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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Adrien Isabelle & Catherine Poitevin

2040. Adrien Isabelle & 2041. Catherine Poitevin

1631, Adrien born in Alencon, Normandie, France; s/o 4080. Jean Isabelle & 4081. Marie Adam.

1641, Catherine born in St Nicolas des Champs, Paris, France, d/o §Guillaume Poitevin & §Francoise Macre.

1666 census of Quebec, Adrien, age 28, an “engage” in the home of Auber de la Chesnay.

10/10/1669 in Ste Famille, I.O., Adrien married Catherine. Both gave their origins. All parents named. Attending: Michel Isabelle – brother of Adrien, Antoine Casse.

5/5/1676, Adrien, age 45, died in Ste Famille.

11/4/1676 in Ste Famille, I.O., Catherine married widower Jean Bourassa, s/o Jacques. [3 children.]

1681 census of Comte de Levis; Jean 50, Catherine 40, Bourassa children: Francois 15, Pierre 14, Jean 10, Madeleine 8, Jeanne 11, Marie 9, Marie Anne 1; Catherine Isabelle 6.

3/12/1690, Catherine “Poixtevin”, age 46, resident of Levis, and of origin St Nicolas des Champs, Paris, in the “liste de malades” of Hotel Dieu de Quebec.

10/5/1701, Catherine named in the wedding document of her daughter Jeanne Bourassa to Louis Marchand in Pointe de Levy.

Child of Adrien and Catherine:

i. Marc Isabelle (1020), born 3/8/1674 in Ste Famille, I.O., Canada.
