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Monday, August 10, 2020

Earl William de Ferrers & Countess Agnes of Chester

 19989504. Earl William de Ferrers & 19989505. Countess Agnes of Chester

~1174, Agnes born in England, d/o 39979010. Hugh de Meschines & 39979011. Bertrade de Montfort.

~1175, William born in England, s/o 39979008. William de Ferrers & 39979009. Sybil de Braose.

11/3/1189, Richard I crowned king of England. William held the canopy at the coronation.

10/21/1190, William’s father, earl of Ferrers and Derby, killed on crusade.

[––William & Agnes––]

1192, William married Agnes.

12/21/1192, King Richard was captured near Vienna, returning from crusading.

2/4/1194, King Richard released from custody. Richard left immediately for England.

3/28/1194, William and other Ferrers family members led the attack on Nottingham for King Richard. William named Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

4/6/1199, King Richard was wounded at the siege of Chalus-Chabrol by a crossbow. He died soon after, designating his brother John as heir over his nephew Arthur of Brittany, the son of Geoffrey, the next heir after Richard, but who was only 12. [This caused dissention among the barons who did not like Prince John.]

6/7/1199, Charter of John granting a third penny of the county of Derby to William de Ferrers, earl of Derby. (S) Lancashire Pipe Rolls, Ferrar, 1902, P264.

1199, William claimed the Honor of Peverel. (S) Complete Peerage, 1898, P369.

5/27/1199 at Westminster, John crowned King of England.

1199, King John revoked the third penny of William.

6/7/1199, Charter granting to William de Ferrers, Higham with the hundred and a half, … and also Newbottle and Blisworth, … which descended to him as right heir of the land of William Peverell. (S) Reports of Commissioners, House of Commons, 1870, P5.

1199, at Northampton, William Marshall, having returned to England, assembled barons to address their grievances, including William de Ferrers. [Those assembled held over 850 knights’ fees.] (S) Reign of King John, Painter, 1949, P12.

7/14/1200, William became the Earl of Derby by special charter of King John, “girt with a sword by the King’s own hand”. His “third penny” was restored.

1201, William granted the service of William de Gresley for his lands at Drakelow to hold by an annual payment of a bow, quiver and 12 arrows.

1210, William, earl of Derby, a witness to the official account written by King John of his quarrel with William de Briouse. (S) Reign of King John, Painter, 1949, P242.

5/15/1213, William des Ferrers, earl of Derby, a witness of the document in which King John resigned his crown to the Pope. (S) The Reign of King John, Painter, 1949, P194.

5/24/1213, From: Geoffrey Fitz Piers (189118338), earl of Essex, justiciar; Reginald, count of Boulogne; Ranulf de Blundeville, earl of Chester; William, earl of Warenne (and Surrey); William the Marshall, earl of Pembroke. To: William d'Aubigny, earl of Arundel (and Sussex); William, earl of Ferrers; William Bruwere; Robert de Ros; Gilbert son of Renfed; Roger de Mortuo Mari; Peter son of Herbert. They will ensure that King John will observe the terms of the settlement made between him and the Church in England. (S) UKNA.

6/27/1214, William granted a house in the Parish of St. Martin in London by King John.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.

8/13/1216, William bailiff of the Peak Forest and warden of the Peak Castle [Peveril Castle] and Bolsover Castle.

10/1216, W. de Ferrariis, earl of Derby, present at the burial of King John at the church of St. Mary, Worcester. (S) CChRs, 5/22/1232.

10/19/1216, Henry III, age 9, succeeded John as King of England. Louis of France also claimed the throne.

12/1216, …[Latin] W. de Ferrariis, comiti [earl] Derebeie, … (S) CPRs.

5/20/1217, English forces, with the aid of previous rebel barons, defeated the French forces at Lincoln. William at the siege of Lincoln castle.

9/12/1217, For 10,000 marks and land exchanges, Louis forfeited his claim to the English crown by the treaty at Kingston-on-Thames. A principal provision of the treaty was amnesty for English rebels.

6/18/1221, The king has granted to his beloved and faithful W. earl of Ferrers that he may render 40m.  of the debts he owes. (S) FRsHIII.

1222, Hubert de Burgh put down an insurrection in support of the French king. [Apparently supported by William.]

6/24/1222,… surrendered to the king … the manor of Melbourne that W. earl of Ferrers surrendered, and concerning the vills of Derby, Edwinstowe, Ragnall and Carlton with their appurtenances … (S) FRsHIII.

12/30/1223, To the sheriff of Northamptonshire. Order to place in respite, …, the demand he makes from W. earl of Ferrers and his men for the fine which the men of his county made with Brian de Lisle for placing the pleas of the forest in respite. (S) FRsHIII.

10/23/1224, William de Ferrers has made fine with the king by 200m. for having custody of the land and heirs of Cecilia de Longetot, with the marriage of the same heirs. (S) FRsHIII.

1225, King Henry reissued the Magna Carta, which became the official text. (S) Hist. Essay on the Magna Charta of King John, Thomson, 1829, P130. [Witnesses: … Hubert de Burgh, the King’s Justiciary; Randolph Earl of Chester and Lincoln, William Earl of Salisbury, William Earl of Warren, Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hertford (19989528), William de Ferrers Earl of Derby, William de Mandeville Earl of Essex, Hugh le Bigod Earl of Norfolk, William Earl of Ablemarle, Humphrey Earl of Hereford, John Constable of Chester, Robert de Ros, Robert fitz Walter, Robert de Vipont, William de Brewer, Richard de Montifichet, Peter Fitz Herbert, Matthew Fitz Herbert, William de Albiniac, Robert Gresley, Reginald de Bruce, John de Monmouth, John Fitz Alan, Hugh de Mortimer, Walter de Beauchamp, William de Saint John, Peter de Mauley, Brian de Lisle, Thomas de Muleton, Richard de Argentine, Walter de Neville, William Mauduit, John de Baalun.]

8/7/1227, The king has granted to W. earl of Ferrers that, of the debt that he owes him and that is exacted from him for Robert de Ferrers, his brother, whose heir he is, for the fine that Robert made with King John for having his wife. (S) FRsHIII.

12/17/1229, The king has pardoned to William de Ferrers up to 100m. of the £170 which are exacted from him by summons of the Exchequer for the debts of Robert de Ferrers, his uncle. (S) FRsHIII.

1/10/1231 at Wudestok, Pro comite de Ferrariis. – Rex … W. de Ferrariis, comiti Dereby, …

10/1232, Agnes an heir of her brother Ranulph, inheriting the manor of West Derby and all of his lands between the Ribble and the Mersey. (S) The Coucher Book, Or Chartulary, of Whalley Abbey, 1847.

7/14/1234, Request to the knights and free tenants of W. de Feariis, earl of Derby, to grant an aid to William de Ferariis, son and heir of the said earl, for the marriage of his eldest daughter. (S) CPRs.

10/21/1234, W. de Ferrers, earl of Derby, and Agnes, his wife, are bound to render one hawk or 40s. each year to the king at the Exchequer for land between the Ribble and Mersey, which the king gave to R., formerly earl of Chester, and which has been assigned to the same earl and Agnes as part of the portion that falls to her of the lands formerly of the earl of Chester. (S) FRsHIII.

5/2/1235, Ratification of a covenant … and Robert de Mucegros of the whole land of Nicholas de Fescampo in Kenemerthun, … Witnesses:- … [4 bishops], William de Ferariis, earl of Derby, John de Lascy, earl of Lincoln and constable of Chester, Roger le Bygot, earl of Norfolk, … Amaury de Sancto Amando, Geoffrey le Despenser … (S) CPRs.

9/6/1235, Confirmation … Witnesses :– William de Ferrariis, earl of Derby, William his son, Hugh de Vivona, … Amaury de Sancto Amando, … (S) CPRs.

11/24/1235, Exemption of William de Ferrariis and his heirs from suit at the king’s court of Hadfeld Peverel by reason of his manor of Stubing, which is of the land of the Normans, until the right heirs regain it either by peace or the king’s will. (SA) CPRs.

9/25/1237 at York, By treaty, Alexander II of Scotland asserted to King Henry of England that he was owed Northumberland as dowry of Joanna. King Henry acknowledge a grant of Tynedale in Northumberland, as well as the Earldom of Chester. … witness … William de Ferrers, earl of Derby … (S) POMS.

1/23/1239, Order … to place in respite, …, the demand … W. de Ferrers, earl of Derby, and Agnes, his wife, for as much of the debt as pertains to them that R., formerly earl of Chester, owed the king. (S) FRsHIII.

10/13/1243, Mandate to W. de Ferariis, earl of Derby, to send by one of his men to the king, the son and heir of John son of Philip. (S) CPRs.

1246, William the guardian of the lands and heir of Almaric de Butyler. (S) A Cal. of the Lancashire Assize Rolls, 1903.

Bef. 1247, Agnes died.


4/26/1247, Licence for William de Ferariis, earl of Derby, to make his will of all his goods ; saving to the king the debts wherein the earl is bound to him. (S) CPRs.

5/1/1247, Pardon to W. de Ferariis, earl of Derby, out of the debts which he howes the king, of 100 marks for the maintenance of a chaplain … (S) CPRs.

9/22/1247, William died. He spent most of the end of his life endowing monasteries.

9/25/1247, Both Agnes and William identified as deceased. (S) De antiquis legibus liber: Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum, Stapleton, 1846, PXII.

(S) The History of Derby ...: From the Remote Ages of Antiquity to the Year MDCCXCI, Hutton, 1817.

Children of William and Agnes:

i. William de Ferrers (9994752), born ~1193 England.

ii. Petronila de Ferrers (486765249), born ~1197 in England.

iii. Sybil de Ferrers (9994821), born ~1205 in England.

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