Search for Rehoboth, Bristol
1658, Elizabeth born in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA; d/o 2498. Thomas Wood & 2499. Rebecca Hall.
7/16/1659, Samuel born in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA; s/o 2496. Obediah Bowen & 2497. Mary Clifton.
12/5/1678, Elizabeth 1st married Samuel Wheaton. [2 sons, Noah & Jonathan.]
5/26/1684, Samuel married Elizabeth in Swansea, Bristol Co., MA.
2/7/1689, A list of the name of the inhabitants, of The Towne of Rehoboth; … Sam’l. Bowen …. [His father is listed as a proprietor that is not an inhabitant.]
1703, Samuel and Elizabeth moved to Cohansey, NJ as part of the 7th Day Baptists. [Samuel’s sister Hannah, married to Rev. Timothy Brooks, and Elizabeth’s half-brother George also moved to NJ at this time. Rev Brooks was the leader of the migration from Swansea.]
12/11/1708, Samuel named in the will of his father.
1710, the Bowentown Baptists united with the Cohansey Baptist Church.
3/4/1727, Samuel died in Cohansey, Salem Co. [now Cumberland], NJ.
2/5/1728, Elizabeth died in Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ.
Children of Samuel and Elizabeth:
i. John Bowen, born 5/17/1685 in Swansea, Bristol Co., MA.
John married Rachel Bowen, d/o Hezekiah Bowen.
11/1747, John died in Cohansey.
ii. Samuel Bowen, born 1/1/1688 in MA.
12/1727, Samuel died in Fairfield, Salem Co.
iii. Dan Bowen, born 8/1/1690 in MA.
Dan married Mary Walling.
2/1729, Dan died.
iv. Elijah Bowen, born 8/4/1695 in MA.
Elijah married Sarah Watson, d/o Thomas.
Elijah married 2nd Deborah Swinney.
9/23/1773, Elijah, a doctor, died in Shiloh, Salem Co., NJ.
v. Joanna Bowen, born 12/1/1696 in MA.
vi. Mary Bowen, born 2/9/1698 in MA.
vii. Clifton Bowen (624), born 2/12/1700 in Providence, RI.
viii. Elizabeth Bowen, born 12/30/1703 in Cohansey, NJ.
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