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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Lord Christopher Moresby & Isabel de Derwentwater

 1477584. Lord Christopher Moresby & 1477585. Isabel de Derwentwater.

~1320, Christopher born in Cumberland, England, s/o 2955168. Hugh de Moriceby & 29551689. Margaret de Askeby.

1/24/1327, Edward III succeeded Edward II as King of England.

~1325, Isabel born in England, d/o 2955170. John de Derwentwater & 2955171. Isabel de Skelton.

9/1343 at Bolton, Contract of marriage between Mons. Hugh de Morisceby and Mons. John de Derwentwater by which the former covenanted that Christopher his son and heir should marry Isabel, daughter of the latter, who agreed to give with her a portion of 180 marks. [Contract in French held in 1860 by John Hill, Esq., Lord of Asby.] (S) Hist. & Topo. Cumberland & Westmorland, Whellan, 1860, P415.

1/27/1344, Christopher de Moriceby (1477584) and Isabel, his wife, querents, and Hugh de Moriceby (2955168), knight, and Margaret, his wife, deforciants. The manor of Magna Askeby, excepting the advowson of the church of the same manor, which John de Derwentwater (2955170) holds for a term of 5 years. … to hold of Hugh and Margaret and the heirs of Margaret for ever, rendering yearly £4 sterling … Christopher and Isabel have given them 100 pounds sterling. (S) Feet of Fines, Westmoreland, CP 25/1/249/7, number 26.

1/1348, Christopher’s father died, his mother eventually married Matthew de Redman.

4/10/1348, Order to Thomas de Lucy, escheator in the county of Cumberland, to deliver to Christopher, son and heir of Hugh de Moriceby, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage; saving to Margaret late the wife of Hugh her dower, (S) CFRs.

1350, Witnesses to a charter for Fountains Abbey: ..., John de Derwentwater, Hugh Lowther, Henry Malton, John Orton, Adam Bassenthwaite and John Harrington of Aldingham ... Gilbert Curwen, Christopher Moresby, ... (S) Chartulary of Fountains Abbey, Lancaster, 1915.

5/30/1351, William de Sandeford, clerk, John de Haveryngton, Thomas de Hardegill, and Christopher de Moryceby acknowledge they owe to John de Neubury, clerk, £9, to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattles in Cumberland. (S) CCRs.

1354, Thomas de Lucy to grant half the manor of Distington to Christopher de Moriceby in exchange for the manor of Brackenthwaite, ..., while the said Christopher retains the manors of Moresby and Culgaith (Cumberland) and Asby (Westmorland). (S) UKNA.

3/24/1360, Commitment during pleasure to Christopher de Moriceby of the county of Cumberland and castle of Carlisle, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff and keeper. By the guardian. Order to the executors of Matthew de Redman, late sheriff and keeper, to deliver the county and castle to Christopher by indenture. Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Christopher as sheriff and keeper. (S) CFRs.

4/1360, Matthew  de Redman’s will: body should be buried in St. Peter's Church, Heversham, he leaves his personal estate to his wife Margaret, with power to dispose of it as she willed after her death. He appoints as executors Christopher and Hugh de Moriceby.

1360, Christopher de Moriceby and John de Orreton parliamentary representatives for Cumberland.

9/13/1362, Christopher Moriceby, sheriff of Cumberland. (S) UKNA.

10/1363, Christopher de Moriceby and William English parliamentary representatives for Cumberland. [Receiving £16 8s for attending 41 days.] (S) CCRs.

1365, Christopher de Moriceby and William Stapilton parliamentary representatives for Cumberland.

11/17/1365, Commitment during pleasure to Christopher Moriceby ; county of Cumberland and castle of Carlisle. (S) CFRs.

11/1366, Christopher, sheriff of Cumberland. (S) UKNA.

8/27/1367, Feoffment of Richard Rlemyng, kt. Manor of Beckermet. Witnesses: Christopher de Moresby, bailiff of the liberty of Egremont (Cumbria), ... (S) UKNA.

1/1368, To Christopher de Moriceby. Order, for particular causes, under pain of forfeiting £100 , to be in person before the king and council at Westminster. (S) CCRs.

3/10/1369, Christopher de Moresby, bailiff of Egremont. (S) UKNA.

11/1369, Christopher died.


5/6/1370, To Thomas de Musgrave escheator in Cumberland and Westmorland. Order to take of Isabel who was wife of Christopher de Moriceby an oath that she will not marry without the kings licence, and to assign her dower of her said husband's lands taken into the king's hand by his death and by reason of the nonage of his heir. (S) CCRs.

5/21/1371, To Thomas de Musgrave escheator in Westmorland. Order to remove the king's hand, and not to meddle further with the manor of Askeby Wanderwath, ... Christopher de Moriceby at his death held ... jointly with Isabel his wife (yet living) of the gift and feoffment of Hugh de Moriceby and Margaret his wife to them and the heirs of their bodies. (S) CCRs.

6/1374, Christopher’s mother, Margaret Moresby, died. [Her dower properties leased out to Roger, Lord Clifford.]

By 1375, Isabel remarried to Sir Gilbert de Curwen of Workington, widower of Alice Lowther. [Without the King’s permission.]

11/16/1375, To the escheator in Cumberland. Order, upon the petition of Gilbert de Culwenn and Isabel his wife, to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the third part of a moiety of the manor of Distyngton, ... their petition shows that Christopher de Moriceby, sometime the said Isabel's husband, long after their espousal was seised in his demesne as of fee of a moiety of the said manor, which is held in chief, and before his death without obtaining the king's licence demised the same to Margaret de Moriceby [his mother], that he being dead the said third part was after delivered in dower to the said Isabel by the said Margaret, ... (S) CCRs.

5/6/1376, Pardon for 40s ... by Gilbert de Culwen, to him and Isabel, late the wife of Christopher de Moriceby, who held in chief, for intermarrying without the king;s licence. (S) CPRs.

1376, Sir Gilbert died. IPM of Gilbertus Culwen ... Isabella uxor ejus.

2/10/1382, Isabel died: Isabel, late the wife of Christopher de Moriceby (Moresby): Cumberland, Westmorland. (S) UKNA.

5/5/1382, Isabel late the wife of Christopher cle Moriceby ; Cumberland and Westmoreland. (S) CFRs.

(S) Pubs. Cumberland & Westmorland  Antiq. Soc., V5, 1892. (S) Hist. & Topo. Cumberland & Westmorland, Whellan, 1860, P73.

Family notes:

·         [Unknown date], A fine was levied of the manor of Great Asby, between Christopher and Isabel his wife on one part, and Margaret, widow of Sir Hugh Moriceby on the other part in fee. (S) Hist. & Topo. Cumberland & Westmorland, Whellan, 1860, P415.

Child of Christopher and Isabel:

i. Christopher Moresby (738792), born 1347 in England.

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