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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cox 314 Cheche

314. Philip Cheche & 315. Jeanne ?

~1700 Jeanne born.
~1720 Philip married Jeanne.
8/26/1749, Martha Merchant of Charleston gave “her friend, Jeanne Chiche, wife of Philip Chiche, a negro wench named Hannah.” – witnessed by Thomas Weaver.
11/14/1749, Philip witnessed the will of Lewis Mouzon Sr., a Berkley Co. planter.
For several years prior to her death Jeanne lived with her daughter Mary and her family.
Bef. 8/13/1765 Jeanne died. (S) See No. 156 this date.

Family notes:
• The family is likely related to Sir Henry Chicheley, born 1615 in Wimpole/Wimple, co. Cambridge, England, died 1683, “a prominent Royalist” immigrant to VA, and eventual Governor. 7/1676, Henry signed an oath of allegiance in support of Bacon’s Rebellion. Henry was made deputy governor 12/30/1678. He married [her 3rd marriage] Agatha Eltonhead. They had no children. They lived at “Rosegill” on the Rappahannock river. He is buried beneath the communion table at Christ Church. The family traces back to Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Cantebury, born 1362.

Children of Philip and Jeanne:

i. Joannah Cheche, born 12/24/1723.
(S) Besselliew Family Bible.
7/10/1763 in Charlestown Joannah married Charles Reily, born 1715.
“Charles Raley of Charles Town, Shopkeeper, and his wife, one of the daughters of Joanne Checher, dec’d.” [Unknown date.]
9/14/1782 Charles died.
8/21/1783, Joannah “Reyley” wrote her will. Directions to sell 3 slaves after paying debts, etc., with 1/3 going to her grand-neice Mary Flagg and 2/3’s going to nephews, Philip & Lewis Bessellew for the purpose of educating their children. Her 2nd-best feather bed went to neice Susannah. The rest went to Mary Magdalen Flagg, d/o George Flagg.
1/19/1784, Joannah wrote a codicil to her will. “Sister Martha Bessellew to receive and equal share of that part of my interest which I have bequeathed unto the children of Philip and Lewis Bessellew, also ten guineas of the same to George Flagg, Jr. to purchase mourning.” (S) Probate Court, Charleston, SC, V20, P339 & WB-A (1783-1786), P280.
1-2/1784 Joannah died in Charleston, SC.
2/20/1784, Joannah’s will proved before Charles Lining, O.C.T.D.
Charles Reily Jr, born 8/1765 in Charleston.

ii. Martha Chichet ( 157), born ~1725.

iii. Mary Cheche, born 1727.
Mary married James Henderson, s/o John and Rachel of Scotland.
8/13/1765, Mary’s sister Martha relinquished her right to their mother’s estate to Mary’s husband James because he had taken care of Jeanne for several years prior to her death.
4/3/1773 James wrote his will. Wife Mary. Son-in-law George Flagg of Charles Town, Painter. George Flagg named executor. (S) Charleston Probate Court, B-15, P485.
4/19/1773, James died in Charleston; buried in the French Protestant (Huguenot) Churchyard. (S) Gravestone.
4/30/1773 James’ will proved.
8/17/1780, Mary died in Charleston; buried with James. (S) Gravestone, “age 53”.
Children of James:
Mary Magdalene Henderson, born 1752 in Charleston.
7/14/1770, she married George Flagg, born 1741 in Boston, MA, died 1824 in Charleston.
(S) St. Phillips Reg. (1754-1810), by Smith & Huger, 1927, P194.
6/30/1775, a Friday, she died.
Children: George Flagg Jr., Mary Magdalene Flagg.
