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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sir Thomas de Dacre

1477144. Sir Thomas de Dacre

1318, Thomas born in England; s/o 2954288. Edmund de Dacre.

1/24/1327, Edward III succeeded Edward II as King of England.

1341, Thomas’ father died; Thomas age 23. (S) Final Concords for Lancashire, Pt2, 1902.

10/20/1345, Commission of oyer and terminer to … on complaint by John de Moubray that  … Thomas de Roos of Kendale, ‘chivaler,’ … Thomas de Dacre, ‘chivaler’, … John de Haryngton of Farleton, ‘chivaler,’ … entered his free chase … co. York. (S) CPRs.

1346, Thomas held the two plough-lands in Upper Heysham by the old serjeanty, paying 3s. 4d., ‘doing suit to county and wapentake and providing puture’.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

1349-50, Melling Tatham was disturbed by a private war between Sir Thomas de Dacre and Sir Robert de Nevill (1477140). Sir Thomas went to Arkholme with with ‘six evil-doers’ and assaulted Nevill’s servant; while Sir Robert assembled ‘an immense multitude’ of armed men at Hornby, ‘to the number of about 30’, and for half a year led them to waylay his adversary. Sir William de Dacre, by Sir Thomas’ request, came to Hornby Castle in manner of war, with men-at-arms and bowmen.

2/1/1350, Thomas [accused] broke into Hornby Park, beating the park keeper, Richard Webbester, and threatening his life.

7/1/1350, Thomas de Dacre, chivaler, came to Hornby Castle with 20 men at arms and about 20 bowmen to the terror of the people.

1352, Thomas fined at the assize for his wrong doings.

11/17/1352, Thomas de Dacre, knight, and Robert de Horneby acknowledge that they owe to John de Wynewyk, clerk, £10; to be levied etc. in the county of Lancaster. (S) CCRs. [Cancelled on payment.]

1354, Edmund son of John de Hornby successfully claimed common of pasture between Redsyke and the Wenning in Tatham against Sir Thomas de Dacre and others.

1356, Thomas in possession of Heysham manor. [Heysham was famed for the excellence of its bows and arrows.]

1365, Sir Thomas de Dacre covenanted with Richard de Towneley (1477146), that Edmund de Dacre, his son, should take to wife the said Richard’s daughter, and upon this marriage were to settle in jointure the manor of Tatham, with the advowson, with the manor of Over Hesham and Hesham, which Sir John Harrington of Farlton held for term of life. (S) Hist. of the Co. Palatine & Duchy of Lancaster, Herford, 1870, P592.

Thomas of Halton, near Lancaster, died.

(S) Annales Caermoelenses, Stockdale, 1872, P484. (S) Lancashire Fines: 1-5 Edward III, 1902, P67-81. (S) Hist of the Co. of Lancaster, V8, 1914, Parish of Tatham & Parish of Heysham. (S) Hist. and of Township of Arkholme, Chillendall, 1931.

Child of Thomas and ?:

i. Edmund de Dacre (738572), born ~1350 in Lancashire, England.

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