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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sir Ralph Paynel & Alice ?

 3802380. Sir Ralph Paynel & 3802381. Alice ?

~1305, Ralph born in England, s/o 7604760. Ralph Paynel & 7604761. Joan Wake.

By 1316, Ralph’s mother died.

Aft. 1316, Ralph’s father died.

3/14/1318, Writ for IPM of Ralph Paynel [Ralph’s father.] (S) CIsPM. His older half-brother John Pygot was the heir of his mother Joan.

4/1/1318, Ralph son of Ralph Paynel acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Carleton of Lincoln and Walter de Crauden of Wolricby, executors of the will of Ralph Paynel, deceased, 218 marks 9s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. (S) CCRs.

7/1/1326, Ralph Paynel and Alice, his wife, querents, ... The manor of Carleton' Paynel and the advowson of the church of Middelcarleton'. ... John Carleton has granted to Ralph and Alice the manor and advowson and has rendered them to them in the court, to hold to Ralph and Alice and the heirs of Ralph, of the chief lords for ever. (S) Feet of Fines, Lincolnshire.

9/1331, Indenture of demise by Richard Felkynes of Herdewyk … l½ a. meadow in the field … next the meadow Walter le Hunte held of Sarah Hall (de aula) and Ralph Paynel's meadow … (S) CCRs.

1331-32, Ralph knighted.

1332-33, Ralph Paynel, knight, to grant a messuage and land in Broughton (Berghton) to a chaplain in St. James's chapel at Glanfordbrigg, retaining the manor of Caysthorp. Lincoln. (S) UKNA.

Ralph died.

Child of Ralph and Alice:

i. Ralph Paynell (1901190), born ~1330 in England.

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