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Sunday, May 16, 2010

William de Hamby

271360. William de Hamby    

1391, William born in co. Lincoln, England, s/o 542720. John Hamby.

8/31/1422, Henry VI (an infant) succeeded Henry V as King of England.

1429-34, William Hamby named as Lord of manors in Lincolnshire in a record of his grandson Walter.

1429-34, Lords of the Manor Feoffees of Walter Hamby. William Hamby. (S) UKNA.

1441-42, Lords of the Manor Walter Hamby. William Hamby and his feoffees. (S) UKNA.

 (S) Lincolnshire Archives, 1ANC3/1A/1.

Child of William and ?:

i. William Hamby (135680), born 1416 in co. Lincoln, England.

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