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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bell 44 Kidd-Kimbrough

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44.William Kimbro Kidd & 45. Zilpha Lewis Kimbrough {Lowndes Co. MS}

1795, William born in NC, s/o 88. Benjamin Kidd & 89. Nancy Anthony.
1795, Zilpha born in Caswell Co., NC, d/o 90. James Kimbrough Sr. & 91. Nancy Ann Turner.
1/2/1810 in Williamson Co., TN, William married Zilpha. [Application on 12/23/1809].
(S) 1820 Census, TN, Williamson Co., Franklin.
[1830 – his father and brother are still in Williamson Co., TN.]
Bef. 1835, the family moved to LownCo., MS.
1/13/1835, William purchased 40 acres in LownCo. Huntsville, 17S,17W,S3,SW,SE. [S of Woodlawn Cem.]; (S) LownCo. Land Records.
7/31/1835, William purchased 40 acres in LownCo. Huntsville, 16S,17W,S34,N½,E½,SW. [N of Woodlawn Cem.]; (S) LownCo. Land Records.
2/4/1836, William purchased 40 acres in LownCo. Huntsville, 16S,17W,S21,NE,NW. [Near property of son John.] (S) LownCo. Land Records.
(S) 1836 LownCo. Tax Roll. William Kidd, 1440 acres, “Look”. (S) See CD for early Lowndes county map [~1836] showing Kidd’s Tavern, originally the family home and a stage coach stop on the “Jackson Military Highway”.
(S) 1837 MS Census, LownCo. William Kidd.
(S) 1837 LownCo. Tax Roll. William Kidd, 600 acres, “Cooper’s”.
(S) 1838 LownCo. Tax Roll. William Kidd. 480 acres, “Yellow”. This is near William Ward46, and John Thomas42.
11/16/1838, Kidd, 37 slaves. (S) Slave Owners Ledger, 1837-1842, Billups-Garth Archives, Columbus Pub. Lib.
(S) 1839 LownCo. Tax Roll. William Kidd. 480 acres.
(S) 1840 Census, MS, LownCo. He is listed next to William Ward46, whose daughter Narcissa would marry his son John.
12/16/1840, son James borrowed $31 from his father William. (S) James’ Estate papers.
(S) 1841 MS Census, LownCo. William.
10/4/1841, William signed estate papers his son James M Kidd. (S) LownCo., Bk D, PP133-4.
11/11/1841, son Thomas paid the note of his brother James to William out of James’ estate.
(S) 1845 MS Census, LownCo. William.
9/2/1850, (S) 1850 Census, MS, LownCo. He is a farmer with real estate valued at $5000.
9/2/1850, (S) 1850 Slave Schedule, MS, LownCo. He owned 65 slaves: 45 males and 20 females.
6/30/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, LownCo., Columbus. Real estate valued at $19,750; personal estate at $40,000.
(S) 1860, Slave Schedule. William has 44 slaves.
7/28/1862, Zilpha died in LownCo., MS; burial in Woodlawn Cem.
4/22/1869, William wrote his will.
8/10/1870, (S) 1870 Census, MS, LownCo., Columbus. A month before William died, a widower, he is living with his son Thomas.
7/25/1870, William wrote a codicil to his will.
9/21/1870, William died in LownCo., MS; burial in Woodlawn Cem.

Family note:
• The land for Woodlawn Cem., which has had gravestones marked as early as 1812, was donated by Capt. Billy Kidd [probably William, s/o James.] The cemetery is across the road from “Kidd’s Tavern”, an old stage coach stop. The house, now privately owned, is still standing today.
• Last Will and Testament of William Kidd: (S) Microfilm of original records of the LownCo., MS Court House, Will Bk. 1, PP297-9. Probated 11/29/1870.
In the name of God Amen. I William Kidd of the County of Lowndes and the State of Mississippi being in sound mind and memory knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make this my last will and testament hereby revoking any former one made by me.
I desire my executor herein after named to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses as soon as practical after my decease.
I hereby give and bequeath to my grandson William M Kidd in addition to what he has already received from my estate the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars which is all I intend or desire him to have of my estate.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha J Vaughn the sum of one hundred dollars in addition to what I have heretofore given her is all I intend or desire her to have of my estate.
I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Augusty D Vaughn the sum of one hundred dollars.
I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Henretti E Vaughn the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars.
I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Zilpha F Vaughn the sum of seven hundred dollars.
I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Mary B Vaughn the sum of eight hundred dollars.
I give and bequeath to my grandson Henry B Vaughn the sum of nine hundred dollars.
Further my wish and desire is that the sums herein given to my grand children above named be applied to schooling them or whatever may be for their good. In case any of them should die minors their part or parts fall to the survivors.
I give and bequeath to my three sons Thomas Kidd and John B Kidd and Alfred Kidd all of my real and personal property, money if any on hand, notes and accounts and any other species of property as may be seized of and possessed of at my death after giving off the allowance above specified to be equally divided between them. I desire no accounts to be made of any property real or personal that I have heretofore or may hereafter give to any of my children during my life. I desire no sale of property having already given the greater part of it already and that my sons alone named will equally divide the balance without any trouble or ___ to any person else.
I now appoint my son Alphred W Kidd my executor to the foregoing will and testament and allow him one hundred and fifty dollars for his services, written signed and sealed with my own hand April 22nd 1869.”
7/25/1870 Codicil:
“The following is a codicil to the foregoing will and testament as is my determined will and desire that any child or children that my daughter Martha J Vaughn has or may have younger than Henry B Vaughn, as specified in the foregoing will and testament, s/o said Martha J Vaughn shall have any part or share whatever of my estate. Written signed and sealed with my own hand, July 25th 1870.”
• 10/1873 final dispensation of William’s estate. (S) LownCo., Oct. Term – photocopy of original: … nurse $25, coffin $45, doctor $84, … $15 for advertisement of land in Columbus Democrat, $20 for a tombstone, … $250 in attorneys fees, … $3217 left to the heirs of John B Kidd. The total estate was valued $13749.20. [The land sold in 5 parcels for $9232.]

Children of William and Zilpha:

i. Thomas Kidd, born 4/16/1811 in Williamson Co., TN.
No.44:(S) 1820 Census. m:<10.
No.44:(S) 1840 Census. m:30-40.
(S) 1836 LownCo. Tax Roll. Thomas Kidd.
(S) 1837 LownCo. Tax Roll. Thomas Kidd.
(S) 1838 LownCo. Tax Roll. Thomas Kidd.
10/4/1841, Thomas filed administration papers of the estate of his brother James M Kidd. (S) LownCo., Bk D, PP133-4.
11/11/1841, Thomas paid his father the $31 his brother James had borrowed from their father out of James’ estate.
1/12/1842 Thomas married Catherine D Clark, born 1811 in VA.
2/6/1844, James’ wife Martha received a cash settlement of his estate from Thomas. (S) LownCo., Bk D, PP133-4 Estate Papers.
9/5/1850, (S) 1850 Census, MS, LownCo. Thomas is a farmer with real estate valued at $1000.
9/5/1850, (S) 1850 Slave Schedule, MS, LownCo. He owns 17 slaves: 10 male and 7 female.
6/23/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, LownCo., Caledonia. Thomas is a farmer who’s real estate is valued at $6,000; and his personal estate at $35,000. He has 25 slaves.
~1861 Thomas named the 1st ruling Elder of the Woodlawn Cumberland Presbyterian Church near Steens which met in a log house until the church building was constructed ~1869 on property donated by Thomas’ sister Martha. (S) Columbus Dispatch article “A Season Passes” by Vicky Newman.
4/22/1869 Thomas left 1/3 of his father’s real and personal property in William’s will.
No.44:(S) 1870 Census. Thomas’ real estate is valued at $2400.
3/5/1873 Thomas died in LownCo., MS. Buried in Woodlawn Cem.
10/1873 Thomas’ heirs received $2527.77 in William’s estate distribution.
6/13/1890 Catherine died in LownCo., MS. Buried in Woodlawn Cem.
Eugene E Kidd, born 4/1843 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
2/12/1863 he died; buried in Woodlawn Cem.
Martha J (Mattie) Kidd, born 8/3/1844 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
1/12/1864, she married Wm A Harris, named executor of her Uncle John’s estate. (S) Estate papers of her grandfather William. (S) LownCo., MB5, P162.
7/7/1904, she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem.
Zilpha C S Kidd, born 12/1845 in MS.
7/24/1846 died; buried in Woodlawn Cem.
Pulchina E (Chebbi) Kidd, born 5/19/1847 in MS. (S) 1850,1860 Census.
7/20/1870, near West Point, she married Robert Shotwell Harris. (S) Estate papers of her grandfather.
9/10/1873 she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem. (S) Gravestone.
[Her heirs were a daughter Ella and an unnamed infant daughter.]

ii. James M Kidd, born 1812 in TN.
(S) Will of father & No.22 1840 Census.
(S) 1836 LownCo. Tax Roll. James Kidd.
(S) 1837 LownCo. Tax Roll. James Kidd.
James married Martha A ?.
1840, LownCo., MS; [see No.22 1840 Census] – he is married with one son and lives next to John22.
(S) 1840 LownCo. Tax Roll (sup). James Kidd, 80 acres.
12/16/1840, James borrowed $31 from his father. (S) LownCo., Bk D, PP133-4 Estate Papers.
8/21/1841, James died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
2/6/1844, Martha received a cash settlement of the estate from James’ brother Thomas. (S) LownCo., Bk D, PP133-4 Estate Papers.
William M Kidd, born 7/11/1840. (S) No.22 1840 Census.
2/19/1861, he married C E Mary Hackleman, 1844–1938, buried with William. (S) Gravestone.
4/22/1869, named as an heir in William’s44 will, and in the estate papers he is given $800.
3/27/1916 he died; buried in Woodlawn Cem. (S) Gravestone.
     Unis Kidd, born 1862 in MS. (S) 1880 Census.
     1/1/1884 “Eunice” married G N Lawrence. (S) LownCo. MB11, P522.
     Mary E Kidd, born 11/14/1865 in MS. (S) 1880 Census.
     She married J R Nickels.
     7/26/1902 she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem.; LownCo., MS.
     James M Kidd, born 8/12/1875 in MS. (S) 1880 Census.
     11/23/1899 he married Lucy Loftis, d/o Abraham20vi. (S) Lowndes Co. MB20, P446.
     10/10/1902 he died; buried in Woodlawn Cem. (S) Gravestone.
     Inez Kidd, born 10/30/1879 in MS. (S) 1880,1900 Census.
     1/25/1908 she married Claude F Hackleman. (S) LownCo. MB24, P2.
     5/31/1977 she died in MS; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo.
     William Kidd Jr, born 3/1883 in MS. (S) 1900,1910 Census.
     4/30/1916 he married Annie M Spruill. (S) LownCo. MB25, P601.

iii. John Brown Kidd (22), born 2/22/1816 in Giles Co., TN.

iv. Pall Kidd, born 1819.
9/16/1849, Pall “Age 30 years” died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Zilpha K Kidd, born 1/1847 in MS.
5/28/1848, “daughter of P & C Kidd”, she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Arementha J Kidd, born 5/1848 in MS.
10/30/1849, “daughter of P & C Kidd”, she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.

v. B F Kidd, born 1824 in TN.
12/27/1842, B F “Aged 18 Years” died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.

vi. Alfred W Kidd, born 4/6/1831 in Williamson Co., TN.
No.44:(S) 1850 Census.
2/10/1853 Alfred married Catherine C Harris, born 12/15/1836 in MS. (S) LownCo. MB4, P31.
6/23/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, LownCo., Caledonia. n: “A W”. Alfred is a farmer who’s real estate is valued at $8,000; and his personal estate at $25,000. He has 16 slaves.
4/22/1869 Thomas left 1/3 of his father’s real and personal property in William’s will. Alfred was appointed executor in the will.
8/1/1870, (S) 1870 Census, MS, LownCo., Columbus. Alfred is a farmer with real estate valued at $1800.
9/24/1873 Alfred filed the final papers of his father’s estate and his brother John’s estate. (S) LownCo. Courthouse records – phototcopy of original. He is the guardian of his deceased brother John’s daughter Della.
10/1873 Alfred filed final disposition of William’s assets. (S) Family notes. Alfred received $2527.77 in William’s estate distribution.
Aft. 1875 they moved to Lamar Co., TX.
6/16/1880, (S) 1880 Census, TX, Lamar Co., Pct2. Alfred and Catherine are farmers.
3/19/1998 Alfred died in Lamar Co., TX; buried in Evergreen Cem. [C2-05-02]
(S) 1900 Census, Lamar Co., TX, Catherine is a widow, indicating that she has had 7 children, 5 still living.
7/20/1914, Catherine died; buried with Alfred.
Mary Idellah Kidd, born 11/25/1854 in MS.
9/13/1855 she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Ocella Kidd, born 1857 in MS. (S) 1860,1870 Census.
William Edwin Kidd, born 12/26/1859 in MS. (S) 1860,1870,1880 Census.
He married Mary Francis ?; 3/23/1869–10/9/1902; buried with William.
5/20/1924 he died of nephritis in Lamar Co., TX; buried in Evergreen Cem. [C2-14-03]
Eliza “Ella” Kidd, born 1863 in MS. (S) 1870,1880 Census.
Alfred Wardie Kidd, born 8/26/1865 in MS. (S) 1870,1880 Census.
He married Mary Jennings; 7/5/1872–10/24/1960; buried with Alfred.
8/30/1848 he died in Lamar Co., TX; buried in Evergreen Cem. [C2-23-02]
Kittie Kidd, born 1867 in MS. (S) 1870,1880 Census.
Finis H Kidd, born 6/26/1871 in MS. (S) 1880,1900 Census.
He married Margaret Ames; 9/6/1877–2/10/1936; buried with Finis.
6/21/1964 he died in Lamar Co., TX; buried in Evergreen Cem. [C2-14-05]
Mary Alma Kidd, born 9/1875 in MS. (S) 1880,1900 Census.
1898 she married Harvey Armstrong. (S) 1900 Census.

vii. Martha Jane Kidd, born 6/21/1834 in TN.
10/22/1850 Martha married Henry Brown Vaughn, born 9/11/1830 in MS. (S) LownCo., MB3, P330.
No.44:(S) 1850 Census.
6/23/1860, (S) 1860 Census, MS, LownCo., Caledonia. He is a farmer with real estate valued at $7200 and a personal estate of $35,000.
4/11/1864 Henry died, buried in Woodlawn Cem. (S) Gravestone.
4/22/1869 Martha was left $100 in her father’s will.
1869 Martha gave 2 acres of land for the Woodlawn Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which was torn down ~2004. (S) Columbus Dispatch article “A Season Passes” by Vicky Newman. It was also used as a Masonic Temple lodge. [See CD for a graphic of the historical marker for the church.]
10/1873 Martha received $100 in William’s estate distribution; and $3050 as guardian of her children.
5/15/1921 Martha died; buried in Woodlawn Cem. (S) Gravestone.
Male infant, born 10/8/1851.
He died 10/9/1851, buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Augustine Drucilla Vaughn, born 1852. (S) 1860 Census.
4/22/1869 Augustine left $100 in her grandfather’s will.
10/1873 she received $500 in William’s estate distribution.
She 1st married J T Jones, who died bef. 9/24/1873.
She 2nd married widower of her cousin Chebbi, Robert Shotwell Harris.
Mary Idellah Vaughn, born 1854.
Harrietti E Vaughn, born 1856. (S) 1860 Census.
4/22/1869 Harrietti left $650 in her grandfather’s will.
11/5/1874 “Hattie E” married James E Harris. (S) LownCo. MB7, P118.
3/8/1877 she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Zilpha Francella Vaughn, born 3/9/1857. (S) 1860 Census.
4/22/1869 Zilpha left $700 in her grandfather’s will.
1/30/1879 she married George Fletcher Perkins; 1853–1923. (S) LownCo. MB9, P264.
3/8/1888 “Fannie” died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Mary “Myrtis” Brown Vaughn, born 10/1859. (S) 1860 Census.
4/22/1869 Mary left $800 in her grandfather’s will.
1/22/1880 in LownCo. she married Curtis Brooks Stinson, 1852–1932.
1929 she died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
Henry Brown Vaughn Jr, born 12/22/1862.
2/8/1883 in LownCo. he married Lugenna “Lula” Swanzy, 1864–1947.
4/22/1869 Henry left $900 in his grandfather’s will.
3/20/1922 he died; both buried in Woodlawn Cem. (S) Gravestone.

viii. Oscar Casey Kidd, born ?.
10/11/1853 Oscar died; buried in Woodlawn Cem., LownCo., MS.
