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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mayor William Watkins of Wells

29698. Mayor William Watkins   

William Watkin “of Wells”.

1592, William, mayor of Wells.

1597, “… he was involved with William Watkins in a dispute about the  lease of the demesnes of the manor of Wells, which Watkins claimed.” (S) The Bishops of Bath and Wells, Hembry, 1967, P167.

1597, William Watkin MP for Wells.

6/1608-9, “Item were not you in & vppon the 15th 16th & 17th days of Iune … in company together with … William Watkins, … assembeled & called together by the sound of a drumme, …” (S) Somerset: Including Bath, Stokes, 1996, P324.

(S) Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills, 1888, Crisp, P26.

Children of William and ?:

i. Mary Watkins (14849), born ~1580 in Wells, Somerset, England.
