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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lord William Philip & Lady Joan Bardolf

1901422. Lord William Philip & 1901423. Lady Joan Bardolf

1383, William born in Suffolk, England, s/o 3802844. Sir William Phelip & 3802845. Julian Erpingham. (S) The Gentleman’s Magazine, V159, P261.

11/11/1390, Joan born in Tattershall castle, Lincolnshire, England, coheir & d/o 3802846. Lord Thomas Bardolf & 3802847. Amice de Cromwell.

7/4/1399, Henry Bolingbroke [1st cousin of Richard II] landed at Ravenspur; then proceeded through the Lancastrian lands in the north and took York. [Henry IV invaded while Richard II was in Ireland. Likely, William was one of the young knights supporting Henry, as evidenced by his quick rise in status.]

9/30/1399, Henry IV succeeded Richard II as King of England.

5/4/1402, Grant to the king’s esquire William Phelipp[es] the younger of the custody of the manor of Spernore, co. Warwick, … so that he maintain the houses, buildings, woods, …. without waste … (S) CPRs.

By 1405, William’s father died.

5/15/1406, Grant for life to the king’s esquire William Phelippes of all lands which Alice Busshe … London … she died without heir. (S) CPRs.

2/1407, Joan’s father attained and executed.

[––William & Joan––]

By 1408, William married Joan. [This marriage would have been held of the King.]

11/26/1408, … petition of William Clifford, ‘chivaler,’ and Anne his wife, and William Phelippes and Joan his wife, daughters of Thomas, late lord of Bardolf, … (S) CPRs.

5/20/1409, Writ for Proof of Age of Joan daughter of Thomas Lord Bardolf and wife of William Phelip. The jurors say that she was born in Tattershall castle and baptised in the parish church there on 11 Nov. 1390 … (S) CIsPM.

6/28/1409, William Clifford, ‘chivaler,’ and Anne his wife [sister of Joan] and William Phelippes and Joan his wife, daughters of Thomas, late lord Bardolf, … (S) CPRs.

3/8/1411, Grant for life to the king’s esquire William Phelyp of the office of constable of the castle of Norwich and the keeping of the same castle and the king’s goal there … 20£ yearly … (S) CPRs.

5/12/1412, Grant of life to the king’s esquire William Phelippes of a tenement in Smethefeld without the walls of the city of London … (S) CPRs.

3/20/1413, King Henry IV died.

3/21/1413, Revocation … manor of Haloughton, … of letters patent of Henry IV … granting the manor … to his consort Joan, queen of England. … by an inquisition … that Henry [III] by letters patent granted the manor to one Thomas Bardolf and his heirs of the body of Rose the daughter of Ralph Hanselyn … of the inheritance of Ralph Hansely grandfather of the said Rose … descended to one Dodo … to William … to Hugh … to Thomas … without heirs … to William son of the said Hugh … to Thomas … to John … to William … to Thomas, late lord Bardolf … descended to Anne [eldest sister] … and Joan [Bardolf] … (S) CPRs.

4/9/1413, Henry V crowned king of England.

1413, William knighted. [Likely the day before, or the day of the coronation, when many new knights were created.]

6/12/1413, Insepximus and confirmation to William Philipp, now knight, … so that they be not retained with anyone else. (S) CPRs.

1/19/1414, William Philip, knight, and Richard de la Mare, esquire, appointed “King’s esquires”. (S) CPRs, 12/15/1422.

4/1415, William created a Knight of the Garter.

8/13/1415, William in King Henry V’s force of 12,000 landing at the mouth of the Seine at Harfleur.

9/22/1415, English capture Harfleur after a siege.

10/25/1415, Battle of Agincourt in northern France. [Documented by 3 eye witnesses.] The English longbows gave “a terrifying hail of arrow shot.” French estimate of their own dead of 4,000 would imply a ratio of nearly 9 to 1 in favour of the English. [William fought at the battle of Agincourt.]

Aft. 6/20/1415, William heir to his brother John. (S) The Gentleman’s Magazine, V159, P261.

12/8/1415, Custody of the de la Pole estates during the minority of the earl was committed to a group of trustees headed by Thomas Erpingham and William Phelippes, ‘chivaler’. (S) CPRs.

1417, King Henry returned to France. He first captured the city of Caen after a 2-week siege.

1417, King Henry captured Argentan.

1417-18, In a winter siege, King Henry captured Falaise.

1418, King Henry began the long siege of Rouen.

1/19/1419, The capture of Rouen, France. A major event in the Hundred Year's War, where English forces captured the capital of Normandy.

5/24/1419, John Tiptoft and William Phelip are ordered to prepare the place for the interview between the Kings of England and France; Vernon Castle. (S) Rymer’s Feodera with Syllabys, V9.

2/7/1420, … the king’s knights William Phelippes and John Rothenale, … (S) CPRs.

11/7/1421, Order to the escheator in the county of Suffolk … to make a partition into two equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick late of Annis late the wife of Thomas late lord de Bardolf … and to cause William Phelipp, knight, and Joan his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of the said Annis, to have full seisin of Joan's pourparty, as the king had taken William's fealty and for one mark paid in the hanaper has respited until Easter next the homage due from him by reason of his having issue by his wife… to retain in the king's hand until further order the pourparty of Anne the other daughter and heir of the said Annis. (S) CFRs.

1421-22, William held the office of Captain of Harfleur, and Treasurer at War. … In money paid to him by the hands of John Hexham, for payment of the wages of diers masters, mariners, apdn pages of divers ships and vessels in the ports of … retained for the passage of the Lady Catherine, Queen of England, and Duke of Bedford, in her retinue, … next to be made in France. In payment … £266 13s 4d. (S) Issues of the Exchequer, 1836, P371.

8/31/1422, Henry V died in France at the siege of Meaux. Henry VI (an infant) as King of England.

1422, William in charge of the funeral of King Henry V.

11/18/1423, To the escheator in Norfolk. Order to take the fealty of William Philip knight, and to give Reynold de Cobeham knight, Anne his wife, William Philip and Joan his wife livery … (S) CCRs.

1424, William Phelip, knight, Thomas Erpyngham, and others reached an agreement at the church of Grey Friars, Norwich. (S) The Paston Letters, Gairdner, 1904, P15. [1429, William would be heir of Thomas.]

11/18/1423, Order to the escheator in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk … William Bardolf, knight, on the day of his death held the manor of Scrouteby, co. Norfolk, and the manor called 'Kyngeshalle' in Clopton, co. Suffolk, together with the advowson of the church of Debach … Anne late the wife of William Clifford, knight, whom Reynold Cobeham, 'chivaler,' has taken to wife, and Joan the wife of William Phelipp, knight, the daughters of Thomas the brother of the said William Bardolf, are the kinswomen and next heirs. (S) CFRs.

1425, Richard Selling and his wife Joan, widow of Sir William Bardolf, released the lordship of Gourney to Joan and her sister Anne for an annuity. (S) Topographical Hist. of the County of Norfolk, V11, 1810.

12/29/1426, Will of Thomas, Duke of Exeter. … And I constitute William Philip, knight, … my executors … (S) Testamenta Vetusta, V1, 1826, P210.

11/21/1427, Commission to William Phelip, knight, … to enquire by examination of the king’s lieges of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, … at to wardships and marriages which have been concealed from the king. (S) CPRs.

6/25/1428, William Phelip of Suffolk knight to … and Richard Hastynges knights. Recognisance for 2,000 marks, to be levied etc. in Norffolk. (S) CCRs.

2/26/1429, Writ for IPM for Thomas Erpyngham, Knight. Lincolnshire: … He held £100 rent for life … Thomas died 6/27 last. William Philip, knight, is kin and next heir of Thomas as the son of Juliana sister of Thomas, aged 40 and more. (S) CIsPM. [One property William acquired was a tenement called “The Newe Inne”, near Paul’s wharf, a town house in London accessible to court. (S) Heraldry in Norfolk.]

11/6/1429, Henry VI crowned King of England.

11/26/1431, To the escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order to take of Margaret who was wife of John Shelton esquire an oath etc., and in presence of William Phelip knight farmer of her husband's lands, … (S) CCRs.

3/1/1432, William appointed Chamberlain of King Henry VI, replacing Ralph, lord Cromwell. (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005.

10/26/1432, Commission to lord de Hungerford, steward of the late K., sir William Phelip, his treasurer, sir Robert Babthorp, his comptroller, and sir William Porter, to apportion the £4000 bequeathed by the late K. to the clerks and other servants of the household. (S) Rymer’s Foedera with Syllabus, V10.

4/16/1433, Commission to William Phelip, knight, the king’s chamberlain, … to take at Wynchelse … the muster of the men at arms and archers, who are about t proceed to France in the company of John, earl of Huntingdon. (S) CPRs.

7/1433, William Phelip received £100 for attendance at a King’s council.

1/4/1437, The day after the death of the Queen, William secured a grant of the stewardship and constableship of Wallingford [putting him in conflict with the Earl of Suffolk, with whom he already had issues over Joan’s Bardolf inheritance.]

2/22/1437, William and the Earl of Suffolk granted joint survivorship of the offices of Wallingford.

5/11/1437, William appointed chief steward for the feoffees in the south of Suffolk and Wales.

7/3/1437, Licence for William Phelipp, knight, and Joan his wife, to found a perpetual chantry … St. Margaret church of Denyngton, co. Suffolk, … called ‘Phelippes chaunterie of Denyngton,’ and to be incorporate. … (S) CPRs.

11/13/1437, William, 6th Lord Bardolf by writ. [But not summoned to parliament – William’s peerage would become extinct on his death.]

2/1438, William became the chief feoffee for the earl of Suffolk in his Thames Valley estates.

5/10/1438, Whereas it was shown to Henry IV by William Clifford, ‘chivaler,’ and Anne his wife, and by William Phelip and Joan, his wife, daughters of Thomas late lord of Bardolf, … the king now confirms these grants, and the estate of the said Anne, William Phelip, and Joan in the premises, the said William Clifford being dead; and further grants to the petitioners William Phelip, now lord of Bardolf, and Joan, … the reversion of that moiety of the premises which belongs to the said Anne, … the manor of Castre, co. Norfolk, and Clopton, co. Suffolk, late of William Bardolf, knight, brother of the said Thomas late lord, with knights’ fees, advowsons, courts, liberties, … (S) CPRs.

9/1/1438, William wrote his will. (S) The Visitation of  Norfolk 1563, Bulwer, 1895, P210.

11/20/1438, Commission … William Phelip of Bardolf, knight, chief steward of the duchy of Lancaster in the county … Devon. (S) CPRs.

11/28/1439, Commission … William de Bardolf, knight, chief steward … Cambridgeshire. (S) CPRs.

2/21/1440, William in parliament as King’s Chamberlain. (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005.

10/28/1440, Grant for life, to William Phelip, knight, lord Bardolf, the king’s chamberlain, … tenement calle ‘Newe Inne’ … London … (S) CPRs.

6/6/1441, William died; buried at Dennington, Suffolk. [Will probated 6/28/1441.]


Bef. 10/30/1441, Joan’s only child Elizabeth died with heirs.

11/4/1441, IPM of William Philip, knight: Henry [grandson], son of John, Viscount Beaumont, and Elizabeth lately his wife, daughter of William Philip and Joan, is kin and next heir of William, and aged 7 and more. (S) IsPM, Henry VI, 481.

8/30/1441, Grant to John, viscount Beaumont, of the remainder … held by Joan, wife of William Phelip, knight, which will revert to the king on her death … (S) CPRs.

2/18/1442, To the escheator in Oxfordshire. Order to take the fealties of Reynold Cobham knight and Joan late the wife of William Phelip and to give the said Reynold, Anne his wife and Joan livery of the manor of Halghton, … King Edward II in the twelfth year of his reign by letters patent gave that manor (among other things) to Roger Damory knight and Elizabeth his wife and to the heirs of the body of the said Roger, that he had issue Elizabeth who married John lord Bardolff, that Roger and Elizabeth died, that the said John and Elizabeth had issue William and died, that William had issue Thomas and died, that Thomas had issue the said Anne now wife of Reynold Cobham and the said Joan and died, that at the death of William Phelip the said Reynold, Anne, William Phelip and Joan were tenants of the said manor in right of Anne and Joan daughters and heirs of the said Thomas … (S) CCRs.

1443, The Church of Great Wichingham, Norfolk, … demised to Joan, Lady Bardolf at 20s. per ann. (S) Hist. of Norfolk, V8, 1808, Witchingham.

1446, Joan sold her property of Erpingham manor in St. Martin’s Palace, Norwich to William Calthorpe.

3/11/1446, Joan wrote her will: her body to be buried in the chapel of St. Margaret, in the church of Dennington, by her husband. She gave to the Lady Joan Boteler, £40 (her neice) ; to the Lord Viscount Beaumont (950710), a salteellar of silver gilt ; to Joan (475355, granddaughter), his daughter, a buckle set with pearls, and her best gold girdle ; to her sister (Anne), the best furred mantle ; to her sister the Lady Boteler, a mantle furred ; to the Lady Brewes (Ela, d/o Sir Miles Stapleton), a gown ; to the Lady Charles (Elizabeth, w/o Sir Thomas Charles), a gown ; to the Lady Heveningham (Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Haveningham), a gown ; to the Lady Cromwell (Margaret, d/o John Lord Deincourt), a gilt cup ; to John Heydon, a silver cup ; to the wives of Sir Miles Stapylton (Katherine, d/o Sir Thomas de la Pole) and Sir Brian Stapylton (Isabella), two girdles ; executors, Richard Purynglond and others ; supervisors, Sir Miles Stapylton and Sir Thomas Tudenham, knights. (S) Works of the Camden Soc., 1845, Iss34, Pg-clxxxviii.

9/7/1446, Codicil to Joan’s will: £100 owing to her by the Lord Viscount Beaumont, to Joan, his daughter ; to Sir Miles Stapylton, a silver goblet with a gilt foot, having at the bottom the arms of the said Sir Miles and his Lady impaled ; to Sir Brian Stapylton, a silver goblet with a gilt foot, having borage flowers at the bottom. Her inn or messuage in Norwich, late that of Sir Thomas Erpingham, knight, to be sold by her exccutors. Several legacies, given to William, son of Lord Viscount Beaumont, in case he die under age, are given over to the Lord Scales. (S) Works of the Camden Soc., 1845, Iss34, Pg-clxxxviii.

3/12/1447, Joan died.

3/21/1447, Writ for IPM of Joan, Lady Bardolf. Nottinghamshire: … as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body. Shelford and Stoke Bardolph, ½ manor, annual value £14, with ½ advowson of the church of Gedling. The manor is held of the king in chief, service unknown. She died on 12 March 1447. William Beaumont , the son of Elizabeth, the daughter of Joan, is her next heir, and was aged 8 on 28 April last. … Derbyshire: … Ambaston, Thulston, and Elvaston, 26s. assize rent from free tenants, … Leicestershire: … Hallaton, ½ manor, annual value £8. … Oxford: … Holton, ½ manor, annual value £8. … ‪ Edward II … at York, by letters patent …, 1 December 1318 …, granted to Roger Damory (30422770), and Elizabeth his wife, the king’s dearest niece, … the manor of Holton, with knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, and other appurtenances. … Hertfordshire: … Watton at Stone, ½ manor  called Bardolphs, annual value £10 … ‪ Edward I … by letters patent … dated at Burstwick, 28 November 1304, …  granted the manor among other things to Isabel, late wife of Hugh Bardolf (60845536), for the term of her life, with remainder to William, son of Isabel, … Lincolnshire: … Norfolk: … Suffolk: … Sussex: … (S) MMC, E-CIPM 26-553. … Oxford:  … After their deaths the manor descended by form of the grant to Elizabeth (15211385), daughter and heir of the body of Roger [de Armory, 30422770]. She married John Bardolf, and they had issue: William Bardolf (7605692), and died. After their deaths the manor descended to William as son and heir of the bodies of John and Elizabeth. He had issue: Thomas Bardolf (3802846), and died. After his death the manor descended to Thomas as son and heir of the body of William by form of the grant. Thomas had issue: Anne, late wife of William Clyfford, knight , and Joan (1901423), named in the writ, late wife of William Phelip , whom ‪ Henry VI created lord Bardolf. Thomas died, and after his death the manor descended to Anne and Joan, as daughters and heirs of his body. (S) E-CIPM 26-559, Lady Bardolf.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P64. (S) The King, the Crown, and the Duchy of Lancaster, Castor, 2000.

Child of William and Joan:

i. Elizabeth Philip (950711), born ~1415 in England.
