486754496. Baron Simon de Pateshull & 486754497. Lady Margery Braybrooke
~1165, Simon
born in England, s/o §§Walter de
Pateshull & Margery de Argentem.
Margery born in England, d/o §§Robert
de Braybroc. [And sister of Henry de Braybroc (121671176).]
~1188, Simon
married Margery.
By 1189,
Simon de Pateshull’ witnessed a confirmation by William de Hotot in favour of
Hugh de Nevil. (S) Reports from Commissioners, 1874, P16.
9/3/1189, Richard I succeeded King Henry II of
1191, Simon
given custody of the castle of Northampton by terms between Prince John and
William de Longchamp.
1193, Simon
a king’s justiciar.
1195, Simon
appointed as sheriff of Northampton, Essex and Hertford.
Simon the High Sheriff of Northampton.
1198, Simon
de Pateshull, justice of the Jews: ‘Conventio autem haec facta fuit in Curia
Regis apud Westm. Coram Galfrido filio Petre et … et Simone de Pateshull et …
tunc curam haverunt Iudacorum.’ (S) English Historical Review, 1921, P325.
1199, Simon
de Pateshull a baron of the Exchequer, and justice of the Jews.
5/27/1199, John succeeded King
Richard I of England.
6/17/1199 at Shoreham, Simon de Pateshill witnessed King John’s charter
granted to London. (S) Transactions of Lancaster and Cheshire, Vs35-7, 1886,
1199, King John granted Simon 2 houses in Northampton, which had
belonged to Benedict the Jew.
8/24/1200, Simon, justiciar, in session [Iter] at Oxford; then 9/1/ at
Gloucester; then 9/9 at Hereford; then 9/12 at Leominster; then 9/14 at at
4/1201 at Porchester, Simon de Pateshull, Eustace de Faucunberg and
Ralph de Stoks justices with King John before he left for Normandy.
6-7/1201, Simon de Patishull in court at Sheburn, Ilchester, Taunton,
Exeter and Launceston.
6/1202, Simon de Patishull in court at Lincoln [then: July at
Leicester, August at Coventry and Northampton, September at Bedford, October at
3/1203, Simon de Patishull and Ralph de Stok in court at Bristol.
1204, Simon granted 60 acres in a wood called Letty.
7/24/1204, Simon de Pateshill is order to give seizin to Geoffrey, the
King’s son, of the land which was of the Count of Perche, and is now in Simon’s
custody. (S) History – Borough of Newbury, Money, 1887, P104.
9/1204, Simon removed from the office of sheriff of Northampton.
1204-5, Simon traveled as a justice with King John: ‘coram ipso domino
2/26/1205, Simon de Pateshull a justice of assize a Lancaster. (S)
Lancaster Assize Rolls, V47, 1904, P12.
1206, ‘Rex
Sim. de Pateshull et sociis suis, justiciis suis.’ [‘Iters’ resumed, Simon in
the Eastern counties.]
5/13/1207 at
Winchester, King John to the barons of the Exchequer … T. Simon de Pateshull
[the only attestor.] (S) Oxford Hist. Soc., V24, 1893, P207.
1207, Simon
de Patshull obtained from Ralph Triket his right of 6 virgates of land in
Hillesdon, Bucks.
1207, Simon
and James of Potterne fined 100 marks each for granting a term in a cause
without licence of the king. [Afterwards pardoned. The case involved Eustace de
Vescy and Richard de Umfraville over the custody of Henry Batail.] (S) Magna
Carta, Holt, 1992, P185.
[to 12/7], Simon de Pateshull a justice in eyre at Lancaster. (S) Lancaster
Assize Rolls, V47, 1904, P12.
1209, ‘Iters’:, Simon in the Northern counties.
1209, Simon confirmed in the grant of the manor of Rethoresthorp,
Northamptonshire by William de Bethune, advocate of Arras.
1209, King John gifted Simon with 2 dolia of good Angevin wine.
1210, ‘Et hoc mandatum fuit Baronibus de Scaccario a Curia Regis, per
Simonem de Pateshull.’
6/6/1210, King John launched successful attacks in Ireland [which he
split Ireland into shires ruled by the crown from Dublin]. King John launched
700 ships in the attack.
1210, Simon sent by King John to ireland. [Bruno of Cologne was paid
for his services of transporting Simon de Pateshull to Ireland.] (S) Family,
Commerce and Religion; Huffman, 2003, P166.
1211, Margery’s father died.
1212, Walter de Preston and Simon de Pateshull in custody of
Fotheringay castle.
1212, Simon paid 2 marks scutage for the Welsh expedition, holding 1.5
fee of the honor of Lexington in Milton Malsor and Collingtree; and Waddesdon,
Bucks., of the honor of Wallingford.
1214, Simon,
baron of the Exchequer, in a case involving Jews.
1214, Simon
de Pateshull a justice “de Curia” and “ad Scaccarium”.
1215, Simon
accused of being a member of the revolting barons; his lands seized.
5/1215, King
John granted Simon safe conduct “if it is so as the Abbot of Woburn tells us on
your part, we will relax the anger and indignation we had against you.”
6/19/1215 at
Runnymede near Windsor, King John
forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.
12/1215, Simon’s lands were restored.
3/30/1216, Simon a justice of the bench, sent with Maruice de Andeley
to Northampton to hear a dispute about the presentation of the church of
10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.
By 1217,
Simon died.
(S) Judges
of England, Foss, 1848, P100. (S) Honors and Knights’ Fees, Farrer, 1925, V2.
(S) DNB, V44, 2010, P29. (S) Fines, Sive Pedes Finium: V1, 1835.
Family notes:
Margery de Argentem, d/o §§Richard de Argentum &
Emma de Broy.
of Simon and Margery:
i. Walter de Pateshull (243377248), born ~1190 in
ii. Hugh de Pateshull, born ? in England.
1232, Hugh
the keeper of the seal. (S) FRsHIII, Fine of the Month, March 2008.
Appointment of Hugh de Pateshull to the custody of the treasuership of the
Exchequer, London. (S) CPRs.
Mandate to the barons of the Exchequer to discharge Hugh de Patheshull of the
following debts … which the king has pardoned … 1 mark for the debt of his
brother Walter de Patheshull; … (S) CPRs.
Hugh [de Pateshull] elect of Coventry and Lichfield, treasurer. (S) CChRs.
iii. Simon de Pateshull, born ? in England.
Inspeximus … Testibus, … Simone de Pateshill … (S) CChRs.
1232, Simon
de Pateshull a justiciar. (S) Chronological Historian, V1, Toone, 1828, P50.
Grant to Baldwin de Bethune … of the manor of Gayton and the homage and service
of Simon de Pateshull … (S) CChRs.
Inspeximus … Testibus, … Simone de Pateshull … (S) CChRs.
Inspeximus … Testibus, … Simone de Pateshull … (S) CChRs.
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