Historical Southern Families, Volume 13
~1645, Lewis born in VA; s/o 3756. John Williams & 3757. Ann Whitely.
1667 in Nansemond Co., VA Lewis signed the “Grievances” in support of Bacon’s Rebellion.
4/24/1682, Lewis patented land on the Southern Branch of the Nansemond River, one of his headrights was Rowland Williams; 100 acres adjoining Richard Pierce. (S) PB7, P170.
1697, Lewis granted land in the Chowan prct. of NC. There is a map in Chapel Hill showing Lewis Williams’ tract on the Chowan River in the general vicinity of present-day Tunis.
1699, Lewis petitioned for lands west of the Chowan river previously owned by Thomas Woodard. (S) NC Exec. Council Minutes.
1700, Lewis had 650 acres in the Chowan Co. rent roll.
Lewis Williams was a member of the Vestry of Southwestern Parish of Chowan Prect.
By 1703, Lewis and his wife Mary sold land West of the Chowan in what is now Hertford Co.
4/30/1707, the Virginia Council sends letter of protest about Lewis Williams presence west of the Chowan near Meherrin creek.
6/1707, A report to Virginia Council that Lewis Williams was engaged in a dispute with the Meherrin Indians, that the latter have attacked him in his house, and that “his life is doubted and his family in danger”. Later ... “Lewis Williams is said to have driven the Indians away”.
4/6/1708, Lewis Williams deed of gift of 100 acres, Point of Highland on Katherine Creek, to his daughter and son-in-law James and Elizabeth Rutland, “the sd. Rutland to let me keep a Cartway to ye landing.”
4/19/1715, “Lewis Williams to Wm Sharp Assignmt of Patent for 500 acres of Land Chowan Call’d Mount Pleasant …”. (S) Chowan Co., DB-B1, P98.
6/17/1715, “Know all men by these presents yt I Martha Williams do constitute & appoint my father in law Lewis Williams my true & Lawfull Attorney to acknowledge in open Court the within mencined One Hundred and twenty acres of Land for ye sd Lewis Williams to acknowledge all my right title & Interest of ye sd Land on my behalf unto Robt Lanier …” (S) Chowan Co., B-B1, P69.
10/17/1715, Lewis Williams to Jams & Benjn Woods Assignment of a Patent of 36 acres of Land on ye sd side CatawatsKey Meadow. (S) Chowan Co., DB-B1, P209.
10/1/1716, Lewis wrote his will: son Anthony Williams and Martha his wife land etc. then to grandson Lewis Williams; grandson John Jones 100 acres; grandson Lewis Jones 100 acres; gs Charles Sowell 100 acres; gs John Patchett 100 acres; John William son of William Williams, decd 5 pounds; daughter Priscilla West land after decease of wife Mary; wife Mary; gs John Williams; gs Lewis Williams my cane and silver shirt buckle; wife Mary and son Anthony, exrs. (S) NC Dept of Hist and Archives NC Wills 1663-1789 V34, P68.
Bef. 4/16/1716, Lewis died. (S) Will proved.
3/18/1717, Mary Williams, widow and relict of Lewis Williams of Chowan Prect. to James Rutland of Chowan Prect, planter 10£ formerly sold by my husband Lewis Williams in his lifetime, the sd land lying on the west side of Katherine Creek. (S) Chowan Co., DB-B1, P580.
10/26/1722, Peter West and Priscilla his wife to Mary Williams 300 acres.
(S) Bodie’s Historical Southern Families.
Children of Lewis and Mary:
i. Anthony Williams, born ?.
Anthony married Martha Bush, d/o William & Martha.
4/16/1715, “…Between Anthony Williams & Martha his wife of Chowan Precinct in No. Carolina of the one part and Robt. Lanier of ye Same Precinct & Collony of ye other part … “
10/1/1716, Anthony named and exec. of his father’s will.
~1718, Anthony died.
John Williams, born ?.
Lewis Williams, born ?.
iii. Unknown female, born ?.
She married John Jones.
1734, John died.
iii. Martha Williams, born ?.
6/17/1715, Martha gave her father power of attorney.
Martha married Charles Sowell.
1739, Charles died.
Charles Sowell, born ?.
iv. Unknown female, born ?.
She married John Patchett.
By 1711, John died.
v. Elizabeth Williams ( 939), born ~1680.
vi. Priscilla Williams, born ?.
Priscilla married Col. Peter West.
3/18/1717, Priscilla witnessed a deed of her mother.
10/26/1722, Peter West and Priscilla his wife to Mary Williams 300 acres.
1751, Peter died.
Priscilla West, born ?.
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