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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Sir John de Blyton & Agnes Deyville

 263828. Sir John de Blyton & 263829. Agnes Deyville

~1325, John born in Lincolnshire, England, s/o 527656. William de Blyton & 527657. Joan ?.

1326, Agnes born in Yorkshire, England, d/o 527658. John Dayville & 527659. Margareta ?.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

By 1366, John’s father deceased.

By 1366, John knighted.

5/4/1366, … Philip le Despenser, Ralph Paynel knight, …, John de Blyton knight, … John Hode, …, William de Skipwyth the younger [all] of Lincolnshire, … of Northumberland, … of Wiltes, … of Yorkshire, … of Derbyshire and … of Leycestershire to the king. Joint and several recognisance for 3,000 marks. (S) CCRs.

2/9/1369, Agnes de Bliton and her sisters Joan de Croft, and Katherine de Egmanton coheiresses to Robert Deiville,  the grandson of their half-brother Robert. (S) Complete Peerage, V4, 1916, P134. [The son of their deceased sister Elizabeth, Thomas de Kidale was also an heir.]

1370, Demise: Sir John de Blyton, knt., to Walter Russell & Walter Oueray of Lincoln, fishmonger; two weirs in the parish of St. Benedict in the suburb of Lincoln opposite the tenement of Roger de Tateshale on the one part & that of Adam de Merston on the other. (S) UKNA.

1375, Demise: John de Blyton of Lincoln, chiv. & Wm. his son & heir to Tho. de Thornhagh of Lincoln, "Barker"; 1 croft lying in the parish of St Faith the Virgin in the suburb of Lincoln between the land of John de Bultham of Lincoln "couper" on the east, the King's way on the west & south & upon the croft of Wm. de Thornhagh on the north. To hold for 60 years. (S) UKNA.

6/21/1377, Richard II, age 10, succeeded Edward III as King of England.

1378, John Blyton the mayor of Lincoln. (S) Copy of the Charter of the City of Lincoln, 1793, Pii.

1378, John died.


7/29/1387, Writ for IPM of Roger de Thwayt. Lincoln: …  in right of Christiana his wife, deceased, … John de Multon, knight, son of Mabel de Multon sister of the said Christiana, Agnes late the wife of John de Blyton, knight, Joan wife of John de Croft, daughters of Margaret Dayvill, another sister of the said Christiana, Thomas de Kidale, knight, son of Elizabeth a daughter of the said Margaret, and Thomas de Egmanton, son of Katharine another daughter of the same Margaret, are kinsfolk and next heirs of the said Christiana. (S) CIsPM.

Child of John and Agnes:

i. William de Blyton (131914), born ~1355 in Lincolnshire, England.

1378, Demise: Wm. de Blyton s. & h. of Sir John de Blyton of Lincoln, knt., dec., to Ric. de Tytheby of Lincoln & w. Joan; tenement in the parish of St. Peter ad archis Lincoln. (S) UKNA.

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