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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sir Peter de Tilliol

 2955176. Sir Peter de Tilliol

11/11/1299, Peter de Tilyoll born in Cumberland, England, heir & s/o 5910352. Robert de Tilliol & 5910353. Maud de Lauceles.

1321, Peter’s father Robert died.

2/2/1321, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to take into the king’s hand the lands late of Robert de Tilliol, deceased, tenant in chief. (S) CFRs.

4/2/1321, Writ for IPM of Robert Tilliol alias ‘de Tyliol. York: Neuby upon Wisk. …  jointly with Maud his wife, who survives, and their heirs, of Sir Robert le Conestable [married to Maud’s sister Avis] … Peter his son, aged 22 and more, is his next heir. … Westhaitefeld. …  jointly with Maud his wife … Skipseburgh. A toft, held jointly … Swvne. A toft held jointly … Cumberland: Scaleby. The manor … which now render nothing because the country is wasted by the Scots, … Kirkelevington … Solperd … Stubhill … Carlisle. 3 burbages … Heir as above, aged 22 at the feast of St. Martin last. (S) CIsPM.

4/28/1321, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to deUver to Peter de Tyliol, son and heir of Robert de Tyliol, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage ; saving to Maud late the wife of Robert her dower. (S) CFRs.

6/8/1322 at Haddlesey, Protection for Andrew de Hartcla, earl of Carlisle,  staying in the Marches of Scotland on the king's service’ as well  as for those individuals (including John de Haverington, Anthony de  Lucy, Ralph de Nevill, Ranulf de Dacre, Peter de Tilliolf and  others)’ staying in his company. (S) CPRs.

1322-48, Peter summoned to parliament 11 times.

1324, Piers chosen by the High Sheriff to attend a Great Council of the Realm.

6/13/1324, Enrollment of a grant … Witnesses … Peter de Tiliol. (S) CCRs.

1324, Piers one of those chosen to array the knights of the county for military service in Gascony.

8/1324, King Edward began the War of Saint-Sardos with his brother-in-law King Charles of France, who had invaded Aquitaine.

1326, Piers chosen to certify the names of persons in Cumberland eligible for knighthood.

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England.

2/4/1327, Commitment during pleasure to Peter Tilliol of the county of Cumberland, so that he answer at the Exchequer as other sheriffs hitherto. Order to all persons to be intendant to him as sheriff. (S) CFRs.

1327, Peter Tilliol and Robert Parving, knights of the shire for Cumberland.

1328, Peter Tilliol and John de Skelton, knights of the shire for Cumberland.

1330, 1340, 1349, Peter Tilliol and John de Orreton, knights of the shire for Cumberland.

4/1/1331, Anthony de Lucy, going to Ireland on the king's service … Protection with clause volumus, for 1 year, for the following going with the aforesaid Anthony, Peter Tilliol (2955176), Hugh de Louthre (2955144), John de Derwentwatre (2955170), Alexander de Wyndesore, Robert de Haverington, Hugh de Moriceby (2955168) … knights. (S) CPRs.

1332, 1333, Peter Tilliol and Richard de Denton, knights of the shire for Cumberland.

1333, Piers commissioned to make an inquiry into the abduction of Sir Roger de Kirkpatrick, a knight of Scotland, who had fled to England.

1335, 1337, Peter Tilliol and Richard de Denton, knights of the shire for Cumberland.

11/1336, … view and testimony of Peter de Tilliol of the ferm … (S) CCRs.

1337, Piers and others formed juries in Roxburgh and Dumfries to find out the names of persons in Eskdale and Liddesdale who were suspected of assisting the enemy.

1337, Hugh de Moriceby with Peter de Tilliol raised 100 hobelars for Border service.

3/1338, To Peter Tilliol and Hugh de Moriceby. Order not to intermeddle with the men of John de Glanton, keeper of Carlisle castle, who are of his robes and whom he retains for the safe keeping of the castle, and not to compel them to go to Scotland or elsewhere away from the munition of the castle, by virtue of their commission to choose hobelers and other men in co. Cumberland for the king's service in Scotland.

1338, Marriage settlement. Sir Peres Tilliol (2955176) of Scaleby Castle. Sir Hugh Lowther (2955144). Marriage of Hugh Lowther (1477572) and Maud Tilliol (1477573). £20 of land in the manor of Newton Reigny. (S) UKNA.

1339, Peter Tilliol and John de Haverington, knights of the shire for Cumberland.

1340, Peter commissioned with Thomas Wake, lord of Liddel, and Antony de Lucy to put down thieving.

1341, Peter Tilliol and Hugh de Louthre, knights of the shire for Cumberland. [Peter’s daughter Maud married Hugh’s son Hugh.]

1341, Peter commissioned to look into a complaint of William de Bohun, earl of Northampton, and Constable of England, that his men of Annandale, coming to sell goods were unduly taxed by John de Stretford, keeper of the Solway.

5/8/1343, To the sheriff of Cumberland … Order to permit Thomas de Berkele to take [supplies and money while staying in the march of Scotland for the defence thereof] … to Bristol by sea … William de Bohun, earl of Northampton, Anthony de Lucy and Peter Tilliol have mainperned … (S) CCRs.

8/10/1343, Peter’s mother died.

10/21/1343, Order to William Lenglissh, escheator in the liberty of Holdernesse, co. York, … Maud late the wife of Robert de Tilyoll held no lands of the king in chief as of the crown, but held for life a messuage, 2 tofts, 9 bovates of land and a windmill in Westhaitfeld in Holdernesse of the inheritance of Peter de Tilloll, son and heir of the said Robert. (S) CFRs.

1/28/1344, Commission to Peter de Tilliol, John de Derewenwater and Clement de Skelton to make inquisition in Westmorland touching felonies. (S) CPRs.

9/10/1344, Writ for IPM of Maud [Peter’s mother], late the wife of Robert de Tilliol. York: Westhattfeld in Holdirnesse. A messuage, two tofts, 9 bovates of land and a windmill, held for her life only, of the inheritance of Peter son and heir of Robert de Tilliol, … Swyn in Holdirnesse. The manor held for her life, of the inheritance of Robert son and heir of William de Hilton her first husband, … She died on 10 August last. The said Peter son of Robert de Tilliol, aged 36 years and more, is next heir of the said Robert; and the said Robert son of William de Hilton, aged 46 years and more, is next heir of the said William.

1345, Peter, along with the mayor and other leaders of Carlisle, accused of usurping a royal warrant, had sentenced persons in the city found guilty of sedition to be drawn and hanged. Part of this action had required an attack on the castle.

1346, Peter on a commission to punish evildoers who broke out of the bounds of Cumberland and plundered the vill of Blamyre in the barony of Kirkandrews in Scotland.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

10/30/1349, Peter died.

11/23/1349, Writ for IPM of Peter de Tilliol. York, Liberty of Holderness: Westhaytfeld … Skypseburgh … Robert Tillioll, his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Cumberland: Hoghton. … Kirkelevyngton. A third part of the town … Carlisle. A burgage, … Richardby. The manor … (S) CIsPM.

(S) The Ancestor, 1903, P92ff. (S) Tract Series, Issues 1-6, Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 1882, P152. (S) Hist. and Antiq. of Westmorland, V2, Nicolson, 1777, P576. (S) The Lords and Lordships of the English West Marsh, Hall, 1986, Durham E-Thesis.

Children of Peter and ?:

i. Robert de Tilliol (1477588), born 1326 in Cumberland, England.

ii. Maud de Tilliol (1477573), born ~1330 in Cumberland, England.

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