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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Lord John de Ingham & Lady Margery ?

 60845260. Lord John de Ingham & 60845261. Lady Margery ?

1259, John born in England, s/o 121690520. Oliver de Ingham & 121690521. Elizabeth de Reygni.

~1265, Margery born in England.

11/16/1272, Edward I ascended to the throne while on crusade.

1282, John’s father died.

7/15/1282, IPM of Oliver de Ingham alias de Engeham. Southampton: Little Sumburn and Wollopp. A messuage and 2 carucates land, held of Robert Waleraund and worth £20 yearly, … John de Igham, aged 23 within the quinzaine of St. Michael next, is his next heir. (S) CIsPM.

9/18/1282, Order to the sheriff of Southampton to deliver to John de Ingham, son and heir of Oliver de Ingham, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage. (S) CFRs.

12/11/1282, King Edward’s forces defeated Llewelyn ap Gruffydd at the Battle of Radnor in eastern Wales. King Edward received the head of Llywelyn at Rhuddlan castle. [Aka Battle of Orewin Bridge.]

2/24/1283, Order to cause John de Ingham to be acquitted of the 200 marks in which he made fine with the king for having seisin of his lands and of 50 marks due for his relief, as the king has pardoned him. [Usually for military service.]

[––John & Margery––]

By 1285, John married Margery.

6/25/1285, John de Ingham acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Taillur 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. (S) CCRs.

1287, John held a messuage, and 40 acres of land, 10 of meadow in Horsey, previously held by his father of his mother Elizabeth’s inheritance. (S) Ess. Tow’s Topo. Hist. of Norfolk, V9, 1888, Horsey.

11/25/1288, The under-written have quittance of the eyre for common pleas in co. Wilts.: John de Ingham. (S) CCRs.

1294, The Gascon War began between England and France, lasting 9 years.

1294, John summoned to attend the King into Gascoigne.

7/8/1294, Licence for John de Ingham to demise, for life, to Master Ralph de Brightwell, precentor of the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, the manor of Hampteworth, to the value of £10 a year. (S) CPRs.

1298, John, a knight, summoned to attend the King into Scotland.

7/22/1298, King Edward defeated Sir William Wallace (Braveheart) at the battle of Falkirk, Scotland. The Scots defensive position was strong, but based on spearmen with support of some cavalry and archers. Edward’s armored knights were repulsed by the amassed spear points. King Edward brought up his Welsh longbowmen. They cut gaps into the Scottish ranks through which the mounted English knights could charge. The Scots were routed, but Wallace escaped.

11/1298 at Gaunt in Flanders, Alan Havell released to Sir John all right he had in an annual payment of 2 robes and a saddle for his life; all pensions, rents, and debts in 1 robe, for his Esq. and 2 robes, for 2 boys yearly, and all debts and all the writings concerning the estate which he had of John, in Ludham, Catfeld, Heyham, &c. Witnesses, Sir John de Boutetourt, Sir Robert de Scales, Sir Walter de Gloucester …

4/5/1299, John de Ingham acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Gloucestr[ia], knight, £18; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. (S) CCRs.

1304, Release by Henry Rose … [Norfolk] … Witnesses: Sir John de Ingham, William de Kerdeston, Peter de Roscelyn (60845474), … knights, (S) UKNA.

9/29/1305 at London, Debtor: John de Ingham, knight, of [Ingham in Happing Hundred] Norfolk. Amount: £10. (S) UKNA.

1/1306, Sir John, and Reginald son of William de St. Martin, had a grant of the King, for livery of the manor of Steeple Langford, and the 3d part of East Greenstede manor, Wiltshire. (S) CPRs, 3/20/1307.

4/3/1306 at London, Debtor: John de Ingham, knight, of Norfolk [held Ingham, Happing Hundred]. Amount: £10. (S) UKNA.

5/22/1306 at Winchester, Debtor: John de Ingham, knight, of Wilts. [held Grimstead, Alderbury Hundred, Wilts]. Creditor: Robert Walraund. Amount: £100. (S) UKNA.

11/1/1307 at Norwich, Debtor: John de Ingham [of Ingham, Happing Hundred, Norfolk], knight. Amount: £60. (S) UKNA. [John also borrowed 50m. from another individual.]

4/1310, John died holding East Greenstede manor valued at £18 per ann. by 1 fee, the manor of Waxham, by 1 fee,  valued at £17, and a manor with lands at Streston in Norfolk, at £4 6s. Oliver was his son and heir, aged 40, probably by the Lady Margery his wife.

4/6/1310, IPM of John de Ingham. Suffolk: Weybrede. A manor … Oliver his son, aged 23, is his next heir. Southampton: Westdene. 20a. land, 5 1/2a. meadow, rents, &c. pertaining to his manor of Westdene, co. Wilts, … Wilts: Westdeene. Two parts of a moiety, a moiety of Eestgrimstede, a moiety of Stupellangeford, … Norfolk: Ingham and Waxtonesham. The manors … Waxtonesham. A capital messuage not built … Sterston. A capital messuage, … Lammesse. A messuage, with the body of a villain … (S) CIsPM.

[––Margery ––]

5/22/1310, Order to the escheator on this side Trent to deliver to Oliver de Ingham, son and heir of John de Ingham, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage, saving to Margery late the wife of John, her dower. (S) CFRs.

1316, Margery lady of the manor of Streston, held the land in Horsey. (S) See 1287.

1317, Lady Maroya, relict of Sir John de Ingham, Knt. presented Ralf son of Sir William de Ingham as accolite to Mendham. (S) Ess. Tow’s Topo. Hist. of Norfolk, V5, 1806, Mendham.

1318, Margery lady of the manor of Streston.

Child of John and Mercy:

i. Oliver de Ingham (30422630), born 1286 in Norfolk, England.

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