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Monday, May 17, 2010

Hugh Cranmere

312416. Hugh Cranmere   

~1330, Hugh born in England, s/o §§Gilbert Cranmere & Ide de Loughton.

Hugh of Sutterton.

1364-66, “ … Account of Queen's gold, and of Debts … Divers lands (Lands late of Hugh Cranmere of Sutton) … “. (S) UKNA.

(S) 1614 Visitation of Nottingham.

Family notes:

·         “There was, or is, a stained glass window in Sutterton church in Lincolnshire to the memory of Hugh Cranmer in the fourteenth century.” Studies in the English Reformation, Clarke, 1912, P79.

·         Gilbert born in England, s/o §§Hugh Cranmer & Matilda de Sutterton.

·         Ide born in England, d/o §§Adam de Loughton.

·         10/20/1304, IPM of Gilbert de Gaunt. Kestevein: … Kirkeby and Lailthorp. Seven bovates of land held by Adam de Loughton by service of 1/4 [alias 1/3] knight’s fee. (S) CIsPM.

Child of Hugh and ?:

i. Thomas Cranmer (156208), born ~1355 in England.

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