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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Henry Stratford & Margaret Laudham

526400. Henry Stratford & 526401. Margaret Laudham   

~1375, Henery Stratford born in England, heir & s/o 1052800. John Stratford & 1052801. Maud Ceeley.

~1390, Margaret born in England, heiress & d/o 1052802. Rafe Laudham & 1052803. Isabel Barwell.

8/31/1422, Henry VI (an infant) succeeded Henry V as King of England.

6/14/1428, “Henry Stratford requests the extension of letters of safe conduct according to the tenor of the attached letters, regarding certain Spanish merchants, trade with Spain and Portugal, and the payment of customs in London.” (S) UKNA.

(S) 1623 Visitation of Gloucester by Henry Chitty, P156.

Family notes:

·         1416, A contemporary “Henry Stratford” in London, who was Jewish, converted to Christanity with King Henry V standing as his godfather.

Child of Henry and Margaret:

i. John Stratford (263200), born ~1410 in England.

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