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Friday, April 30, 2010

Lord Edward Seymour & Countess Mary Walsh

59416. Lord Edward Seymour & 59417. Countess Mary Walsh   

1529, Edward born in England, s/o 118832. Duke Edward Seymour & 118833. Katherine Fillol.

~1535, Mary born in Cathanger, Somerset, England, d/o 118834. John Walshe.

4/1540, Grant to the earl of Hertford that the lands he now holds in fee simple may descend as follows:—The manors of Mochelney, Drayton, Westhover, Yerneshill, Camell, Downehed, Kylcombe, and Fyffec, Soms., to the heirs male of himself and lady Anne, his (new) wife, or any future wife he may have; with contingent remainders in tail male to Edward Seymour, his son by his late wife, Katharine, dec., …. (S) Letters and Papers, For. & Dom., V15, 1896.

9/10/1547, Edward and his father at the battle of Musselburgh. Fought on the banks of the Esk, the Scots were routed: half of their 30,000 number were slain and half were captured. For his valor Edward the son received Knighthood at age 18. [Musselburgh 7 miles east of Edinburgh.]

1/22/1551, Edward’s father beheaded at the Tower for treason. [Apparently his son and heir John was also imprisoned.]

6/4/1551, Indenture of Sale. (1) Edward, Duke of Somerset [deceased], and Edward Seymour kt., otherwise the Lord Edward, one of the sons of the Duke, and (2) John, Earl of Warwick, Earl Marshal of England, … Sale for £1,200 of …, co. Oxf, … ; rectory of Banbury, co. Oxf., …, and lands etc. in Croprydie and Banbury. [Edward signed the document and attached his seal.]

1552, Survey of Stowey, Walton and Cheddar, co. Somerset, for "My Lord Edward Seymour" [son of the Protector]; value £250. (S) UKNA.

12/7/1552, Edward’s elder brother John wrote his will: “after bequesthing legacies to his servants, concludes with these words, ‘Also I make mu brother, Sir Edward Seymour the elder, my full executor, and I give him all my lands and good that is unbequesthed. He, to pay and discharge all my debts.” [Edward “the Elder” because he had a younger brother named Edward by his step-mother who would become the “Earl of Hertford”.]

4/7/1553, Edward to parliament: “An act for the restitution in blood of Sir Edward Seymour knight, son and heir of Edward duke of Somerset and Lady Katherine Fyloll his first wife.”

4/26/1553, Edward successor to his brother John.

~1554, Edward married Mary.

1554 [7 Edw VI], Edward obtained an act of parliament restores Sir Edward Seymour in blood (describing him as eldest son of the said Duke) so at to enable him to take any lands that may then after come to him, from any collateral ancestor.

9/6/1554 at Ely, Edward received from the King lordships and manors of Walton, Shedder, and Stowey in county Somerset.

12/1/1558, “Acquittance from Sir Edward Seymour, knt., to Sir John Thynne, knt., for evidences relating to the manor of Bury Pomery, etc., co. Devon …”

1565, Mary died.


1566, “1. Thomas Jane, … 2. Edward Seymour knt. Premises: … in the manor and parish of Berry Pomeroy … “.

2/3/1572, “my son-in-law Lord Edward Seymour, my long gilt cuppe called my sack cupppe”, given in the will of Edward’s father-in-law.

5/18/1573, “Release by Thomas Walssh of Stowey, Co. Somers. Gent, to Sir Edward Seymour, Knt, Lord Seymour and Edward Seymour, Esq, Son and Heir Apparent of said Lord Seymour, of all his right in messuages …” (S) UKNA.

12/7/1573, Leter from Lord Edward Seymour to Lord Burghley. “… request of Sir Arthur Champernowne, who had earnestly solicited the company of the writer's son to the Court. Expresses his consent to the match between his son and Sir Arthur's daughter. …” (S) Cal. of Cecil Papers, V2, 1888.

6/7/1577, “Exemplification of final concord. (1) Edward Seymour, knight, Lord Seymour, querent. (2) Amyce Powlett, knight and Margaret his wife, deforciant. Manor of Monckenzeale …”.

1580, Hugh Pollard sold Rowedon abbey, Devon, to Sir Edward Seymour. (S) Magna Brit, V6, 1822.

1581, “Quit claim. 1. Mark Slader of Bath, North Tawton, esq. 2. Edward Seymour knt., Lord Edward Seymour of Berry Pomeroy … Premises: … called Hayne.”

1582, Edward recovered the share of Bridgewater manor previously held by his father. (S) Hist. of Somerset, V6, 1992.

1583, Edward Sheriff of the county of Devon. [He held many other offices due to his position.]

1589, “Bargain and sale. 1. John Stephens of Denbury, yeoman. 2. Sir Edward Seymour knt., Lord Edward Seymour of Berry Pomeroy. Premises: …”

5/6/1593, Edward died; buried at Pomery.

9/20/1593, “Edward Seymour, Knight, Lord Seymour” seised of the castle and honour of Bury [South Devon], and Bury-Pomeroy, and Bridgetown in Pomeroy, with the advowson of the church of Bury, the castle and honour of Totness, and manor of Totness, the manors of Cornworthy, Lodeswell, Huise, Monnockenzeale, Losebear, and diverse other land in Devon; the manor and lordship of Mayden Bradley in com. Wilts, and a capital messuage, called the Lord Cheyne’s house, within the precincts of Black Fiers, near Ludgate in London.

(S) Peerage of England, Collins, 1812, P192. (S) UKNA.

Child of Edward and Jane:

i. Edward Seymour (29708), born ~1555 in England.
