England, d/o §§Sir Roger Novant. (S) The Family of Fortescue, V2, 1869, P7.

By 1278, Sybil’s father died.

1278-79, Wambrook and Lunleye, Dorset. Appointment of Solomon de Rochester … to take assise of novel disseisin arraigned by Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, against Sibyl, daughter of Walter Olyver … tenement in. (S) 47th Annual Report, 1886, P313.

1279-80, Humphrey married Sibyl.

1280, Wambrook, Dorset. Appointment of Solomon de Rochester … to take assise of novel disseisin arraigned by Humphrey de Beauchamp and Sibyl his wife against Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, … touching tenenment. (S) 47th Annual Report, 1886, P379.

10/24/1283, Humphrey’s older brother John died; John’s son John his heir.

12/25/1285 at Exeter, Protection, with clause volumus, until Michaelmas, for Humphrey de Bello Campo, going beyond seas. Safe conduct, for 1 year. (S) CPRs.

12/27/1285, William del Estre acknowledges that he owes to Humphrey de Bello Campo 15 marks. (S) CCRs.

1287-90, Sibyl divorced Humphrey.

[––Humphrey––] & [––Sibyl––]

By 1292, Sibyl married 2nd John de Aldham. (S) Hist. of Somerset, V4, 1978, Wambrook.

[––Humphrey & Alice––]

By 1292, Humphrey married Alice.

1293, Cecily (121683977), widow of John Beauchamp, Lord Beauchamp of Hatch, whose husband had acted as trustee for his brother Humphrey, unsuccessfully claimed dower in the Wambrook estate.

1296, Humphrey served in Scotland.

3/30/1296, Edward captured Berwick-upon-Tweed, an important Scottish port of northeast England, sacked the town and massacred thousands of its inhabitants.

4/27/1296, Edward invaded Scotland with a force of 25,000 and won the battle of Dunbar against the forces of John Comyn and his son.

6/14/1296, Edward captured Stirling castle, and then Edinburgh castle in an 8 day seige..

8/28/1296, Order to deliver to Humphrey de Bello Campo the manor of Wymbourneford, co. Devon … the king has pardoned Humphrey his trespass in entering the manor for his praiseworthy service to the king in the war in Scotland. (S) CCRs.

3/15/1298, Humphrey de Beauchamp, lord of Ryme, granted a weekly market and an annual fair to be held at the manor of Ryme Intrinseca. (S) Gaz. Of Markets And Fairs.

5/14/1299, Confirmation of a sale made by Walter de Gloucestre, escheator this side of Trent, in pursuance of a power to him to sell wardships and marriages … to Humphrey de Bello Campo, knight, for £20, of the marriage of Idonia, daughter and heir of William de Insula, tenant in chief. (S) CPRs.

2/12/1301, Debtor: Humphrey de Beauchamp, knight, of Devon [held Womberford, Halberton Hundred and Teignharvey, Wonford hundred, Devon] … Amount: 55m. (S) UKNA.

10/18/1303, Grant to Humphrey de Bello Campo, by reason of his service in Scotland, of the custody, during the minority of Amidonia the daughter and heir of the lands in the Isle of Wight, late of William de Insula, tenant in chief. (S) CPRs. [Idonea would marry Humphrey’s son Hugh.]

3/1305 at Coker, John de Bello Campo, Humphrey de Bello Campo, … knights witnessed a charter by John de Mandevile, son of John de Mandevile. (S) Two Cartularies of the Augustinian Priory of Bruton, 1894, P140.

1306 Sibyl Oliver [using her maiden name] granted the advowson and the reversion of the manor of Wambrook to John de Hertrugge and Nichole his wife, with a reservation for life to Sibyl’s son William.

7/16/1306, IPM of Henry de la Pomeray. Devon: … Bokerel. 3 1/4 knights’ fees which Humphrey de Bello Campo holds. (S) CIsPM.

2/25/1308, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1308, John de Hertrugge and Nichole secured a quitclaim of the manor of Wambrook from Humphrey de Beauchamp.

10/26/1309, Debtor: Roger de Novaunt, knight, of Devon. reditor: Sir Humphrey de Beauchamp [held Womberford, Halberton Hundred, and Teignharvey, Wonford Hundred, Devon]. Amount 100m. (S) UKNA.

10/15/1310, John de Bromfeld acknowledges that he owes to Humphrey de Bello Campo £40. (S) CCRs.

8/27/1312, Humphrey de Bello Campo to grant a messuage and land in Oburnford to John son of Humphrey de Bello Campo and Joan his wife, retaining land in Buckerell. Devon. (S) CPRs.

1313, Humphrey de Beauchamp a member of parliament for Devon.

3/25/1313, Humphrey de Bello Campo, of co. Somerset. (S) CCRs.

1316, Humphrey died holding the manors of Ryme, co. Dorset; Wambrook, Co. Somerset; Woburnford, Oulescombe, Teinghervy, and Buckerell, Co. Devon; and Lanescot and Lanlowarne, Co. Cornwall.


By 7/1317, Alice died.

10/20/1317, Writ of plenius certiorari of Alice, late the wife of Humphrey de Bello Campo. Devon: Sulferton. Alice late the wife of Humphrey de Bello Campo died seised of the manor of Sulferton and the advowson of the church, which she held for life … remainder to Peter Corbet and Beatrice his wife and the heirs of their bodies … (S) CIsPM.

(S) Magna Carta Sureties, Weis, 1999, P186. (S) Hist. of the Co. of Somerset, V4, Dunning, 1978, PP222-231.

Child of Humphrey and Sibyl:

i. Hugh de Beauchamp (8389012), born ~1288 in Ryme, Dorset, England.

Child of Humphrey and Alice:

ii. John de Beauchamp (30420906), born ~1295 in Ryme, Dorset, England.
