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Monday, May 24, 2010

Sir John Cary & Margaret Holeway

738688. Sir John Cary & 738689. Margaret Holeway

1354, John born in Holway, Devon, England, s/o §§Robert de Cary & Joan ?.

~1355, Margaret, born in Holway, Devon, England, heir & d/o §§Robert Holeway.

1375-76, “John Cary, servant of the prince … “. (S) UKNA.

1376, John married Margaret in the parish of North Lew, Devon.

11/6/1376, Philip Courtenaye and John Cary appeared in person before the chancellor and mainperned for John Raley touching his good behaviour in the office of escheator in Devon. (S) CFRs.

7/16/1377, Richard II, age 10, crowned king of England.

8/8/1379, Commission to Philip do Courteney, Martin de Ferrers, John de Beaumont, William de Boneville and John Gary to investigate in Devon if subsidy collectors “wilfully or by negligence omitted some persons from the assessment.” (S) CFRs.

2/28/1378, “… Let a commission be made to John Cary and Martin Ferers to enquire upon the things contained within the petition …”. (S) UKNA.

10/25/1381, Roger Juyll appointed escheator in Somerset and Dorst. Peter de Courtenay, ‘chivaler’,… and John Gary mainperned personally in the Chancery, under a penalty of £100, that the said Roger will demean, himself well and faithfully. (S) CFRs.

1382-83, John knighted.

11/28/1383, John Gary, ' chivaler,' John Filioll, … commissioned to collect the 10th and 15th in the county of Dorset. (S) CFRs.

6/24/1386, John Cary and Thomas Cary, clerk, querents, Peter Veel, knight and Eleanor, his wife, deforciants … John and Thomas have given them 200 marks of silver. (S) Feet of Fines.

5/11/1387, John, of Holwey, co. Devon, Baron of the Exchequer of King Richard II.

2/1388 at Westminster, during the Merciless Parliament, Sir John forfeited possessions to the crown and exiled to Ireland with a pension of £20. (S) CFRs, 3/20/1388. [John resided at Cockington, and also possessed Clovelly.]

5/3/1389, Richard II, of age, assumed full control of the government.

1393, “…Cary, in right of Margaret, his wife, held the manor of Holloway … John Cary, knight; Margaret [Cary], wife of John Cary and daughter of Robert Holeway; Robert Holeway, father of Margaret [Cary].” (S) UKNA.

11/11/1393, Grant to the king’s esquire Robert Cary of 10£ which Warin Ercedeakne, knight, had in keeping of the goods of John Cary, father of the said Robert, and which were forfeited to the king by virtue of the judgment against the said John in Parliament … (S) CPRs.

5/1395, John died in Waterford, Ireland; Margaret surviving. (S) Hist. of Parliament.


1395-96, Margaret late the wife of John Cary, knight to Robert Cary, esquire, and Thomas his brother, farmers of the lands late of the said John: Receipt for an annuity. Devon. (S) UKNA.

1399-1405, Petitioners: Margaret Cary, widow of John Cary; Thomas Cary, son of John Cary. Cary request a remedy and grant that they are able to continue in possession of the lands and tenements which they had at the beginning of this parliament without being ousted and without answer. However despite having a grant of them from the present king, they are ousted. (S) UKNA.

(S) Burke’s Genealogy and Heraldic History, 1847, P195. (S) Historic Homes and Institutions, V1, 1907, P296.

Family notes:

·         The parentage is not in agreement with Burke’s Genealogy, but is as documented in the CPRs.

Children of John and Margaret: [3 sons]

i. Robert Cary (369344), born 1377 in England.

i. Thomas Cary, born ? in England.

1395-96, “Thomas Cary, son of John Cary, knight requests an enquiry into his claim to certain property in Somerset, which had been given to his father by Melborne, with reversion to himself and the heirs of his father. These lands had been seized into the king’s hands following a judgment made against John Cary in the Westminster.” (S) UKNA.

iii. John Cary, born ? in England. 

John, Bishop of Exeter.
