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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Baron William de Huntingfield & Lady Emme de Grey

 47280148. Baron William de Huntingfield & 47280149. Lady Emme de Grey

8/24/1237, William born in England, s/o 94560296. Roger de Huntingfield & 94560297. Joan de Hobrugg.

~1240, Emme born in England, heir & d/o 23640192. Sir John de Grey & 23640193. Emma de Glanville.

7/10/1257, William’s father died; his mother buying the wardship of the lands for 100 marks.

2/7/1258, Request to the tenants of Roger de Huntingfeld, deceased, to make a comptent aid to Joan late his wife, who for their tranquillity and advantage … has bought the wardship of the heir and the said lands not without great expenditure of money, whereby she is aggrieved with debt, as the king is informed. (S) CPRs.

1258, William ordered to attend the king at Chester with horse and arms, and served on an expedition to Wales.

6/1258, King Henry signed the Provisions of Oxford. Roger de Leybourne and William de Huntingfeld of Paddlesworth, were supporters of the Provisions. (S) Memories of Malling, Fielding, 1893, P25.

[––William & Emme––]

Bef. 1260, William married Emme; acquiring a portion of the lordship of Bacton.

3/1262, King Henry repudiated the Provisions of Oxford.

8/10/1262, IPM of Richard de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford. Cambridge … Karleton, 1 fee held by William de Huntingfeld; and the view 4s. … (S) CIsPM.

4/12/1263, Simon de Montfort returned to England to lead a rebellion of barons, including William.

6/29/1263, The Manor of Isleworth hosted a gathering of Simon de Montfort’s rebellious noblemen who held a conference with the King that sowed the seeds for England’s first true Parliament.

1/20/1264, Hugh le Bygod and Robert Aguyllun will procure that Roger de Clyfford, Roger de Leyburn, John de Vallibus, Ralph Basset of Drayton, John Gyffard, Hamo Lestraunge, … William de Huntingefeld, … who are blamed for injuries by B. archbishop of Canterbury shall make competent amends … the king and the said Hugh and Robert have appended their seals to this. (S) CPRs.

5/14/1264, Lord Edward (I) and his father King Henry III captured by Montfort at the battle of Lewes, Sussex, “at the Mill of the Hide”. An estimated 2700 died. Lord Edward and his knights penetrated the center of Montfort’s army, but was flanked on both sides by armored calvary.

1264, Emme died.


1264-65, Simon de Montfort effectively ruled England.

5/28/1265, Lord Edward escaped captivity by feigning participation in a horse race.

8/2/1266, Safe conduct until the octaves of Michaelmas for William de Huntingfeld, coming to the king’s court to treat of his peace. (S) CPRs.

8/4/1265, William, opposed to King Henry III in the Baron’s war, at the Battle of Evesham; losing to Prince Edward.

8/4/1265, Lord Edward [I] defeated Montfort’s army at the battle of Evesham, Worcester, ending the Baron’s Revolt and freeing his father, who was wounded. Montfort and 2 of his sons were killed.

10/31/1266, The Dictum de Kenilworth allowed those who had opposed the King their lives for a loss of liberties of 3 to 5 years. The only exception was the Montfort family.

1267, William pardoned after a trial.

7/28/1267, William de Huntingfeld, William la Zouche of the county of Essex and Eudo la Zouche of the county of Leicester, … remission of the king’s indignation … and pardon … that he will be of good behaviour and will stand to the award of Kenilworth. (S) CPRs.

11/4/1269, William’s lands restored … saving the ransom, according to the form of the award of Kenilworth, of the lands which Joan de Huntingfeld holds in dower of the inheritance of the said William … (S) CPRs.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England.

1274, William de Huntingfeld held the manor of Toft valued at £30. (S) History and Antiquities of Boston, Thompson, 1856, P483.

1274-5, William held a forum in the vill of Byng Hall, Suffolk. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs.

1275, Joan de Huntingfeld [William’s mother], vs. William de Huntingfeld, assise of novel disseisin, touching a tenement. (S) 44th Annual Report, 1883, P35.

1276, William de Huntingfeld held the manor of Toft by the gift of the ancestors of Petronilla de Vallibus, and that his tenure was by scutage. (S) History and Antiquities of Boston, Thompson, 1856, P483.

1277, 1282-83, William fought in Wales.

1277, King Edward was in Chester where he cleared a road through a dense forest, and started construction on the castles of Flint and Rhuddlan. King Edward made forays into the Welsh lands of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, prince of Wales, capturing Snowdonia and the isle of Anglesey.

1279, William contracted to marry his son Roger to Joyce, d/o Sir John d’Engaine.

1281, John Alunday in an assise of novel disseisin against William de Huntingfeld and others. (S) Annual Report, Vs50-64, 1889, P133.

1282-83, William fought in Wales.

6/28/1283, William de Huntingfield summoned to Shrewsbury by writ from Rhuddlan to the king to hold a colloquium to ordain what should be done with David, brother of Llewellyn, formerly prince of Wales. (S) The Titular Barony of Clavering, 1891, P16.

12/11/1282, King Edward’s forces defeated Llewelyn ap Gruffydd at the Battle of Radnor in eastern Wales. King Edward received the head of Llywelyn at Rhuddlan castle. [Aka Battle of Orewin Bridge.]

1283, King Edward continued his Welsh campaign, capturing and executing Dafydd, brother of Llewelyn; completing the conquest of Wales.

7/15/1287, William summoned to the military council at Gloucester.

8/15/1287, An army of 6,700 joined an earl’s force of 4,000 at Rhys ap Maredudd’s castle of Dryslwyn, Wales, and began a siege. They built a trebuchet to attack the castle. [The castle was captured; but Rhys escaped.]

Bef. 11/2/1290, William died [before his mother.]

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P448. (S) Monasticon Anglicanum, V5, 1825, P56.

Family notes:

·         There is a William de Huntingfeld [of age in 1244] with a wife named Olivia contemporary in co. Suffolk.

Children of William and Emme: [2 sons.]

i. Roger de Huntingfield (23640074), born ~1264 in England.

ii. William de Huntingfeld, born ? in England.

William died.

10/28/1302, To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to summon Roger de Huntingfeld to be before the king to show why Geoffrey de Genevill ought not to have the manor of Francton, in accordance with the Dictum of Kenilworth by the agreement of William son of William de Huntingfeld for the ransom of the dower of Joan, late the wife of William [the father] … in the king’s hands by reason of the enmity and rebellion of William in the disturbance in England … Roger, son and heir of William de Huntingfeld, the younger, has now entered …. (S) CCRs.

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