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Monday, August 24, 2020

Lord Oliver de Ingham

 243381040. Lord Oliver de Ingham

By 1206, Oliver de Ingeham born in England, s/o 486762080. John de Ingham & 486762081. Albreda de Waleran.

1206, Oliver’s father died. [Albreda, his mother, married 2nd William de Boterell.]

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

1249, Sir Oliver de Ingham and his cousin, William de St. Martin (60841032), petition the crown for the restoration of forteited estates associated with the barony of Walter Waleran (486728262, gf/o Oliver & William). (S) Wiltshire Arch. And Nat. Hist. Mag., 1885, P254. [The suit was not successful.]

7/8/1253, Protection with clause for the following, crossing with the king to Gascony … Oliver de Ingham. (S) CPRs.

9/15/1254 at Bordeaux, Pardon to Martin King for the death of William de Sutton, at the instance of Oliver de Ingeham. (S) CPRs.

9/23/1254 at Bordeaux, At the instance of Oliver de Ingham, to Albred de Botereus [mother] of a weekly market on Tuesday at Great Codeford, co. Wilts, and free warren in his demesne lands there. [Albreda’s 2nd husband must be deceased.] To Oliver de Ingham and his heirs of a yearly fair at Wastonesham, co. Norfolk. [Robert de Waleran, likely a cousin, was a witness.] (S) CPRs.

1267, Albreda gave her son Oliver the  manor of Codeford, in Wiltshire.

1268, Oliver had all forfeitures in his lete, as lord of Codeford.

1269-70, Oliver died.

(S) Ess. Tow’s Topo. Hist. of Norfolk, V9, 1808, Waxham & Ingham.

Child of Oliver and ?:

i. Oliver de Ingham (121690520), born ~1228 in England.

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