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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bond 532 Fabin-Mulls

532. Paul Fabin Sr & 533. Sarah Mulls [VA] 

1666, Paul born.
1671, Sarah born in VA, d/o 1066. John Mulls & 1067. Mary ?.
12/11/1697, John Mulls left to “his daughter Sarah Fabin”, “the wife of Paul Fabin”, his home and 100 acres in his will. (S) VA’s Eastern Shore, P201.
8/14/1704, Paul wrote his will. (S) See Family notes.
1705, Paul died in VA.
7/1705, John Hanby, s/o Richard ( 1066), married to Mary, Sarah’s mother, was named to advise Sarah, widow of Paul Fabin.
[1709, “Pale Fabin’s three children” mentioned in the will of Richard Hanby, s/o Richard ( 1060) ¬– his brother’s step-grandchildren.]

Family notes:
• Paul’s will: The name of God Amen, I Paul Phabin of Northampton County in Virginia being very sick and weak in body, but thanks be to God of sound and perfect memory and apprehending with my teste. and my time draweth nigh and my lease to be short do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament denying and revolking all other wills by me made either by word or deed and one that to be my last will and testament and no other, first I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God who gave it me hopeing and through the merits of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to enjoy everlasting salvation and my body to its original mother the earth after a decent and Christian burial at the discreation of my exec’rx hereafter named. Item - I give and bequeath to my son Andrew John one pair of silver shoe buckles and one set of silver buttons and one black cow. Item - I give and bequeath to my son Paul one pair of briches buttons of silver and one two year old heifer. Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter Catherine one gold ring with a pose, “Hope is all my comfort” and one two year old heifer. All the rest of my estate both within doors or without I give and bequeath to my loving wife Sarah and to her disposeing hereby constituteing and ordaining my said wife to be my whole and sole exec’rx of this my last will and testament hereby desireing that Wm. Harmanson and John Hanby to be assistance to her and to see this will performed, in witness here of I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 14th day of August anno 1704. Paul Phabin sealed and delivered up in the presence of us; Benjamin Nottingham, John Jay, Comfort Collings, Northampton, July 28th 1705.

Children of Paul and Sarah:

i. Andrew John Fabin ( 266), born 1685.

ii. Paul Fabin Jr, born 1695.
12/28/1761, Paul is left 12 pence in his brother Andrew’s will.

iii. Catherine Fabin, born 1698.
Bef. 12/28/1761 Catherine died. She is not mentioned in her brother Andrew’s will.
