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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sir Thomas Knollys & Joan ?

1901516. Sir Thomas Knollys & 1901517. Joan ?

~1355, Thomas born in England, s/o 312532. Lord Robert de Knolles & 312533. Constance ?.

1375, Thomas married Joan.

7/16/1377, Richard II crowned king of England.

1391, Sir Thomas and his wife Joan purchased a quarter share of the manor of North Mymms from Beatrix Bakston for 100 marks.

10/1/1398, Presentation to R. bishop of Lond, of Philip Cook, chaplain, nominated this turn by Thomas Knollys, … citizens of London, parishionher of the better sort, … (S) CPRs.

1399, Thomas a member of the Grocers company in London and Mayor.

9/29/1399, Imprisoned Richard II resigned as king of England.

Thomas, as mayor, is presented with 33 articles of charges against Richard II including ordering the murder of the Duke of Gloucester in the castle of Calais. (S) Chronicles of London Bridge, Thomson, 1862, P153.

10/13/1399, Henry IV crowned king of England.

1400, Thomas directed the rebuilding of the Guildhall.

11/5/1404, Presentation, at the nomination of Thomas Knollys, … parishioners of the church of St. Antoninus, London, of William Gyles, chaplain … (S) CPRs.

1409-10, Thomas Lord Mayor of London.

6/1/1409, Licence, for 20 marks … by Richard Berners, esquire, for him to enfeoff Richard Norton, … of the manor of Westhorsele, co. Surrey, with the advowson of the church of Westhorsele, held of the king, for these to grant the same to Thomas Knolles, citizen and alderman of London, … and for these to grant the same to the said Richard Berners and Philippa his wife for life. (S) CPRs.

7/1/1411, Commission of oyer and terminer, to meet at the Tower of London, to Thomas Knolles, mayor of London, William Gascoigne, … touching certain treasons, … committed in the city and suburbs of London. (S) CPRs.

12/10/1412, Commission to William Walderne, mayor of London, … and Thomas Knolles, … to find out … which are the merchants of Spain and which of the king’s enemies … (S) CPRs.

4/9/1413, Henry V crowned king of England.

5/20/1416, Licence … by John de Norton of the county of Southampton … to enfeoff Thomas Knolles of London, ‘grocer’, … of the manor of Estistede, co. Southampton … (S) CPRs.

7/12/1418, Commission … possessions of John Oldcastell, ‘chivaler,’ … Thomas Knolles, … in the city of London. (S) CPRs.

3/12/1424, “Court of Thomas Knollys: View of Frankpledge of which ¾ belong to Wm Swanlond & ¼ to Thomas Knollys.” (S) UKNA.

1428, William Swanlond sold his remaining three parts of manor of North Mymms to Thomas.

1428, 1429, “Court of Thomas Knollys lord of the Manor.” (S) UKNA.

11/25/1428, Thomas Knolles the elder, citizen and grocer of London, … Thomas Knolles the younger, citizen and grocer of London, … querents, … (S) Feet of Fines.

6/14/1429, … Thomas knolles of London, the elder, grocer, … executors of Richard Cliderowe, esquire, toughing a plea … (S) CPRs.

3/12/1435, “View & Court of Thomas Knollys.” (S) UKNA.

1435, Thomas died.

Family notes:
• Sir Thomas buried with his wife, Joan, in St Antholin’s Church in the north aisle. On their tomb was the following epitaph:
• Here lyeth graven undyr this ston
• Thomas Knolles, both flesh and bon,
• Grocer and Alderman yeres fortye,
• Sheriff, and twis Maior truly:
• And for he should not ly alone,
• Here lyeth wyth him his good wyff Jone:
• They weren togeder sixty yere,
• And nineteen children they had in feer;
• Now ben they gon wee them miss:
• Christ have there Sowlys to heven bliss. Amen.

Children of Thomas and Joan:

i. Thomas Knolles (156266), born ~1390 in England.
