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Monday, September 7, 2020

Hugh de Say & Lucy de Clifford

 39979712. Hugh de Say & 39979713. Lucy de Clifford

~1145, Lord Hugh de Sai born in England, s/o §§Hugh fitz Osbern & Eustucia de Say.

~1150, Lucy born in England, d/o 39979264. Walter Fitz Richard de Clifford & 39979263. Margaret de Toeni.

12/19/1154, Henry II crowned king of England.

Aft. 1156, Eusticia’s father died.

By 1161, Hugh’s father died, his mother surviving; succeeded by his brother Osbert fitz Hugh. (S) History of the Present Deanery of Bicester, Blomfield, 1893, P9. [Hugh took his mother’s name.]

1161, Osborn fitz Hugh [brother of Hugh] paid £20 scutage for his knights’ fees of the barony at Richard’s Castle. [20 knights’ fees.]

[––Hugh & Lucy––]

~1168, Hugh married Lucy, acquiring the manor of Rochford.

1170-90, ‘Osbertus filius Hugonis’ donated property to Godstow nunnery in Oxfordshire, at the request of ‘domini Walteri de Clifford’ for the souls of ‘uxoris suæ Margaretæ et … Rosamundæ filiæ suæ’, with the consent of ‘Hugonis fratris mei’. (S) FMG.

Aft. 8/1180, Osbern de Say and his brother Hugh confirmed a charter of Baldwin Bishop of Worcester. (S) FMG.

1172-85, Osbert fitz Hugh donated a virgate at Richard´s Castle to Haughmond Abbey by charter, witnessed by Walter de Clifford, Walter his son, Hugh de Say and Lucie his wife. (S) FMG.

1175, Hugh de Sai with his brother Osbert confirmed the charter of Hugh son of Osbert, son of Richard. (S) Academy and Literature, V48, 1895, P340.

1185, Hugh heir to his brother Osbern Fitz Hugh, who had married Amicia, d/o Walter Fitz Richard de Clifford. Hugh paid 200 marks for livery of his lands. (S) Shropshire, Anderson, 1864, P296.

11/3/1189, Richard I crowned king of England.

Bef. 1190, Hugh de Say and Lucia his wife, daughter of Walter de Clifford, son of Richard fitz Poncius donated the mill of Rochford to Haughmond Abbey.

1190, Walter de Clifford [Lucy’s brother], Hugh de Say of Richard’s Castle, and William de Braose acted for the king in several matters related to Kingston castle and the castle of Norton. (S) Collectanea Archaeologica, V1, 1862, P45.

By 1191, Hugh died in the wars in Wales.


Lucia married 2nd Bartholomew de Mortimer [a knight and companion of King Richard I on crusade.]

(S) Shropshire: Its Early History and Antiquities, Anderson, 1864, P296. (S) Transactions of Shropshire, V5, 1882, P346. (S) House of Cornewall, Reade, 1908, P144.

Family notes:

·         Eustucia de Say, d/o §§Theodoric de Say, lord of Stokesay, s/o §§Helias de Say & Egelina ?, s/o §§Picot de Say, lord of Clun.

·         1156, Theodoric de Say gave the advowson of Stokesay to the abbey of Hughmond. (S) Historical Sketch of Stokesay Castle, Wright, 1906, P8. [This record required the switching of the order of Theodoric and Helias.]

Child of Hugh and Lucy:

i. Hugh de Say (19989856), born ~1170 in England.

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