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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sir Roger Fiennes & Elizabeth Holand

1901424. Sir Roger Fiennes & 1901425. Elizabeth Holand

9/14/1384, Roger Fenys baptized at Herstmonceaux, Sussex, England, heir & s/o 3802848. William Fiennes & 3802849. Elizabeth Batisford.[Roger Newente, constable of Herstmonceaux castle, the godfather of Roger.]

~1390, Elizabeth born in Northampton, England, d/o 3802850. John Holand & 3802851. Margaret ?.

1399, Roger coheir to his cousin Elizabeth Say, wife of Sir William Heron.

1/18/1402, Roger’s father died. John Pelham, knight, was granted wardship and marriage for £200.

1/13/1405, Roger’s mother died.

6/26/1405, Order to John Maysham, escheator in the county of Kent to make a partition into 3 equal parts of all the lands which Elizabeth, daughter of William de Say and late the wife of William de Heron, knight, on the day of her death held … (1) Mary (whom Otes de Wortlyngton has married) one of the daughters of Elizabeth Aldone, one of the sisters of the said William de Say, (2) Maud, the second daughter of the said Elizabeth Aldone, (3) William de Clynton, 'chivaler,' son of William the son of Idonia de Clynton the second sister of the said William de Say, and (4) Roger de Fienles, son of William the son of Joan Fienles, the third sister of the said William de Say (Mary, Maud and William de Clynton being of full age and Roger de Fienles a minor in the king's ward). (S) CFRs.

10/1/1406, Writ for IPM of Margery widow of William Batesford (maternal grandmother of Roger). Sussex: … she held for life with remainder to Elizabeth widow of William Fienles, knight, and her heirs, … Wartling, Dallington, Warbleton, and Herstmonceux, … She died on 21 Jan. last. Roger Fienles, son of William Fienles, knight, is kinsman and heir, being the son and heir of Elizabeth, daughter of Margery, aged 21 years and more. (S) CIsPM.

2/14/1407, Writ for Proof of Age of Roger Fienless. Sussex: Roger son of William Fienles, knight, son of William and Joan, aunt of Elizabeth, wife of William Heron, knight, was born at Herstmonceux and baptised there on 14 Sept. 1384. He is therefore aged 21 years and more. … (S) CIsPM.

3/3/1407, To the escheator in Berkshire. Order to give …, seisin of the lands of William his father; as Roger Fienles, son and heir of William de Fienles knight, has proved his age before Nicholas Carreu escheator in Sussex, … (S) CCRs.

1/2/1411, … the manors of Hammes and Bukstede, … his possession until William Clynton (cousin of Roger), Roger Fienles and others did enter the same to their use, thrusting him out and disseising him, to delay the execution of William Heroun's will. (S) CCRs. [William Heron was husband of Elizabeth (d.1399), niece of Joan de Say, Roger’s paternal grandmother. They were in a suit over Elizabeth’s inheritance.]

1412, Roger enfeoffed his Sussex estates, valued at £100 yearly, to persons including Sir Thomas Clinton and Sir Thomas Gresley. [Roger’s Hampshire lands worth 20m yearly, lands in Kent worth £52 yearly. … annual value £165.]

1412, Roger in France with the Thomas, duke of Clarence.

3/20/1413, Henry V succeeded Henry IV as King of England.

1413, Roger’s feoffees applied for a royal licence to block off a road passing through Herstmonceux park. [Beginning extensive building works during Roger’s ownership of Herstmonceux.]

8/13/1415, King Henry V’s force of 12,000 landing at the mouth of the Seine at Harfleur.

9/22/1415, English capture Harfleur after a siege.

10/25/1415, Battle of Agincourt in northern France. [Documented by 3 eye witnesses.] The English longbows gave “a terrifying hail of arrow shot.” French estimate of their own dead of 4,000 would imply a ratio of nearly 9 to 1 in favour of the English. Roger fought at the battle of Agincourt with 8 men-at-arms and 24 foot archers. (S) Battle of Agincourt, Nicholas, 1832.

3/1416, Roger first attended parliament, representing Sussex. [Also in 1429, 1439, 1442, 1445.]

11/1416, Roger, a King’s knight, retained at £40 yearly.

1417, Roger with King Henry returned to France, supplying 9 lances and 30 archers. King Henry first captured the city of Caen after a 2-week siege.

1417, King Henry captured Argentan.

1417-18, In a winter siege, King Henry captured Falaise.

1418, King Henry began the long siege of Rouen.

1/19/1419, The capture of Rouen, France. A major event in the Hundred Year's War, where English forces captured the capital of Normandy.

2/14/1419, Roger accepted the surrender of Caudebec, and appointed the ‘Balli of Caux’, and Capt. of Longueville, France.

3/28/1420, Roger the ‘Balli of Caux’, and Capt. of Piercourt, France.

2/1421, Roger returned to England with the King.

4/3/1421, Roger the Keeper of Portchester castle, Hants, commanding the entrance to Portsmouth harbor.

6/1421, Roger with King Henry returned to France, where Roger soon was serving in the Bastille at Paris.

[––Roger & Elizabeth––]

Bef. 1422, Roger married Elizabeth.

6/9/1422, Indults to have a portable altar. Roger Fenis, knight, of the diocese of Chichester, and his present wife, noblewoman. [Usually for a young couple during the pregnancy of the wife.] (S) Lateran Regesta, 237.

8/31/1422, Henry VI (an infant) succeeded Henry V as King of England.

6/26/1423, “…  Endorsement: Roger Fiennes {Fyenes}, Sheriff [of Sussex], …” (S) UKNA.

1423, Roger knighted.

1423-4, “Letters of attorney from William Cheyne, one of the justices of the King's Bench, William Ferrers, and Edmund Wynchyngham, to William Hane, authorising him to deliver seisin to Roger Fenys, knight, …” (S) UKNA.

2/26/1424, Commission to Roger Frenys, knight, Thomas Leukenore, knight, … to enquire by sworn inquest within the county of Sussex as to lands, … concealed or detained from the king. (S) CPRs.

5/20/1425, Commission to Ralph Boteler, knight, … to take at Calais … the musters of the following captains … about to proceed to France in their companies … Reginald Grey, knight with 20 men at arms and 60 archers, … Roger Fyenes, knight, with 30 men at arms and 90 archers, … (S) CPRs. [John of Lancaster, duke of Bedford, was Regent of England, was conducting an on-going war in France.]

By 1427, Roger returned to England.

5/16/1427, Commission de walliis et fossatis in the towns of … Roger Fenys, knight, … (S) CPRs.

4/1428 at Westmounceux, … to Roger Fenys knight, …. Quitclaim … of 32 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow and 120 acres of wood in Worthingh … Witnesses: Thomas Ecchyngham lord of Ecchyngham, … (S) CCRs.

1428, Roger holding Wolfynes [ancient family home in Berkshire.]

11/6/1429, King Henry VI crowned King of England. [John, duke of Bedford still Regent, Humphrey, duke of Gloucester the Lord Protector. Both uncles of Henry VI.]

12/12/1429, Commission to Roger Fenys, knight, … to take at Wynchelse … the muster of John, bastard of Clarence, king’s knight, and of the 49 men at arms and 700 archers about to proceed in his company on service abroad, and to certify … the form and sufficiency of their array. (S) CPRs. [Roger also going to France.]

1431, “Witnessing that Dame Elizabeth Fenys has delivered to Febyan Hals, ‘Warderoper’, certain items of bedding, hangings, tapestry, saddlery and weapons. Very detailed … e.g. "the great chamber, the chamber by the closet" etc., and specifying certain things that ‘hung at London’. Dame Elizabeth Fiennes, formerly Elizabeth Holland. [The indenture mentioned hangings embroidered with the arms of Fiennes and Holland], married Sir Roger Fiennes of Hurstmonceaux, son of Sir William Fiennes of Hurstmonceaux who died in 1402 and brother of Sir James Fiennes, later Lord Say and Sele. Their son, Sir Richard, became Lord Dacre in 1458.” (S) UKNA. [Roger was still in France.]

12/16/1431, Roger with King Henry VI at his coronation as King of France at Notre Dame, Paris. [The only English king to be crowned king in England and France.]

11/14/1432, John Clynton, lord Clynton, and Roger Fenys, knight, to whom as cousins and heirs of Elizabeth late the wife of William Heroun knight, daughter and heir of William lord Say, descended by inheritance … co. Kent …  knights' fees in Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Norffolk, Suffolk, Bukinghamshire, Norhamptonshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. … John Clynton gives to Roger Fenys, … his purparty a moiety of the said land next the south, … all the said knights' fees in Kent and Surrey … and Roger Fenys gives to John Clynton, … his purparty the other moiety next the west, … and all knights' fees in Sussex, Norffolk, Suffolk, Bukinghamshire, Norhamptonshire, Hertfordshire and Essex … (S) CCRs.

1434-35, Roger, Sheriff of Sussex.

6/26/1435, Commission to Roger Fenys, knight, … to take at Wynchelse … the muster of John Cressy , king’s knight, … who are about to proceed to France. (S) CPRs.

4/11/1437, General pardon to Roger Fenys, alias Fenes, Feneles, Fyneles and Fynes, knight, for all offenses before 1 October last, and for all outlawries, prests or wages of war, or shares of ransoms due to the king, … Exemption also of him for life from … juries, attaints, … being made mayor, sheriff, … and from being made leader or arrayer of men at arms, … against his will. (S) CPRs.

7/14/1438, John Pelham knight, son of John Pelham knight [who held Roger’s wardship as a minor], to Roger Fenys knight, … (S) CCRs.

4/9/1439, Roger appointed Treasurer of King Henry VI’s household. [Held through 1446.]

12/23/1439, Commission to Ralph Botiller, knight, Roger Fenys, knight, … to make inquisition touching wool secretly exported without payment of custom … (S) CPRs.

1440, Roger started the construction of Hurstmonceax castle, Sussex.

7/1440, Nicholas Carew, esq., quitclaimed to Mercy, wife of his deceased father, all right to 1/3rd of the manor of Woodmansterne. Mercy, late wife of Nicholas Carew, esq., demised to Sir Roger Fenys, Nicholas Carew, esq., and others her life interest in Bandon and Nutfield, co. Surrey.

2/5/1441, Grant, of special grace, to Roger Fenys, knight, that he may enclose, crenellate, and furnish with towers and battlements his manor of Hurst Monceux, co. Sussex, and so hold it to him and his heirs, notwithstanding any statue, act or ordinance to the contrary; and that he may enclose 600 acres of his land adjoining his park there with a paling and dike and hold the park so enlarged to him and his heirs. (S) CChRs. [Roger would eventually spend £3800 on his Herstmonceux property.]

4/1441, Elizabeth living.

6/1441, Roger Fenys, knt., appointed Chief Steward of the duchy of Lancaster. (S) CPRs, V47, P468. [Held until 1447.]


1441-3, “Account of Roger Fenys, keeper of the household. King's Remembrancer.” (S) UKNA.

3/30/1442, Commission to … for a loan to the king … William, earl of Arundel, Roger Fienles, ‘chivaler,’ … Sussex … Edmund, earl of Dorset, … Nicholas Carrewe, … Surrey. (S) CPRs.

3/12/1443, Roger on a commission of array for Sussex. (S) CPRs.

7/25/1443, Arbitration award by Sir Roger Fenys, Sir Thomas Leukenore and James Fenys, esq, arbitrators between 1) Sir Reynold Cobham 2) Sir Thomas Echyngham, …. Manor of Hochlegh in Lamberhurst, Kent.

1444, Sir Roger Fienees, a supervisor of the will of Sir Thomas Echyngham.

1/12/1445, The K. orders … to make another ring for the Q.'s wedding ring … Keper of our Jewelles, hath, by oure special Commandement, delivered theese Jewelles under written … An Ouche of Gold, and in the middes a Flour de Lys, Bought …, and Yeven to Sir Rogier Fenys Knight Tresorier of oure Household on the same Neweyeris Day. (S) Rymer’s Feodera with Syllabus, V11, PP75-87.

6/3/1445, … at their discretion, by inquisition and in other ways, to appoint and assign among the impoverished towns, cities and boroughs in the said county the sum of £26 7s. 2d. for the rateable share of the said £2000 … R. Bishop of Chichester, Roger Fienles, knight, … county of Sussex … (S) CFRs.

6/1446, Roger arranged for the marriages of his sons to the granddaughters and heiresses of Thomas, Lord Dacre of Gilsland.

3/27/1448, Pardon to the king’s knight, Roger Fenys, late treasurer of the household, of all trespasses, …

10/29/1449, Roger wrote his will requesting burial at Hurstmonceax.

Bef. 11/18/1449, Roger died.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P730. (S) Hist. of Count Berkshire, V3, 1923, White Waltham. (S) Hist. of Parliament, Roskell, 1993.

Family notes:

·         (S) Inv. of Hist. Monuments in Essex, V4, 1923: ‘Aveley Belhus’. A considerable amount of glass of varying dates is incorporated in the windows. … In the ground-floor of the Tower in the S. window (brought from Hurstmonceaux) are two shields (a) Fiennes impaling Holland (azure semée of fleur-de-lis); … in the E. window are two roundels with the Fiennes badge, a wolfhound, contained in a wreath of foliage and pomegranates; set in fragmentary quarries with the initials R. and E. (for Roger Fiennes and Elizabeth Holland), all within a border of dog collars and chains and fragments of the Fiennes motto.

Children of Roger and Elizabeth: [2 sons, 1 daughter]

i. Robert Fenys, born ? in England.

6/1446, Robert married Philippe, d/o 1901426. Thomas Dacre & 1901427. Elizabeth Bowet.

3/18/1447, Grant for life to the king’s servant, Robert Fenys, esquire, usher of the chamber, of £20 yearly from the customs in the port of Southampton immediately after the death of Roger Fenys, knight, his father, who has the same grant of Henry V. (S) CPRs.

1449, “…  Roger Fennys (Fiennes), keeper of the king's wardrobe …” (S) UKNA.

ii. Margaret Fiennes (950541), born ~1418 in England.

iii. Richard Fiennes (950712), born ~1425 in England.
